
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.10.14





【Kara】What is your favorite fall food or activity? I know a lot of different ones in America.

【Micah】Okay. Well, I’m going to answer first and then I’m going to shoot it back to you.


【Micah】I’ll start out with food. I’ll have to go with pumpkin pie. I’m a big fan of the pumpkin pie. Especially with whipped cream, I do not do pumpkin pie without whipped cream. I don’t know. What about you? Where are you at with that?

【Kara】I love vanilla ice cream on the side.


【Kara】Some à la mode.

【Micah】Deluxe, fancy. I like it. I like it.


【Micah】Nice. Yeah, so pumpkin pie for me. Of course, you think of turkey and stuff for Thanksgiving but I’m not huge on turkey. I mean, I’ll eat it. It’s fine. You know, it’s just part of tradition but, like I’m not crazy about it.


【Micah】But as far as activities go, Halloween.


【Micah】It’s my favorite holiday of the year. It’s so fun. Even as an adult. I have great memories as a kid of dressing up and going to parties as an adult, dressing up is really fun. Unfortunately we haven’t really been able to do it because of the past couple years because of COVID and whatnot.


【Micah】But, you know. It’s always great to—because when you’re an adult, when you dress up, you—you…more—you come up with more creative ideas of your character. You can always go with, like some niche subculture character.
Whatever is in the pop culture, like…I’m sure last year, people who did go, probably there was, like Squid Game…a lot of Squid Game costumes probably out there, I’d imagine. Yeah, but those are probably my—my two big things: favorite fall food and activity, yeah. What about you, Kara?

【Kara】I love any fall food. You brought up pies, which—I live near a few bakeries. Bakeries are very famous in New Jersey.


【Kara】So there’s apple pie, pumpkin pie, rhubarb pie…there’s so many baked goods this time of the year. And activities, like you said, Halloween has always been my favorite. My mom actually sews. She’s an incredible seamstress.

【Micah】Same. My mom made all my costumes. (laughs)

【Kara】Me too. And now she’s making all the costumes for my nieces and nephews.


【Kara】And it’s so funny to see them get this invested in it.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】And also to have something that’s physically yours.


【Kara】Like, it was made just for you, belongs to…

【Micah】Yeah, exactly. And you can make requests, right? Make requests to nana what—what you want to be. And it was like, “Okay, here we go.”

【Kara】Exactly, exactly. And I always remember just like…I don’t know, pride I guess. That might be the wrong word.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】But pride, knowing that…

【Micah】Sure, sure. Yours is unique. It’s not store-bought. I—I remember that feeling.


【Micah】Like, “Hey guys, yeah, I know, you’re a Ninja Turtle, but guess what? I’m a Ninja Turtle too. Check out my costume.”

【Kara】Mine fits and mine’s cool. (laughs)

【Micah】(laughs) It’s next level.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What topping will Micah not eat pumpkin pie without?
  2. What recently popular show does Micah think inspired many people’s Halloween costumes in recent years?
  3. What did Micah’s mom do for him each Halloween growing up?



  1. He will not eat pumpkin pie without whipped cream.
  2. He thinks the popular show Squid Game likely influenced many adult Halloween costumes in recent years.
  3. While growing up, Micah’s mom hand-made all of his costumes.



Kara and Micah continue their discussion of the season of fall and its holidays. In terms of food associated with the season, Micah particularly enjoys pumpkin pie.

However, Micah will not eat pumpkin pie without whipped cream. Though turkey is a symbol of the season and a traditional fall food in the United States and Canada, Micah is not as enthusiastic about it as others.

Micah’s favorite holiday of the year is Halloween. He feels that as an adult, a person can dress up as a character from a niche part of pop culture. For example, Micah thinks the recently popular Squid Game show probably inspired many adult Halloween costumes.

