
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.09.30





【Kara】I also love…a lot of American—important American history takes place in the fall like Thanksgiving…

【Micah】Right, mm hm.

【Kara】…the pilgrims, the native Americans—so there’s a lot of interesting things to talk about. I work in public schools in America.

【Micah】Mm hm.

【Kara】And so I always love, like the crafts and the projects that my students do at this time. And Halloween is always so fun too because it’s not religious so everyone can celebrate it.


【Kara】The school…

【Micah】Do you get a lot of hand turkeys at school?

【Kara】I have too many hand turkeys for my liking. I don’t want anymore.

【Micah】That’s, like the go-to craft, right? At school…

【Kara】I hate hand turkeys…

【Micah】…during Thanksgiving. You hate them? (laughs)

【Kara】Yes, I’m done with hand turkeys.

【Micah】I bet you you’re probably a pro at making hand turkeys at this point.

【Kara】Could do it in my sleep. (laughs)

【Micah】(laughs) Awesome. Well, one of my favorite things about the fall season is what I think of—some images—of course the fall leaves, but I remember as a kid, raking the yard

【Kara】Oh yeah.

【Micah】…into big piles of leaves and jumping in.

【Kara】Yeah! Always.

【Micah】I mean, you still do that as an adult, or…?

【Kara】I have these…

【Micah】It’s okay. It’s not—no judgment.

【Kara】Okay. I only found this out recently. I’m allergic to leaves.

【Micah】Oh, no!

【Kara】Isn’t that so stupid?

【Micah】I didn’t even know that was a thing.

【Kara】I know! (laughs) I think I’m, like the only person alive who’s, like allergic to leaves. But…

【Micah】You found that out when jumping into a pile of leaves I—I guess.

【Kara】Yeah, yeah.

【Micah】Oh, really? Oh, wow.

【Kara】Yes, I—I was walking to make a presentation when I was in graduate school and a leaf—a wet leaf hit me in the face and I had contact dermatitis in the shape of a leaf.

【Micah】Oh no! (laughs)

【Kara】Yeah, it was comical and terrible. But…

【Micah】Wow. Sounds traumatizing.

【Kara】It was. Yeah, it was. I had to undergo allergy testing recently.

【Micah】Oh jeez.

【Kara】Yeah, I had weird complications after COVID with my skin, ironically.


【Kara】And…yeah. They were like, “You’re the only person who’s ever come up allergic to the leaf.” (laughs) It was like, “That’s me.”

【Micah】It’s the first time I’ve heard of it. I didn’t know, like after COVID that there was that sort of thing that happens where…is that a thing? Where, like allergies you didn’t know about start to…

【Kara】So when I had COVID, I had it April 2020. So very early. All I had was a gigantic skin rash.

【Micah】I see.

【Kara】I was itchy. I was bright red. It almost looked like chicken pox. No fever. Nothing. And after that I actually had new allergies to my skin.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What Thanksgiving-themed craft project does Kara hate?
  2. What allergy did Kara discover she had related to the season of fall?
  3. How did Kara discover this new allergy?



  1. She hates “hand turkeys.”
  2. She discovered she was allergic to fall leaves.
  3. While in graduate school, an autumn leaf fell on her and touched her skin. After, she experienced contact dermatitis in the shape of a leaf.



Kara and Micah continue their discussion of the season of fall in this episode. Additional reasons Kara enjoys the fall are because of the history associated with it in America and the arts and crafts she sees her students make during the season.

Despite this, Kara has grown tired of the popular “hand turkey” craft students make during the fall season in America. She says she’s seen and made so many she could make them in her sleep.

Micah associates the practice of raking fallen leaves together into a pile and jumping into the pile with the season of fall. In response, Kara described how she learned she had become allergic to fall leaves.

