
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.05.26





【Alex】So what’s the most interesting place in Japan you’ve visited so far?

【CJ】Good question. Interesting question.

【Alex】Yeah. And how long have you been in Japan, just as a side question?

【CJ】I—I’ve only been here as—as a resident…

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】…for two years. But…

【Alex】Ah, I see. I see.

【CJ】…yeah. But I’ve been visiting…I’ve visited the country every year since 2007, except for one.

【Alex】Oh, wow!

【CJ】Yeah, except one year: 2010.


【CJ】So, yeah. I would say my favorite place would be in Fukuoka, or at least—or at least in that vicinity…in that area. There was a—I don’t know the exact name—but it was a waterless garden…

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】…is what my friend called it. Elder…he was probably in his 60s or so. Relatively young man—young person. But anyway, he took us—me and my buddy, my friend—to this waterless garden. And it’s that typical, you know…that scene that you see anime where it’s a wide-open…not a—not a castle. I don’t know what to call…looked like…looked more like a dojo.

【Alex】Ah, I see.

【CJ】You know, this room. Yeah very wide room, very empty. You know, it had the windows open.

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】And, you know, you’re walking through this place and you get to this room. It’s got tatami mats all the way across. Really…really nice room. And you sit and, you know, he said that the—the…what was it? The samurai would sit there before battle and meditate.

【Alex】Oh, whoa.

【CJ】Yeah, and so forth.


【CJ】And of course, you’ve got the small rocks representing the water. The moss was representing the land. And then the larger rocks representing mountains, I think it was.

【Alex】That is so…

【CJ】We just sat there. Yeah, he told us, “Sit down.” “Okay, we’ll sit down.” You know? And we’re—this is our first trip to Japan.


【CJ】We’re really soaking it in and absorbing everything. And we’re just looking out. You know, we’re not meditating about battle or anything. But you know, just…

【Alex】Right, right. (laughs) I hope not!

【CJ】Yeah, right. Nothing like that. Probably meditating what we’re going to eat for the evening, you know? But yeah, just…it was really cool. It was really cool.


【CJ】I actually asked him to take us back in a later visit some years later. But it was…it probably was one of the coolest places.

【Alex】That is really cool.

【CJ】Yeah, it was—it was nice.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How long has CJ been a resident in Japan?
  2. What city did CJ name as his favorite in Japan that he’s visited so far?
  3. What did CJ’s friend say that samurai used to do in the building they visited?



  1. He’s been a resident in Japan for 2 years as of this podcast.
  2. His favorite city in Japan so far was Fukuoka.
  3. He said samurai used to meditate in that building before going to battle.



Alex and CJ continue their discussion of Japan-related topics by talking about their favorite places in Japan. CJ has only been living in Japan as a resident for two years, but has visited the country every year since 2007 except for 2010.

So far, CJ’s favorite place in Japan is Fukuoka. In or around the area of Fukuoka, on CJ’s first trip to Japan, a Japanese friend of CJ’s took him and another friend to a place that CJ remembers very well.

It was a waterless garden that surrounded a building that resembled a dojo. CJ said the place was similar to imagery commonly found in anime.

CJ’s friend took them inside the dojo-like building, which had traditional architecture and tatami mats across the floor. His friend also said that in this building, samurai used to sit on the tatami mats and meditate prior to going to battle.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) In the vicinity(〜の近くに)

vicinityは「近く」や「周辺」を意味する単語です。特にある場所や地点の近くや周囲を表す時に使われ、一般的に“in the vicinity(〜の近くに)”の形で使われます。例えば、「あの周辺に良いレストランがたくさんある」は“There are great restaurants in that vicinity.”、「ホテルの周辺には良いレストランがたくさんある」は “There are great restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel.”と表現します。

  • There are a few Japanese restaurants in the vicinity.
  • There are many parks in the vicinity of the hotel.
  • Are there any convenience stores in the vicinity?

2) Wide-open(広々とした)

wideは「広い」、openは「開いている」を意味することから、wide-openは「広々とした」を意味します。ある場所やスペースが広々としていることを表し、例えば、家具がほとんどない広々としたオフィスを、“wide-open office”と言います。

その他、ドアや窓などが完全に開いていることも表し、例えば、「ドアが完全に開いてる」は“The door is wide-open.”と言います。

  • He lives in a beautiful home with a wide-open kitchen space.
  • Not only did I forget to lock the door, but also left it wide open.
  • Tom fell asleep with his mouth wide open.

3) Soak in(味わう)

soak inは本来、水などに浸かることを意味し、例えば「お風呂に浸かる」は“soak in a bath”と言います。しかし、日常会話では「味わう」や「楽しむ」の意味として使うこともできます。特に、ある環境で経験をじっくりと味わうニュアンスが込められています。例えば、部屋から海が見えるホテルに泊まった時に、“I soaked in the beautiful view of the ocean from my balcony.(バルコニーから見える美しい海の景色を満喫しました)”と言うことができます。

  • The Grand Canyon was beautiful, and I soaked in the breathtaking view.
  • I lived in the countryside for a year and soaked in the nature surrounding me.
  • I hung out at the beach and soaked in the sun.

4) Or anything(とかそういこと)

or anythingは「〜とかそういうこと」や「〜や何か」を意味し、一般的に文末で使われます。この表現は選択肢の範囲を広げる意味として使われ、述べたものだけでなく、それに関連した他のものを漠然と表す時に使われます。例えば、家に遊びに来た友達に「お茶か何か飲む?」と聞くときに、“Would you like tea or anything?”と言います。

  • Do you need help cleaning the house or anything?
  • I’m down for Japanese food, Korean food, Italian food, or anything.
  • I’m not worried or anything, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, right?

5) Take someone back somewhere(連れ戻す)

take someone back somewhereは人をある場所に連れ戻すことを意味します。例えば、ツアーが終わった後に、ツアーガイドがホテルまで連れて帰ってくれた場合、 “The tour guide took me back to my hotel.”と言います。

  • I wasn’t feeling well, and my friend took me back home.
  • Can you take me back to the restaurant? I think I left my wallet there.
  • That ramen shop was so good that I asked my friend to take me back the following day.



  • Relatively・・・比較的
  • Typical・・・代表的な
  • Meditate・・・瞑想する


  • So far・・・今のところ
  • As a side question・・・ところで
  • All the way across・・・一面に
  • And so forth・・・などなど
  • Look out・・・見渡す








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  1. Kae より:

    質問なのですが、wide-open の、ハイフンが、必要な場合と必要でない場合の違いはなんなのでしょうか、、?例文1がwide-openの理由はなんとなくわかるのですが、例文2,3が wide open となら使い分けが難しいです、、><

Kae へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


