
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.10.21





【Kara】How did you celebrate Halloween as a kid—as a child?

【Micah】Oh my goodness. So my mom is—has always sewn clothes and things. So she was always responsible for making my costume. So I remember my first Halloween costume, I was a tyrannosaurus rex.


【Micah】And I have this memory of wearing—I was so excited to be a dinosaur because, you know, at 4-years-old, what else is there in the world?


【Micah】What’s more important than a dinosaur? But I remember being so excited to wear it. But the way that she made the head was like…it made it—it was difficult for me to breathe.


【Micah】 And so, like I just cried. And I was like, “I don’t want to be a dinosaur anymore!” But yeah. So, that’s a fun little memory. But yeah. So we—we dress up, right? On the 31st is—is when Halloween is and then usually, like right when the sun is starting to go down, we get a little bag, whether it be pillowcase—I usually go for the pillowcase because you can fit a lot of candy in there.


【Micah】With the pillowcase, with the…when you’re really young, you have your mom or dad following you…your siblings…you all go door-to-door, knock-knock-knock, “Trick or treat!” You know, of course they’re going to—who does “trick?” Nobody does “trick.”

【Kara】Happened to me a couple of times.

【Micah】Oh yeah? They said…

【Kara】But then they gave me candy.

【Micah】Oh, okay. They psyched you out there.


【Micah】I see, I see.

【Kara】Or they would tell, like a joke or something.

【Micah】I see.

【Kara】They’d be like, “tricked you!” It’s like, “All right, listen, sir.” Like, “I did not get all dressed up for a joke.” Like… (laughs)

【Micah】And then you have those houses—like, so you go door-to-door, you knock and you get the candy. But then sometimes you have a house that has, like no decorations. You’re not sure…


【Micah】…if that’s a house that you can go to, but then you have the opposite of that where you have a house where the person went completely all-out.


【Micah】Covered in spider webs and skeletons and, like a weird robotic ghoul that screams at you when you get close or something like that.


【Micah】Like…yeah. And watching the kids, like build up the confidence

【Kara】Right, right.

【Micah】They want the candy. And, like running up to the door. I have memories like that as well. I don’t know—Halloween’s different for the different stages of life. Like, it’s different for when you’re a teenager as well and it’s different for when you’re…

【Kara】Mm hm.

【Micah】…when you’re an adult, right? I think when you’re a teenager it’s more of the “trick” stuff.

【Kara】I…I can’t remember what age I stopped going trick-or-treating, to be honest.

【Micah】Mm hm, right.

【Kara】And now, it is so different. Now it’s, like mostly “trunk or treat,” where parents will pull up to a parking lot, open their trunks that are decorated…


【Kara】…and there’s candy, just because of COVID and safety reasons.

【Micah】Oh, okay. Interesting.

【Kara】So door-to-door has definitely changed so much because we couldn’t do it for a few years.

【Micah】Right, right.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was Micah’s first Halloween costume and who made it for him?
  2. What did Micah usually use for his candy bag on Halloween?
  3. What variation of “trick-or-treat” does Kara mention in this episode?



  1. His first costume was a tyrannosaurus rex, a costume his mother made for him.
  2. He usually used a pillowcase for his candy bag.
  3. She describes a new style of trick-or-treat called “trunk-or-treat” that became common during COVID.



Continuing their discussion of the fall season, Kara and Micah discuss their memories of Halloween growing up. Micah’s first Halloween costume was of a tyrannosaurus rex.

Micah’s mother hand-made this costume for him and he was excited to wear it. However, he struggled to breathe while in it and told his mom he didn’t want to go as a dinosaur anymore.

Micah usually used a pillowcase for his candy bag because it was able to hold a lot of candy. When trick-or-treating, Kara had a few houses respond with “trick,” usually telling her a joke, and following that up by giving out candy.

Kara and Micah both recall some houses that were elaborate in their Halloween decorations and often scared the children who were approaching them. Kara also described a new form of trick-or-treating that emerged during COVID called “trunk-or-treat” which involved people decorating their car trunks in parking lots.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Fit(ぴったり合う)

fitは形や大きさがぴったり合うことを意味する単語です。特に洋服や靴のサイズが合ったり、合わなかった時に使われ、例えば、パンツが小さすぎて合わない場合は “These pants don’t fit me.”と言います。ぴったり合うことを強調したい場合は“~ fits perfectly”、しっくり合う場合は“~ fits nicely.”と言います。ちなみに、状況によっては洋服が「似合う」意味でも使われます。

  • I think I put on a little weight over the summer. These jeans don’t fit.
  • This jacket is really comfortable, and it fits perfectly.
  • That suit fits you nicely. It looks great on you.

2) Go door-to-door(戸別訪問する)


  • On Halloween, kids get dressed up and go door-to-door to trick-or-treat.
  • Let’s go door-to-door and ask if anyone has seen your dog.
  • My first job was as a door-to-door salesman, selling heaters to residents.

3) Psych someone out(人を騙す)

psychはpsychologyの略で、本来は「精神心理」を意味する言葉として使われます。psych outは人を怯えさせたり、自信を喪失させる意味を持ちますが、今日の会話で使われたように冗談の意味を込めて人を騙すスラングとしても使われます。人を騙す意味として使う場合は、「冗談だよ」のような意味合いになり、 “I’m joking.”や “I’m kidding.”の代わりに使われることが多いです。特に子どもやティーンエージャーが冗談を言う時に使うイメージがあり、冗談を言った後に、 “Psych!”と一言で表すことが多いです。

ちなみに、psych myself outには何かについて考え過ぎて異常に心配し始める意味合いがあり、ネガティブな思考で自分を追い込み、失敗を招くような精神状態になることを意味します。

  • Mike Tyson was the master at psyching out his opponents.
  • I was so nervous about the presentation that I psyched myself out.
  • Psych! You know I wouldn’t do such a thing.

4) Go all out(全力を尽くす)

go all outは、ある事柄に向けて自分が持つ全ての力を出し尽くすことを意味し、「全力を尽くす」や「本気を出す」という意味で使われます。TOEIC試験や大学入試に向けて全力で努力したり、仕事やプロジェクトに全力を尽くしたり、スポーツの試合で本気を出すような状況で使われ、その場合は“I’m going to go all out.(全力を尽くします)”と表現します。

その他、今日の会話のように、ハロウィンのために家を盛大に飾り立てる様子を表す場合にも使われ、「この家は飾り付けに全力を注いだ」は“This house went all out.”のように表現します。

  • We went all out last night and pulled an all-nighter.
  • Every year, he goes all out decorating his house for Halloween.
  • Let’s go all out and throw a really big international exchange event.

5) Pull up(車を止める)

pull upは「車を止める」ことを意味します。特に、一時的に車を止める意味合いで使われるため、車を駐車する場合はparkを使いましょう。この表現は、馬に乗っている人が手綱をグイっと引いて馬を停止させることから由来しています。例えば、「あそこに(車を)止めて」と言う場合は“Pull up right there.”と表現します。

  • Can you pull up behind that red car?
  • I’m going to pull up next to that building and check for directions.
  • When the Uber pulls up, make sure you check the license number before you hop in.



  • Sew・・・縫い物をする
  • Tyrannosaurus rex・・・ティラノサウルス・レックス
  • Ghoul・・・食屍鬼、悪霊


  • Dress up・・・仮装する
  • Sun goes down・・・日が沈む
  • Build up confidence・・・自信をつける



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





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