
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2023.02.10





【Lizzie】Can I ask you about bad advice that you received?

【Elaina】Yes. So I’ve actually received a lot…

【Lizzie】Oh no.

【Elaina】I mean, a lot of bad advice over the years. Oh yes. (laughs) Like one—some advice…I didn’t have health insurance and I got really ill when I was in the States.

【Lizzie】Oh my. Yeah.

【Elaina】And someone advised me to try taking fish antibiotics to get over the sickness. They said it would work for humans.

【Lizzie】So you mean antibiotics for fish, not like…

【Elaina】Yes, that you put…you would put in a fish tank.



【Lizzie】Oh, that’s so gross.

【Elaina】Thankfully, I was actually in the pet store. I’m not going to lie. I was there, looking at the fish antibiotics.


【Elaina】And thankfully, the intelligent part of my brain took over.

【Lizzie】Uh huh.

【Elaina】I was like, “This is not a good idea. Please don’t.” And I just flooded my system with water and stuff for, like three days. And then I was fine. But yes. I was about ready to buy fish antibiotics…


【Elaina】…from someone’s advice.

【Lizzie】Yeah, this is America, right? (laughs)

【Elaina】Uh huh. (laughs)


【Elaina】Yeah. I can see the understanding on your face.

【Lizzie】My health insurance was at $11 a month. Now it’s at $77, which I know is still pretty cheap.


【Lizzie】But I’m like, “It’s gone up seven times.” But…

【Elaina】Oh yeah. Oh, everything’s going up now. It’s—oh, it’s awful!

【Lizzie】Fortunately, I never had to buy fish antibiotics.

【Elaina】I’m so happy for you. Please don’t. Anybody listening, please do not take fish antibiotics. (laughs)


【Elaina】I’m begging you. Just go see a doctor.

【Lizzie】I hope that was the worst advice that you received.

【Elaina】No, no it wasn’t. Yeah, no. (laughs) And a lot of the advice I got actually were from some—I can’t talk—from some of my family members. And those family members would always say, “Blood is thicker than water.”


【Elaina】And, “Don’t burn your bridges.” Now I disagree a hundred percent with that because sometimes some family members are not good family members.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】And sometimes friends, like people you choose, are better family…


【Elaina】…than your actual family. Well, like I love my parents…

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…and my siblings and my close relatives, there are a lot of—I’m not going to lie—bad people in my family.

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】So I started ignoring the whole “blood is thicker than water” and yes, I did burn those bridges. And I had to learn that on my own because for a while I would do everything I could to make those people happy…

【Lizzie】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…because you’re supposed to keep all your family happy at all times.


【Elaina】Until I realized actually that doesn’t make me happy. So, no.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was Elaina recommended to take to help with her illness?
  2. What did Lizzie’s health insurance cost increase to?
  3. What common phrase did Elaina learn from her parents that she has since come to disregard?



  1. Someone recommended she take fish antibiotics.
  2. Her health insurance cost increased from $11/month to $77/month.
  3. Elaina learned “blood is thicker than water” from her parents, a phrase that she no longer believes in.
    エレーナは“blood is thicker than water(血は水より濃い)” を両親から学びましたが、もうこの格言を信じていません。



Elaina and Lizzie continue discussing bad advice they received from others throughout their lives. Elaina admits she’s received a great deal of bad advice from others in her life.

In particular, there was a time when Elaina was very ill and without health insurance in her past. Someone had suggested she take fish antibiotics to help treat her illness.

Elaina went into a pet store and almost bought fish antibiotics in response. But she ultimately decided against it and feels it was the wise decision.

Elaina also feels she has received bad advice from family. Her family imparted many common phrases to her, such as “blood is thicker than water.” But Elaina has found that many of her friends were more supportive of her than some people in her family, and that some of her family members were bad people. So she has come to ignore the phrase “blood is thicker than water.”


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) I’m not going to lie(正直言うと、ぶっちゃけ)

直訳で「嘘はつきません」となるこの表現は、「正直言うと」を意味し、響きは日本語の「ぶっちゃけ」とよく似ています。良い意味でも悪い意味でも、思っていることや感じていることを包み隠さず相手に率直に伝える状況で使われる、口語的でインフォーマルな表現です。to be honest や honestly の代わりに使うことができ、例えば、「ぶっちゃけ、もう新年の抱負を諦めちゃったよ」は “I’m not going to lie. I already gave up on my New Year’s resolutions.”と言います。

  • I’m not going to lie. I was on the verge of giving up.
  • I’m not going to lie. I got homesick during my first year abroad.
  • I’m not going to lie. Parenting has been a lot harder than I thought.

2) I’m begging you(お願いだから)

beg は「せがむ」や「懇願する」を意味することから、 “I’m begging you.”は誰かに強くお願いする状況で使われ、「お願いだから!」や「頼むから!」を意味します。例えば、お酒を飲んでいる友達が運転しようとした時に、 “I’m begging you. Don’t drive.(お願いだから運転しないで)”と言ったり、すごく忙しい相手に協力を求める時に、 “I’m begging you. Please help me out.(お願いです。助けてください)”という具合に使います。

  • I’m begging you. Don’t confront him. It’s not worth it.
  • I’m begging you. Let me borrow a thousand bucks. I promise I’ll pay you back.
  • Come to the party with me. I’m begging you. I don’t want to go alone.

3) Blood is thicker than water(血は水よりも濃い)

blood is thicker than waterは「血は水よりも濃い」を意味することわざです。家族や親戚など、身内の関係は他人との関係よりも強いということを意味し、血の繋がった身内の絆の濃さを表しています。

  • I don’t care how busy you are with work. Family always comes first. Blood is thicker than water.
    (どんなに仕事が忙しくても 家族は常に最優先しないと。血は水よりも濃いんだから)
  • No matter what, I’ve always got my siblings’ backs. Blood is thicker than water.
  • There is no one that I trust more than my parents. Blood is thicker than water.

4) Burn one’s bridges(関係を壊す)

直訳で「自分の橋を燃やす」となるこの表現は、元に戻れない状況を作ることを意味します。特に、プライベートや仕事の人間関係を壊してしまうニュアンスが含まれ、例えば、仕事を辞める前に上司や同僚たちに暴言を吐いたり、家族や友達との間に修復できないような事態を起こして人間関係を台無しにしてしまうような状況で使われます。「彼は同僚との関係を壊した」は“He burned his bridges with his coworkers.”、「関係を壊すな」は“Don’t burn your bridges.”と言います。

  • He burned his bridges with his boss by insulting her in front of everyone.
  • I know you’re upset with your coworkers, but don’t burn your bridges with them.
  • She regrets burning bridges with her high school friends.

5) At all times(いつも)

at all timesは「いつも」や「常に」を意味する表現です。alwaysやall the timeと意味はほぼ一緒ですが、at all timesは若干フォーマルな響きがあるように思います。at all timesは一般的に文末に使われ、例えば、「私はいつもマスクを持ち歩いています」は“I carry a mask at all times.”という具合に言います。

  • I carry my wallet, smartphone, and keys at all times.
  • When you go to Japan, you should keep a handkerchief handy at all times.
  • When you are traveling abroad, you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times.



  • Ill・・・病気
  • Antibiotics・・・抗生物質
  • Fish tank・・・魚飼育用の水槽
  • Gross・・・キモい
  • Awful・・・ひどい


  • Over the years・・・長い月日の中で
  • Get over・・・治る
  • My brain took over・・・思考が働いた








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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