
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.07.29





【Kelly】All right so, Kesha, what are some childhood habits that you still have?

【Kesha】I think the strongest childhood habit I still have is humming.


【Kesha】So I tend to hum all the time to myself, no matter what. And I forget people are in the room and it always gets me in trouble.


【Kesha】(hums) And it’ll be a quiet office room and then it’ll take me a while to realize I’ve been humming for five minutes.


【Kesha】It was, like a way of self-soothing and my mom and dad were like, “You’ve always done this since you were, like 4 or 5 years old.”


【Kesha】I didn’t talk for, like six years. So when I was—I didn’t talk until I was 6 years old.


【Kesha】Even though now that I’m physically able—it’s, like the biggest family thing. “Kesha learned to speak! Good for Kesha!”


【Kesha】Like, that’s my nickname. “She learned to speak!” So—but before I could speak, I would hum. So even now as an adult, when I’m just thinking to myself or working or—especially if I feel I’m comfortable, I’m like (hums). I still will hum to myself and completely not realize that I’m doing it until people start giving me side eye, like…


【Kesha】“What is she doing?”

【Kelly】Do you see…do you hum a specific tune? Is there, like a Kesha tune that you hum every time? Or is it, like a specific song you might’ve heard? Or is it like…

【Kesha】It varies on what’s going on in the atmosphere. If, like people are arguing or something, I’m like (hums). But if I’m just, like chilling and relaxing to myself, I’m like…I might hum “I Feel Pretty.” (hums) And I’ll hum to myself the whole time.

【Kelly】Yeah. Wow, I love it.

【Kesha】(laughs) What about you? Are there any childhood traits or habits that you still have?

【Kelly】I don’t know because I feel like I was kind of a weird kid looking back. I feel like I was a weird kid. One thing I definitely have noticed since I came back is—it’s a little bit of singing too. I’ll, like make up songs about the cats. And I’m very hands-on with the cats.
So we’ve had cats my entire life—obviously not the same ones—over the last, like 30-something years. But they always slept on my bed with me. I would have, like one on the pillow snoring in my ear, one, like on my arm, one on my feet, one on my legs, like—always, always mine has been the cat bed.
And I make up weird little songs and nicknames for them.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What childhood habit does Kesha still hang onto?
  2. At what age did Kesha speak her first words?
  3. What kind of pet has Kelly always lived with?



  1. As a child, she used to hum, and she still hums as an adult.
  2. She spoke her first words when she was 6 years old.
  3. She has always lived with cats.



Kelly and Kesha discuss habits they had as kids in this episode. For Kesha, her childhood habit was humming, a habit she has kept into adulthood.

Kesha often hums to herself and forgets that she is humming when she’s around other people. Her family has told her that she has been humming since she was 4 or 5 years old.

In fact, Kesha began humming before she began speaking, as she didn’t start speaking until she was 6 years old. Her family often makes fun of her for this by teasing, “Kesha learned to speak!”

Kelly has a habit of giving nicknames to her many cats. This was partly because growing up, her bed was always the one that her family’s cats liked sleeping on.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Soothe(和らげる)



  • I like this cream because it soothes my dry skin.
  • When I’m stressed out, I like to listen to soothing music.
  • Mothers know how to soothe their crying babies.

2) Even though(〜にもかかわらず)

even thoughは「〜にもかかわらず」や「〜だけど」を意味する表現です。althoughと似たような意味を持ちますが、より強めで口語的な響きがあります。例えば、「彼は怪我をしていたにもかかわらず、マラソンに出た」は“He ran a marathon even though he was injured.”のように表現します。

  • He came to work even though he had the flu.
  • I passed the Eiken test even though I didn’t study.
  • Even though she is filthy rich, she is frugal with her money.

3) Give someone the side-eye(冷たい視線を向ける)

side-eyeは「横目」を意味することから、“give someone the side-eye”は誰かを横目で見ることを表し、イラッとしている気持ちや疑いの気持ちを指します。例えば、静かな電車の中で友達とはしゃいでいる時にほかの乗客から冷ややかな目で見られたことを表現する場合、“The people on the train gave us the side-eye.”のように表します。

今日の会話でキーシャはgiving me side-eyeと言いましたが、基本的にはside-eyeの前にtheをつけて、giving me the side-eyeと言います。

  • My classmates gave me the side-eye when I showed up late to the field trip.
  • I don’t think she likes me. She always gives me the side-eye when I talk to her.
  • I knew he was lying and I gave him the side-eye.

4) Make up(作り出す)

make upは歌や詩、ストーリーなどを作ることを意味します。例えば、「歌を作る」は“make up a song”、「ストーリーを作る」は“make up a story”のように、自ら考え出したオリジナルの作品を表します。その他、言い訳をしたり、嘘をつくような状況でも使われ、「私は嘘をつきました」は“I made up a lie.”と言います。

  • Did you make up this song on the spot? That’s amazing!
  • I made up a story using the new expressions from this podcast.
  • I didn’t want to go hiking with them so I made up an excuse.

5) Hands-on(実践の)

hands-onは直訳すると「手で触れる」を意味し、説明や講義を受けるのではなく、実践的に体験することを意味します。例えば、「実地訓練」は“hands-on training”、「実践活動」は“hands-on activity”と言います。この表現は「実践で〜する」の意味だけでなく、現状を把握して実務をこなす意味合いも含まれ、例えば、父親が子育てに直接的に関わっていたり、上司が現場に出て部下と一緒に仕事をしたりなど、自ら実務に携わる状況でも使われます。

  • I think hands-on training is the best way to learn.
  • Steve is a hands-on dad that really takes care of his kid.
  • I like my new boss because he is hands-on.



  • Humming・・・鼻歌を歌う
  • Snoring・・・いびきをかく


  • Looking back・・・振り返ると








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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