
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.03.10





【Elaina】Have you had any experiences of reverse culture shock?

【Lizzie】Yeah, especially coming back from two years in Japan. I arrived in the first American airport and the first thing I saw was this dude who was sitting with his legs wide open wearing, like shorts and a baseball cap. And he was eating pizza out of a box with his hands. So this sounds like normal—a normal thing for an American.


【Lizzie】But I was like, “How slovenly!”


【Lizzie】“How disgraceful! How can he be doing this in public?” Because when I was in the airport in Japan, everyone was wearing nice clothes, like suits and dresses.


【Lizzie】And the kids, you know, their mom would call them if they were running too wild. And…yeah. Just the level of casual clothing. The—like, not caring what other people think of you…that was a big shock to me coming back.

【Elaina】Yes. Oh yeah…

【Lizzie】Did you have anything like that?

【Elaina】Yes, definitely. On top of that…again, I know we’re Americans… (laughs)

【Lizzie】(laughs) We are?

【Elaina】Yes, surprisingly enough we still are. But I never realized how loud we were.

【Lizzie】Oh gosh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

【Elaina】Like, I could spot an American a mile away in Europe now…

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…and in Asia because we are so loud! Oh my gosh! I never realized how loud we were.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】And I was always told by my—by a lot of my relatives I was so quiet.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】I was a huge bookworm when I was younger and I just had no interest in screaming.

【Lizzie】Right. (laughs)

【Elaina】And no, I don’t get that reaction. I’ve been told to my face, “You’re very loud.”

【Lizzie】Mm hm. I can imagine.

【Elaina】Yeah. A woman told my husband before we got married, “Don’t marry her and don’t have babies with her because she’s very loud.”


【Elaina】That’s very nice. Thank you.

【Lizzie】Oh my goodness. Don’t want to have loud babies! That would definitely be the worst thing.

【Elaina】Oh God, blasphemy! (laughs) But yes. I never realized how loud we were.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Lizzie described a person she saw at an American airport. What did she describe about him?
  2. What trait can Elaina use to spot an American in a foreign country?
  3. What rude thing did someone tell Elaina’s future husband about her?



  1. She said this person was wearing shorts, baseball cap, and sitting with his legs wide open, something that shocked her upon returning from Japan.
  2. She says she can spot Americans abroad due to their loud voices.
  3. A woman rudely told Elaina’s future husband not to marry her because she was loud, something she was not known for being when she was young.



Elaina and Lizzie discuss their experiences with the phenomenon of “reverse culture shock,” a feeling of culture shock when returning to one’s native culture after living in a foreign culture for an extended time. Lizzie’s example involved behavior she witnessed at an American airport.

Upon landing and entering the airport, Lizzie noticed an American man wearing a baseball cap and shorts, sitting down with his legs wide open. She was shocked, as this was behavior she never saw in Japan, the country she was returning from.

Elaina commented on how over time, after living abroad for so long, she realized how loud most Americans are compared to people from other cultures. She feels like she can spot an American a mile away in a foreign culture just by how loud they are.

Growing up, Elaina was known in her family for being quiet and a bookworm. But in her adult years, a woman rudely told her future husband not to marry her because she thought Elaina was loud.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Run wild(暴れ回る)

直訳で「ワイルドに走る」となるこの表現は、人や動物が暴れ回ることを表します。特に、子どもが公共の場で暴れたり、走り回っているような場面を、“The kids are running wild.”と表現します。

また、自由に想像力をはたらせるような状況でも使われ、“Let one’s imagination run wild.(想像力を膨らませる)”と表現します。

  • I saw a bunch of chickens running wild in Hawaii.
  • There were many kids running wild at the restaurant.
  • Be creative and let your imagination run wild.

2) On top of that(それに加えて)

on top of thatは「それに加えて」や「その上」を意味する日常表現です。furthermoreやin additionと意味は同じですが、より口語的でカジュアルな響きがあります。一般的に文頭で使われ、on top of thatの後に追加の情報を入れて表現します。

  • It’s really hot today. On top of that, it’s humid.
  • She’s a talented musician. On top of that, she’s an all-around athlete.
  • The food was delicious in Thailand. On top of that, it was dirt cheap.

3) Spot(見つける)

spotは状況に応じて様々な意味を持つ単語ですが、今日の会話では何かを見つけたり、人や物に気づくという意味で用いられています。何かを見つけたり、何かに気づくという意味ではseeやnoticeと似た意味を持ちますが、spotは特に、見つけにくいものを見つけるというニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、混雑している場所で友達を見つけた時は、“I spotted John.(ジョンを見つけた)”と表現します。

ちなみに、今日の会話でエレーナが言っていた“I could spot an American a mile away.”は、「遠くでもアメリカ人を見つけることができる」を意味します。spot ~ a mile awayは、人やものがどれだけ遠くてもすぐに見つけることができることを意味する表現です。

  • If you spot a bathroom around here, let me know.
  • I spotted a coyote in my neighborhood last week.
  • Tom is so tall that you can spot him a mile away.

4) Bookworm(読書家)

日本語でも本が大好きな人のことを「本の虫」と表現しますが、英語では読書するのが大好きな人をbookwormといいます。例えば、「私は本が大好きです」は “I’m a bookworm.”と言います。

  • I’ve been a bookworm ever since I was a kid.
  • I’m a bookworm. I read four to five books a month.
  • She’s a bookworm and likes to spend her time reading books at a cafe.

5) Tell to someone’s face(人に面と向かって言う)

tell to someone’s faceは人に面と向かって、率直な意見や気持ちなど、何かを伝えることを意味します。特に、批判的なことや相手に言いづらいことをストレートに言うニュアンスが含まれます。実際に会って言うことがポイントで、日常会話ではtellの代わりにsayが使われることもあります。

  • If his attitude is bothering you so much, why don’t you just tell it to his face?
  • If you have something to say, say it to my face.
  • I’d never say it to his face, but he has bad breath.



  • Slovenly・・・だらしない
  • Disgraceful・・・みっともない
  • Blasphemy・・・神への冒涜


  • Surprisingly enough・・・驚いちゃうけど








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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