Both Micah and Kara’s mothers made them personalized Halloween costumes growing up, as they were both skilled seamstresses. For Kara, having her own custom-made costume from her mother gave her a sense of pride on Halloween in her childhood.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Shoot back(〜を返す)

直訳で「撃ち返す」となるこの表現は、すぐに返信をしたり、質問されたことを相手に聞き返したりすることを意味し、すぐに返すことがポイントです。例えば今日の会話でマイカは、“ I’m going to answer first, and then I’m going to shoot it back to you.”と言っていますが、これは「まずその質問に答えて、同じ質問をあなたに返します」を意味します。その他、すぐにメールの返信をする場合、“shoot back an email”のように表現することができます。

  • Let me shoot it back to you. What is your favorite fall food?
  • He responds right away. He’ll shoot back a response within 15 minutes.
  • If you have any questions, feel free to shoot back an email.

2) Go with(〜にする)

go withは複数の選択肢の中から何かを選ぶことを意味します。chooseやpickと意味は似ていますが、より口語的な響きがあります。例えば、ミーティングで色々な意見が提案されている中、「あなたのアイデアで行きましょう」と言う場合は、“Let’s go with your idea.”と言います。

今日の会話で一番好きな秋の食べ物は何かと聞かれたマイカは、美味しい食べ物がたくさんある中で、“I’ll have to go with pumpkin pie.”と返答しました。have toを加えることによって、「せざるを得ない」のようなニュアンスになります。

  • I like the blue logo. Let’s go with that one.
  • If you are looking for a reliable car, you should go with a Toyota.
  • I see where you’re coming from, but I have to go with Lisa on this one.

3) I’m not huge on(〜があまり好きでない)

be huge on ~はbe big on ~と同じ意味で、 食べ物や音楽が大好きだったり、歴史や芸術などにとても「興味がある」「関心がある」ことを意味します。否定形の“I’m not huge/big on”は「~はあまり好きではない」となり、意味は“I don’t like”と似ていますが、何かが好きではないことを遠回しに伝えるときに使える便利な言い回しです。

今日の会話のように、bigの代わりにhugeを使ってもOKで、例えば、「彼はアニメが大好きです」は“He is big/huge on anime.”、「私はアニメがあまり好きではない」は“I’m not big/huge on anime.”のように表現します。

  • Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been big on sports.
  • I’m not big on video games. It’s just not my thing.
  • To be honest, I’m not huge on sushi. I’ll eat it, but I can’t say I enjoy it.

4) Dress up(仮装する、正装する)

dress upは、「仮装する」や「正装する」を意味し、状況に応じた相応しい格好をする意味としてよく使われます。ハロウィンで仮装する場合は、“I’m going to dress up for Halloween.”、フォーマルなイベントで正装しないといけない場合は、“I have to dress up for this event.”と言います。

ちなみに、ハロウィンで「〜に仮装する」は“dress up as ~”と表現し、例えば、「私はスパイダーマンに仮装します」は“I’m going to dress up as Spiderman.”と言います。

  • Are you going to dress up for Halloween this year?
  • I’m thinking of dressing up as Colonel Sanders this year.
  • It’s a formal party. Make sure you dress up.

5) Nana(おばあちゃん)


  • My son loves his nana.
  • My kids call their grandma, nana, and their grandpa, grampy.
  • The kids got excited when nana and gramps showed up.



  • Baked goods・・・焼き菓子
  • Seamstress・・・裁縫師


  • Start out with・・・〜から始める
  • A big fan of・・・〜が大好き
  • à la mode・・・アラモード風の
  • I’m not crazy about・・・〜があまり好きでない
  • And what not・・・〜など
  • Come up with・・・考えだす
  • Bring up・・・話を持ち出す



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





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  1. Tak より:


    ところで、Micahが言った「But as far as activities go, Halloween.」のgoの意味は何でしょうか?

    • masa より:

      as far as ~go/goes

      • Tak より:

        as far asと組み合わさった意味なんですね。

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