
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.12.17






【Micah】And…yeah. It’s—it’s a really touchy, delicate subject to talk about, now especially. But, like the example you gave—that it’s become such a normal thing that people are so quick to say…

【Kara】Yes. (laughs)

【Micah】…to quote-unquote call to “cancel” someone.


【Micah】Yeah. But how do we—how do you, like balance it, then? You know?

【Kara】I think…

【Micah】That’s the big question and that’s the struggle, I guess. I don’t know.

【Kara】I think also it’s putting pressure on the audience to be smart…

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】…because if a clip is going around the internet, like a 3-second video clip of someone saying, “I hate…” blah blah blah—like a certain type of people…

【Micah】Right, right, right.

【Kara】It’s so easy to spread that around. But then if you watch for 10 more seconds, they say something else that will undo that.

【Micah】Right, right, right.

【Kara】So I think, like you have to be careful about, like what you’re consuming and making sure you’re getting the whole message because if someone’s going on a rant about how much they hate white people…


【Kara】…I’m going to need a little more context. Like, of course you can say the bad things, but then you can say, “Oh, that’s what someone who’s uneducated would say,” or, “That’s what someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about would say.”

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】So I definitely think being a smart audience member is important.

【Micah】I also think that there needs to be space and opportunity for remorse, you know?


【Micah】And people to, you know, feel remorse and do what they can to earn forgiveness. Whether that be, like donate to whatever cause that maybe they have harmed from whatever it is they said or did.


【Micah】But then there’s also, like that part of it—the freedom of speech part of it. Like, the offensive thing that is said versus, like actions.

【Kara】Yeah, yeah.

【Micah】You know, there’s, like the sexual assault stuff which is, like horrible. But then there’s actually, you know…people saying things that offend groups of people…

【Kara】Mm hm.

【Micah】…and then they get cancelled over that. So there’s—there’s lots of—there’s a whole spectrum of…


【Micah】…morality I guess that comes up now when it comes to cancel culture. So, yeah. We need some social scientists to get on this topic, for sure. (laughs)

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Kara thinks it’s important for audiences to be smart when consuming content and to be cautious of attempts to cancel people. Why?
  2. What does Micah think there needs to be space for in the culture?
  3. Who does Micah think should study the “cancel culture” topic further?



  1. She thinks audiences should investigate claims that someone famous has said or done something wrong, such as getting the full context of what they said or did, before passing judgment on them.
  2. He thinks there needs to be space and an opportunity for people accused of saying or doing something inappropriate to show remorse, apologize, and make amends before “cancelling” them.
  3. Micah thinks social scientists should study cancel culture and hopefully provide solutions to its problems.



Kara and Micah continue their discussion of “cancel culture” in the modern media landscape. Kara thinks that cancel culture puts a lot of pressure on audiences to consume their media intelligently.

Kara thinks it’s important for people to try to find the full context of someone’s words and actions before casting judgment on them. For example, if someone is quoted as saying something offensive, audiences should research the environment in which that comment was made, and if the person saying it made any additional remarks that clarified their meaning.

Micah thinks that there needs to be room in the cultural conversation around “cancelling” people for those accused of inappropriate comments or behavior to show remorse, apologize, and make amends for what they said or did. One way to do that Micah thinks is for the accused to donate to a cause that was harmed by what they did.

Finally, Micah thinks there’s a difference between what people say and what they actually do that needs to be taken into account. The entire subject of “cancel culture” is touchy and fraught with controversy, and both Micah and Kara think any solutions to its problems need to be handled delicately.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Touchy subject(センシティブな話題)

気を遣わなければならないようなセンシティブな話題を、英語でtouchy subjectと表します。touchyは人を怒らせたり、不愉快にさせることを意味し、日本語の「厄介な」や「デリケートな」に相当する単語です。アメリカでは、政治や宗教、人種差別や移民、体重や年齢に関する話題は、一般的にtouchy subjectと見なされています。subject以外にも、topicやmatter、issueなどが使われます。

  • Religion is a touchy subject you should avoid in small talk.
  • We’re dealing with a touchy situation right now.
  • I know people casually talk about weight in Japan, but it’s a touchy subject in the U.S.

2) Quick to(すぐに〜する)

quick toは「すぐに〜する」を意味する日常表現です。quick toの後には動詞がフォローし、例えば「すぐに行動する」は“quick to act”、「すぐに諦める」は“quick to give up”のように表現します。

  • He is always quick to make decisions.
  • Don’t be so quick to give up. Hang in there.
  • Stacey is quick to respond to emails. She usually gets back to you within 30 minutes.

3) Put pressure on(プレッシャーをかける)

put pressure onは「プレッシャーをかける」ことを意味する表現です。onの後には圧力をかける対象が入り、例えば「上司は私にプレッシャーをかけています」は“My boss is putting pressure on me.”と言います。上司が契約を結ぶようにプレッシャーをかけてくる場合は、“My boss is putting pressure on me to close the deal.”と言います。

  • It seems like the company is putting pressure on him to resign.
  • My parents are putting pressure on me to get married.
  • We need to put pressure on the school to do something about bullying.

4) Go on a rant(暴言を吐く)

rantは大声で怒りをあらわにした話し方をすることを意味し、特に理不尽な文句を言う意味合いがあります。rantは動詞と名詞、両方のパターンで使われますが、「不満をぶちまける」や「暴言を吐く」の意味で使う場合はgo on a rantがよく使われます。例えば、友達が仕事に関して不満をぶちまけた場合、“He went on a rant about work.”と言います。ここでは、“He ranted about work.”と言っても間違いではありません。

  • John went on a rant about inflation in the U.S.
  • Every now and then, he’ll get stressed out and go on a rant.
  • She went on a rant about how she’s fed up with her boyfriend.

5) Remorse(深い後悔、反省)

remorseは自分の行動や発言を深く後悔したり、別の結果を望む意味を持つ単語です。状況によっては日本語で「反省」と訳されることもあり、例えば、「彼は自分の行為に反省の色を示した」は“He showed remorse for his action.”、「彼は全く反省していない」は“He hasn’t shown remorse at all.”のように表し、show remorseやexpress remorseの組み合わせがよく使われます。その他、“He is remorseful.(彼は反省しています)”のように形容詞として使うこともできます。

  • ちなみに、商品を買った後に後悔する気持ちを“buyer’s remorse”と言います。
  • He apologized and showed remorse for his action.
  • I would forgive him if he showed remorse for what he did.
  • I shouldn’t have bought this coffee table. I have buyer’s remorse.



  • Clip・・・動画
  • Undo・・・取り消す
  • Uneducated・・・教養のない
  • Offend・・・人を怒らせる


  • Blah blah blah・・・などなど



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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