
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.05.12





【Alex】What things inspire you on deciding where to travel?

【CJ】Oh, it’s a good question. Well, I—I try to put myself in a—in a place where…you know, I want to do something different. I want to see something different.

【Alex】Mm hm.

【CJ】You know?


【CJ】But at the same time, I don’t want to be in a situation where I can’t function. So I tend to pick places where I think I will be able to enjoy the food, enjoy the culture and not…


【CJ】…you know, I want to do something different but not so different that I don’t end up enjoying myself. So, yeah.

【Alex】Yes, yes. I can understand that. Yeah.

【CJ】That’s kind of—that’s kind of how I—how I do. What about you?

【Alex】Ah, so I tend to…I’m kind of a nerd, so I always want to learn something new and…so I tend to pick some place where I can learn something about, you know, the history, the culture, nature…yeah, so…and I…I also can relate, though, because I wouldn’t pick a place where I think I might starve to death because I wouldn’t be able to handle the food.

【CJ】(laughs) Right. Yeah.


【CJ】Yeah, right.

【Alex】And it’s kind of a long story why I chose Japan first.


【Alex】But, yeah. I really love the history and culture and language and everything here, so.


【Alex】I’m hoping that I can travel more in Japan and learn more—learn more about the different areas. I really want to go to Hiroshima and learn more about the history there. And Okinawa and study the fish more because I’m a fish nerd.

【CJ】There you go. Well…

【Alex】Yeah. (laughs)

【CJ】now that you mention it, you—you just mentioned something, though that I didn’t. When you asked the question, immediately I went to international travel, not necessarily…

【Alex】Oh, yeah, yeah. I guess…

【CJ】…internal, you know, within the country. You know, I can go anywhere. You know?

【Alex】Right, I didn’t think about local either. (laughs)

【CJ】Yeah, locally, no problem. But internationally…

【Alex】In America…yeah. Inside America, I always chose to visit family because they were in between two states. So it was always a family thing. Sometimes a nature thing. When I wanted to see a new area…


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What kind of places does CJ prefer to travel to?
  2. What two places in Japan does Alex want to travel to?
  3. How many American states are Alex’s family spread out across?



  1. He likes traveling to places where he knows he’ll be able to enjoy the food.
  2. She wants to travel to Hiroshima and Okinawa.
  3. Alex said her family is spread out across two American states.



Alex and CJ continue their discussion about traveling and experiencing different types of food. CJ starts by stating that while he likes exploring different places, he prefers places where he knows he’ll enjoy the food.

Alex describes herself as something of a nerd, so when traveling, she wants to find places where she can learn something new. That said, like CJ, she also wants to go to places where she knows she’ll enjoy the food.

Japan was the first country Alex visited outside of the U.S. She chose Japan because she loves the history, culture, and language. Within Japan, she really wants to visit Hiroshima and Okinawa.

Within the U.S., Alex enjoys traveling for the nature. She also has family spread out across two states, so she will sometimes travel to visit them.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Not function(機能できない)

functionは本来、テレビやパソコンなどの機器が「機能する」ことを表します。しかし日常会話では機器に限らず、「心身ともに機能する」という意味でも使われます。例えば、寝不足で頭が働かない時に“My brain is not functioning.”と言います。そのほか、“I can’t function without ~.”の組み合わせで使われることが多く、「〜なしではスイッチが入らない」を意味します。

  • I’m out of it today. My brain is not functioning.
  • I can’t function without coffee in the morning.
  • I can’t function properly without getting at least seven hours of sleep.

2) Nerd(オタク)

nerdは本来「オタク」や「マニア」を意味する表現で、一つのジャンルに非常に興味を持っていたり、特定の分野に限っては異常なほど詳しい人を指します。オタクっぽい人は“a nerdy person.”、「〜のオタク」は“~ nerd”と言います。

  • I was a nerdy kid growing up.
  • I’m a big nerd when it comes to fantasy novels.
  • My younger brother is a video game nerd.

3) Starve to death(お腹ぺこぺこ)

starve to deathは「餓死する」ことを意味します。文字通りの意味として使われることもありますが、日常会話ではすごくお腹が空いていることを強調する意味合いとして使われます。例えば、一日中何も食べていなくてお腹ぺこぺこの場合、“I’m starving to death.”と言います。多少大袈裟な表現の仕方なので、本当にお腹が空いている時に使うようにしましょう。

  • I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m starving to death.
  • Can we get dinner soon? I’m starving to death.
  • I might eat insects only if I were starving to death.

4) Handle(対処する)


  • How should we handle this situation?
  • My boss is great at handling customer complaints.
  • My body can’t handle oily foods anymore.

5) Now that you mention it(そういえば)

mentionは「述べる」を意味することから、now that you mention itは相手が何かを言った後に何かを思い出したり、何かに気づいた時に使われ、「そういえば」や「そう言われてみると」を意味します。例えば、同僚から“Isn’t our boss acting strangely today?(今日、社長の様子が変じゃない?)”と言われた後に、“Now that you mention it, he is acting a little different than usual.(言われてみれば、彼はいつもと少し様子が違うね)” と返事をすることができます。

  • Now that you mention it, I do vaguely remember meeting John.
  • Now that you mention it, she did seem under the weather.
  • Now that you mention it, I haven’t visited a non-English speaking country before.



  • Tend (to)・・・〜する傾向がある


  • End up・・・結局〜する
  • (It’s) A long story・・・話せば長くなる








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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