
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.07.08





【Kelly】What about you? Are you more responsible with this type of thing or are you like me?

【Kesha】It depends on who it’s for. So if it’s for one of my students, especially if they’re, like the babies…

【Kelly】Mm hm.

【Kesha】…and they make that little sad face and they need something, like, “Oh, I want it. I need this for my speech.” I’m like, “Okay”—and I’m going to do it immediately so they have it. But if it’s Kesha-centric


【Kesha】…oh, it’s going to be procrastinated.


【Kesha】It’s not going to happen. I remember I lived in Ghana to do a thesis for my undergraduate. So I had, like 7 months to write this 50-page paper.


【Kesha】I waited until two weeks before graduation…


【Kesha】…to write 50 pages for a thesis and prepare to go in front of the board. And I had 7 months. But that’s completely me where I will just let things slide and slide. If it’s not work-centered or other people—I don’t want to disappoint people so when it’s them, I—I literally make a list of check-check-check and due dates and timelines that are self-imposed.


【Kesha】But if it’s Kesha’s doctor’s appointment…


【Kesha】…or if it’s something specifically where it only impacts me and my little world, I’m like, “Eh, I don’t know. I’m not feeling that.” And then five minutes beforehand I am full of panic…


【Kesha】…and doom and self-judgment.


【Kesha】But other people motivate me to do the right thing. I cannot motivate myself to do the right thing. I live on the edge of terror and panic…


【Kesha】…for every single deadline, due date. And it works for me.


【Kesha】I think let’s…keep it going.

【Kelly】Yeah, it’s kind of like having that pressure makes you know that, like “I can’t slack off.” Like, “There’s a deadline. I have five hours of work and three hours to do it. So get it done.” Right? Like, if you have 7 months, it’s so hard to find the motivation just randomly within those 7 months, right?

【Kesha】I know. And you’re just chilling in a new country, looking at monkeys, pulling mangoes off trees. It’s like, “Why would I go to work? There’s a mango outside on my tree. I’m going to pick this mango!” Yes. And then mango time was over and my professor was like, “So did you get the 70 pages done?” “I’m sorry, how many? I thought it was, like 20. No?” (laughs)

【Kelly】“What now? What now?”

【Kesha】“I’ve got outlines. It’s cooking. It’s cooking up here.”

【Kelly】(laughs) And they’re like, “It’s not written down.”

【Kesha】“I didn’t do anything!”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Kesha avoids procrastinating in some situations. What are they?
  2. In what country did Kesha study in for her undergraduate thesis?
  3. What fruit did Kesha love eating while studying abroad?



  1. She avoids procrastinating when it comes to requests from her students or anything work-related.
  2. She lived and studied in Ghana.
  3. She enjoyed eating mangoes.



Kelly and Kesha continue their discussion of how they manage their time. Kesha admits that she is a procrastinator.

Kesha will avoid procrastination when it comes to anything work-related, or if she receives a specific request from one of her students. She admits however that if a task is related to herself, she almost always puts it off until the last minute.

One example she provides of this was from her time studying abroad in Ghana, where she had 7 months to complete a 50-page undergraduate thesis. Rather than gradually work on the paper during those 7 months, she waited until the last two weeks to work on it.

Part of why Kesha procrastinated for so long on her paper was because of how much she enjoyed studying abroad. Mangoes were growing everywhere around her and she often chose to pick mangoes or enjoy the nature around her rather than work on her thesis.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Centric(中心の)


  • Our company always puts customers first. We take a customer-centric approach.
  • She’s written many popular teenage-centric novels.
  • In recent years, more companies are becoming tech-centric.

2) Let something slide(許す、大目に見る)

slideは本来、「滑る」や「流す」を意味しますが、日常会話では人のミスや失敗を見逃したり、大目に見ることを表します。例えば、先生が遅刻した生徒を見逃した場合は“The teacher let him slide.”、上司が自分のミスを大目に見てくれた場合は“My boss let me slide.”という具合に言い、許して流すというようなニュアンスになります。

今日の会話でキーシャは、卒論についてlet things slide and slideと言っており、ここでは卒論を書くことを延期する意味合いとして使っています。

  • I was late to class, but my teacher let me slide.
  • I’ll let it slide this time, but make sure it doesn’t happen again.
  • He’s a very lenient boss. He lets everything slide.

3) Live on the edge(ギリギリの生活 をする)

on the edgeは崖っぷちにいる状態を表すことから、live on the edgeはギリギリの生活をすることを意味します。危険やリスクの多いライフスタイルを送ったり、リスクの高い行動を取ることを表します。今日の会話でキーシャは“I live on the edge of panic and terror”と言いましたが、これは「パニックと恐怖に苛まれながら生きている」ことを表します。

  • He is the kind of person who likes to live on the edge.
  • She lost her job a couple of months ago and she’s been living on the edge.
  • When I was a young, I was a daredevil that loved to live on the edge.

4) Slack off(サボる)

slack offは「サボる」や「怠ける」を意味する口語表現です。ダラダラと仕事をしたり、運動をサボり気味だったり、英語の勉強をサボっているような状況でslack offが使われます。一般的には、“I’ve been slacking off.(サボり気味です)” や“Stop slacking off.(サボるな)”の組み合わせがよく使われます。

  • I haven’t studied English for a while. I’ve been slacking off.
  • I need to stop slacking off and get back to work. I’ve been out of it all day.
  • I was slacking off all day and I didn’t get anything done.

5) Pick(〜を採る)

pickは本来「選ぶ」を意味する単語ですが、りんごやいちごなど、フルーツと組み合わせて使う場合は、「採る」を意味します。りんごの木からりんごを収穫したり、いちご畑からいちごを採る様子を表します。ちなみに、「りんご狩り」は“apple picking”、「いちご狩り」は“strawberry picking”と言います。

  • Can I pick those lemons off your tree?
  • I picked these apples from my grandma’s backyard.
  • I’m going to go strawberry picking with my family this weekend.



  • Procrastinate・・・先延ばしにする
  • Thesis・・・卒業論文
  • Doom・・・破滅


  • Type of thing・・・〜のようなこと
  • Make that little sad face・・・悲しい顔をする
  • Self-imposed・・・自らに課した








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Keiko より:

    Hi Jun-san, I started listening this podcast when covid started and listened to all the episode. It is amazing to see it is going to reach 400th show.
    One thing I was wondering I sent messages from this email box and also sent via facebook messenger.

    I haven’t heard back at all and felt like talking to a brick wall.
    But I still love your shows I listen to on my morning walk on Spotify.


  2. Aki より:

    こちら第392回の会話の中で”In what country did Kesha study in for her undergraduate thesis?”と疑問文がありましたが始まりにIn whatになるのが何かニュアンスが変わるのでしょうか?
    また、要約文の”Part of why Kesha procrastinated for so long on…”のPart of whyの意味が分かりません。

Aki へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


