
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.11.25





【Micah】But I think this question…I think it’s important to try to distinguish the difference between confidence and arrogance, you know?


【Micah】Because I think these are two very different things but also subtly different sometimes. A lot of times, people mistake arrogance for being confident.

【Kara】Mm hm.

【Micah】You know? Or confidence for being arrogant. And I think it’s not…arrogance is—so confidence would be like the trait that involves being…positively expressing your—your abilities and using them to, like help other people.


【Micah】Whereas arrogance is more, like boasting

【Kara】Mm hm.


【Kara】“I’m perfect.”

【Micah】Yeah, and “I’m better than you” sort of thing.


【Micah】So that I don’t think is a good thing, and it should not be celebrated in the United States. It basically just means you’re an a-hole. (laughs) Like…


【Micah】But…yeah, I think…I think confidence when it comes to job interviews and things is more…it’s more expected for you to talk about your…what your—your strong points, you know?


【Micah】And what you’re good at doing rather than being humble in those situations, so…yeah. What are—what are some situations in the U.S. do you think that it would be appropriate to be humble?

【Kara】I guess…I actually was…this came up recently in my life where I was teaching English speakers from Italy.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】And they were saying when they were out in public, someone complimented them or said, like, “I like your shirt.”


【Kara】Or, “I like your hair.” And they didn’t know what to do.


【Kara】Like, do you say, “thank you”?


【Kara】Do you say, “I like my hair too”?

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】So I think in those kind of situations—and I always do that too. If someone says, like, “Oh, I love your dress.” I’m like…

【Micah】It’s like, “Oh, I got this at the thrift store.”

【Kara】Yeah. (laughs) Because you don’t want to seem rude about it and kind of…

【Micah】Right. You don’t want to say, like, “No, your taste sucks, actually.”

【Kara】Yeah, yeah, exactly. You don’t want someone to expect you to respond, like, “Oh yeah, of course you should.”

【Micah】Right, right.

【Kara】Yeah, I always struggle with that. Or when someone says, like, “Oh, you’re so pretty.” It’s like…

【Micah】Right. Do I say “thank you”?

【Kara】I don’t know.

【Micah】Do I say “no,” “shucks,” “quit it, you”?

【Kara】Yeah, exactly, exactly. So I—I feel like it’s always a bit of a struggle in that sense.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is one environment in which confidence is positive or expected, according to Micah?
  2. Kara once taught English to people from a country outside of the United States. What country was that?
  3. Why is it difficult for Kara to respond when someone compliments her?



  1. Micah believes a job interview is a situation in which confidence is expected and a good thing.
  2. She once taught English to English learners from Italy.
  3. She doesn’t know if she should respond with gratitude or brute honesty.



Kara and Micah continue their discussion of confidence and humility. This time they focus on the difference between confidence and arrogance.

Micah thinks that the difference between confidence and arrogance is subtle, but nevertheless important. Confidence he believes is the ability to express one’s positive attributes in a constructive way while using those good qualities to help others.

Arrogance, on the other hand, Micah believes is boastfulness and being inconsiderate of and acting superior to others. While Micah thinks confidence shouldn’t be celebrated in the U.S., healthy confidence is a good thing, especially in settings like job interviews.

On the subject of humility, Kara mentions that some of her English students, who were Italian in nationality, struggled with how to respond to compliments from strangers. Kara herself struggles with this and isn’t sure if she should respond with gratitude or matter-of-fact honesty, such as admitting that dress someone complimented her on isn’t actually an outfit she regards very highly.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Distinguish(区別する)

distinguishは二つの異なるものの違いが分かったり、区別することを意味します。例えば、「私は安いワインと高いワインの違いが分かる」は“I can distinguish between cheap and expensive wine.”と言います。今日の会話でマイカは“distinguish the difference between ~”と言っていますが、日常会話では“distinguish the difference between ~”と“distinguish between ~”のどちらを使っても大きな違いはありません。

この表現は“tell the difference between”と意味は同じですが、“tell the difference between”の方がより口語的でインフォーマルな響きがあります。

  • Can you distinguish the difference between Asahi and Sapporo?
  • Those dogs look identical. How do you distinguish between the two?
  • I can’t distinguish between the pronunciation of “can” and “can’t.” They both sound the same to me.

2) Boast(自慢する)


  • She boasts about her kids all the time. She’s very proud of them.
  • He boasted about his new car the whole night.
  • Lisa boasted to her friends about her son getting into Tokyo University.

3) A-hole(嫌なやつ)


  • Don’t be such an a-hole. Apologize to her.
  • I can’t believe he said that to you. He’s such an a-hole.
  • He’s a very blunt person, and sometimes he can be an a-hole.

4) Strong point(長所)

直訳で「強い点」となるこの表現は、人の長所や強みを意味します。例えば、「彼の強みはコミュニケーション力です」は“His strong point is his communication skills.”と言います。逆に短所や弱みは、weak pointと言います。

  • I’d say my strong points are patience and persistence.
  • What are your strong points and weak points?
  • Public speaking is definitely one of her strong points.

5) Taste(センス)

tasteは本来「味」を意味しますが、「趣味」や「好み」という意味もあり、何かに対して見る目があったり、センスがある事を表す状況で使われます。「〜のセンスが良い」は“have good taste in ~”、「〜のセンスがない」は“have bad taste in ~”、「〜のセンスが全くない」は“have no taste in ~”と言います。

  • I really like your taste in music. Can you share me your playlist?
  • Tony has good taste in fashion. He’s always looking dapper.
  • You thought this movie was funny? You have no taste in movies.



  • Arrogance・・・傲慢
  • Subtly・・・あいまいな
  • Trait・・・特徴
  • Whereas・・・一方で
  • Celebrated・・・称賛される


  • Sort of thing・・・みたいな
  • Trift store・・・リサイクルショップ



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. mariko より:

    arroganceの話なのに、eleganceだと思って聞いていました(汗) I wish I could distinguish between arrogance and elegance pronunciation-wise!!

  2. Tak より:


    Thank you for your wonderful lesson, Sir.
    By the way, I found a typo in the “Expressions” section.
    Currently “Trift store” is in the list, but I believe the correct spelling is “Thrift store”.
    I hope my comment can be a help for you.


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