
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.05.20





【Kesha】Okay Kelly, where do you find your inspiration at?

【Kelly】So hard. This is going to sound corny, but definitely, I feel like—especially since COVID when everybody’s been, like stuck at home, and everybody’s been switching to virtual, and I definitely started teaching a lot more because we could do this virtually—like, not being in Japan I obviously can’t, like fly there at midnight and teach a class and then come home.
It’s going to sound corny, but I definitely—students that I see at the level that they’re at definitely inspire me because when I was teaching—or, when I was learning Japanese, I remember how hard it was. So my major in college was Japanese and I was super passionate and I really loved it. And then you, like hit that plateau where you feel like, “I don’t understand anything. It’s so hard. I hate this. I love this, but I hate it.”
And it gets, like really depressing once you get to, like an intermediate level. And I see students that I’ve had for a couple of months to a couple of years now that were at that level. And then still made the effort to have 2-3 hours of English classes every week. And I just don’t know if I would’ve had that motivation. I don’t know if I would’ve looked at a goal that I tried for so long and said, “You know what? I’m going to—I’m going to keep going. And I’m going to find my own time.”
Like, I have students that take classes at 1 o’clock in the morning. Like, I don’t…I want to be that motivated and I want to be that inspired. And I think it’s really hard to keep that habit up. So I look at them and I think, “Wow! I don’t know if I could do this in Japanese.” I don’t know if I could do this after being out of school for so long where you’re just used to that habit of studying. So it’s not as hard to just kind of be like, “All right, I’m going to take a test. I’m going to study. I’m going to do this.”
Where I am in my life right now, like they really inspire me to actually start studying again. So I—I bought some Japanese books. I bought some grammar books. I got my old textbook out and I was like, “I got to…I got to look through these again. I got to, like get back up because I did all of this work.” And then life got busy. I moved to the States where I was working, like 18-hour days. I just didn’t really have time.
And I see students in the same situation, working 18-hour days, busy with family, busy with everything else…a hundred times busier than me. And they still can put that effort in and they still can make that progress. And they still can find that passion.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What experience did Kelly have studying Japanese in college?
  2. What is it about Kelly’s students that inspires her?
  3. What did Kelly buy after her inspiration from seeing her Japanese students?



  1. She loved studying Japanese, but felt she had reached a plateau in her learning where progressing in her studies became much harder.
  2. Kelly is inspired by her students’ dedication to learning English and how they find time in their busy schedules to continue their studies.
  3. She bought Japanese language and grammar books to help her master the Japanese language.



In this episode, Kelly talks about things that inspire her in her life. In particular, she is inspired by the dedication of her Japanese students learning English.

Since the transition to virtual work brought about by COVID-19, Kelly has had the opportunity to teach more often. As a result, she has seen the commitment of her Japanese students and been inspired by how serious they are in learning English.

Kelly majored in Japanese in college, and while she loved studying it, she found at a certain point she plateaued and struggled to progress in her studies. However, seeing her students persevere in their English studies motivated her to continue her study of Japanese.

To that end, Kelly has not only revisited her old Japanese textbook, but also purchased additional Japanese language and grammar books. Despite how hard her students work in their professions and with their families, they still find time to study English. And Kelly hopes to emulate their determination in her own studies.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Corny(ダサい)

cornyは「ダサい」や「くだらない」という意味の単語で、オリジナリティーがなく使い古された言動に対してよく使われます。例えば、「布団がふっとんだー」や「電話にでんわー」のような親父ギャグを言った人に「その冗談はダサいよ」と言う場合は、“That’s a corny joke.”と表現します。ただし、必ずしも悪い意味とは限らず、cornyな映画や冗談などを面白いと思う人もいるので、状況に応じて判断しましょう。

  • My dad always tells corny jokes.
  • It was a corny joke, but I thought it was funny.
  • I know this is going to sound corny but I love my job.

2) Stuck at(〜で足止めになる)

stuckは何かが引っかかって動けない状態を表し、日常会話では「足止めされる」の意味として使われます。例えば、パンデミックで外出できなかった時に、“I was stuck at home.”、空港で足止めになった時に、“I’m stuck at the airport.”という具合に、stuck at の後には足止めになる場所を入れるだけでOKです。

  • My flight got delayed and I’m stuck at the airport.
  • I was stuck at work until 8 last night because the meeting dragged on.
  • He tested positive for COVID and he’s been stuck at a hotel for the past week.

3) Hit a plateau(停滞期に入る)

ダイエットで減っていた体重が急に減らなくなったり、英語の勉強で壁にぶつかりうまくいかなくなった時など、停滞期に入ることをhit a plateauと言います。「停滞期に入っています」は“I hit a plateau.”、「停滞期を抜け出す」は“Break a plateau”や“Break through a plateau”のように表します。

  • I feel like I’m hitting a plateau. My English isn’t improving at all lately.
  • How did you break through your plateau?
  • Hitting a plateau means you’re getting closer to your goal. Don’t stop and keep going.

4) Make an effort(努力をする)

make an effort は「努力をする」や「頑張る」ことを意味します。例えば、「私は毎日1時間英語の勉強をするように努力している」は“I make an effort to study English for an hour every day.”、「朝に運動するように努力している」は“I make an effort to exercise in the morning.”という具合に、make an effort toの後には動詞が続きます。

  • I make an effort to speak English every day.
  • I make an effort to cook at home, but it’s hard.
  • He didn’t even make an effort to show up to the event.

5) Look through(目を通す)

look throughは本や雑誌、書類などに「目を通す」ことを意味します。内容を細かく読んだり調べたりするというよりは、全体的にざっと見るニュアンスがあり、例えば、同僚に「この報告書に目を通してくれますか?」と聞く場合は“Can you look through this report?”と言います。

  • When you get a chance, can you look through my essay?
  • I looked through it and everything looks great.
  • I’ll look through the report after the meeting.



  • Major・・・専攻
  • Depressing・・・落ち込む


  • COVID・・・コロナ
  • Find my own time・・・時間を確保する
  • Be out of school・・・学生じゃなくなって
  • Put effort in・・・努力する








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ほたる より:


  2. Mayumi Miyao より:

    To me, it takes a clear goal and commitment to keep myself motivated to be able to use English.

  3. Fuku より:

    Working 18hours in a day!?

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