While in graduate school, Kara was walking to make a presentation and a leaf fell and landed on her skin. Afterwards, she discovered she had contact dermatitis in the shape of a leaf. This was a new allergy she had developed after contracting COVID-19.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Take place(〜が起こる、行われる)

ミーティングやイベントをはじめ、様々な出来事が起こることをtake placeと言います。 一般的には、あらかじめ計画されていたことや企画されていたことが行われる状況で使われ、例えば「イベントは金曜日に行われます」は“The event will take place on Friday.”と言います。happenやoccurと同じ意味ですが、より口語的な表現です。ちなみに、事故や事件などが起こる時にもこの表現が使われます。

  • The music festival will take place this weekend.
  • The next World Expo will take place in Osaka, Japan.
  • When and where is the event going to take place?

2) For one’s liking(私の好みには〜)

likingは「好み」を意味することから、for one’s likingは「私の好みには〜」を意味します。likingは preferenceと同じ意味合いを持ちますが、likingにはより口語的な響きがあります。この表現は一般的に“~ is too ~ for my liking.”の組み合わせで使われ、「私の好みには〜すぎる」を意味します。例えば、「このケーキは私には甘すぎる」は“This cake is too sweet for my liking.”、「ここは私には混雑しすぎている」は“This is too crowded for my liking.”という具合に言います。

  • This curry is too spicy for my liking.
  • Thailand is a great country, but it’s too humid for my liking.
  • I left the bar because it was too loud for my liking.

3) Be done with ~(〜はうんざり)

本来、be done withは「〜を終える」を意味し、仕事や宿題、掃除などが終わった時に使われます。日常会話では、面倒なことをもうやりたくなかったり、ある問題についてもう考えたくなかったりなど、何かにうんざりしている状況でも使われます。例えば、今日の会話でケーラは“I’m done with hand turkeys.”と言っていますが、彼女はこれまで学校でハンドターキーをあまりにもたくさん作り、もううんざりしている気持ちを示しています。

be done with someoneのように人に対して使うこともでき、愚痴ばかりこぼす人や問題ばかり起こす人と「もうあなたと話したくない」、「関わりたくない」と言いたい時に、“I’m done with you.”と言います。本当に苛立っている状況では「関係を断つ」意味でも使われます。

  • I can’t put up with this issue anymore. I’m done with it.
  • I’m done with the jam-packed trains. I’m going to start riding my bike to work.
  • All he does is complain. I’m done with that guy.

4) Do something in one’s sleep(楽勝)

直訳で「寝ながらでもできる」となるこの表現は、何かが楽勝だったり、何かをすることが余裕であることを意味します。特に、得意なことだったり、これまで何度も繰り返してやってきたことに対して使われ、考えなくてもできるニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、これまで何度も作ったレシピについて“I could do it in my sleep.”と言うと、「レシピがなくても作れるよ、簡単だよ」という意味合いになります。

ちなみに、この表現は必ず“I could do ~ in one’s sleep.”の形で使われます。「〜は簡単だった」を“I did it in my sleep.”のように表現することはできないので、使い方には気をつけましょう。

  • I’ve been snowboarding my whole life. I could do it in my sleep.
  • I’ve done this presentation so many times, I could do it in my sleep.
  • Playing guitar is second nature to me. I could do it in my sleep.

5) Gigantic(巨大な)

giganticは「巨大な」を意味します。bigやhugeよりさらに大きい意味合いがあり、とてつもなく大きいことを強調する表現です。例えば、「巨大なビル」は“gigantic building”、「巨大な熊」は“gigantic bear”のように言います。

  • I ate a gigantic steak in LA.
  • Look, there’s a gigantic spider right there.
  • You wear size 15? You have gigantic feet!



  • Pilgrims・・・ピルグリム
  • Craft・・・工作
  • Allergic・・・アレルギー体質の
  • Undergo・・・(治療や検査などを)受ける
  • Ironically・・・皮肉に


  • Go-to・・・お決まりの
  • Rake the yard・・・庭の落ち葉をかき集める
  • Contact Dermatitis・・・皮膚炎



Micah先生のPodcast: Kyotopia Podcastはこちら





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. YN より:

    ひとつ気になったのが、Contact Dermatitisについてです。ネットで調べると接触皮膚炎とでてきまして、医学的な定義は別にして日常会話ではただの皮膚炎と訳すのが適切なのでしょうか?

  2. MOON より:

    I don’t get a phrase Micah said “It’s okay. It’s not—no judgment.”

MOON へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


