
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.03.18





【Emma】Yeah, yeah. I mean, I don’t know if it’s, like purely an American thing.

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】I think it might…well, I guess generally Americans are more direct. I guess maybe it is an American thing. But, I mean, of course, like there’s different types of people everywhere. Whatever.


【Emma】And sure, partially, like the community that you live in makes a difference—how people are socialized.

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】It’s like, in the South, there is a bit more passive-aggressiveness, where you might sort of tell somebody something without telling them and it’s just implied.

【Vicky】Yeah. You have to read between the lines.

【Emma】Yeah, but if you’re not from there, you might not even know that you are reading in between anything.


【Emma】But yeah. I mean, it sounds like your roommate and I are, like separated at birth… (laughs)

【Vicky】Yeah. (laughs)

【Emma】…because I’m an incredibly direct person. Yeah. (laughs)

【Vicky】Okay, so what would you do?

【Emma】I mean, I have…

【Vicky】Would you just like…would you just, like straight-up tell them?

【Emma】Well, if it’s a close friend, yeah. Like, it…yeah. That’s, like not even a question for me. If it’s a close friend, I think—I mean, I wouldn’t, like…just like, scream it at them or something.


【Emma】But like, if we’re in the middle of a conversation, I would probably wait until, like they’re done saying what they want to say. And then when it’s my turn to speak, I’d be like, “Oh by the way, like you have something here.”

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】And if it’s a close friend of mine, I don’t even think they would blink twice about it. If we were, like in a group setting—if it was amongst close friends, I would still do that because I think my close friends—like, specific to who I am and who they are—were very—like we riff with each other and we tease each other. And it wouldn’t be, like a huge, like deal really.
If it was, like in a public setting, I might—like, especially if we were somewhere that was formal and we weren’t familiar with everyone else—it was just us—I would tell them much more discreetly just because I wouldn’t want them to be embarrassed in that setting. But in terms—like, being embarrassed in front of me, we’ve done so much worse in front of each other… (laughs) …that I wouldn’t even worry about them being offended.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Emma describe the communication style of people in the American South?
  2. How would Emma go about telling a close friend that they have food stuck in their teeth?
  3. When would Emma be more discreet with a friend that has food stuck in their teeth?



  1. She describes Southern communication as being somewhat passive-aggressive, that is, implying what one is trying to say without actually saying it.
  2. She would tell them directly, though she would wait for an appropriate moment in their conversation.
  3. Emma would tell a friend that they have food stuck in their teeth more discreetly if they were in a public setting or with a company that they weren’t familiar with.



Emma and Vicky continue their discussion of how to tell someone that they have food stuck in their teeth. This time, Emma shares her approach.

Emma feels that Americans are more direct than other cultures with their communication. She does feel however that people in the American South tend to imply what they want to say rather than actually say it.

Emma says she would be much more direct about telling someone that they have food stuck in their teeth, especially if that person was a close friend. However, she would wait for an appropriate moment in their conversation before telling them.

If Emma and her friend were in a public setting, or with an unfamiliar company, she would be much less direct. Out of concern of potentially embarrassing her friend, Emma in this situation would be more discreet in how she tells her friend that they have food stuck in their teeth.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Passive-aggressive(受動攻撃的な)

passive-aggressiveは腹が立つことや不満に思っていることなどのネガティブな感情をはっきりと主張するのではなく、間接的に表現することを表します。日本語では「受動的攻撃性」と訳され専門用語として使われているため普段あまり耳にしない表現かもしれませんが、アメリカ人の会話では日常的に使われる表現の一つです。依頼されてやりたくないことを断る代わりに延々と先延ばしを続けたり、腹を立てているのに「怒ってないよ」と言ったりなどが passive-aggressiveの特徴となります。

  • She’s a passive-aggressive person.
  • His passive-aggressive behavior lately is really starting to annoy me.
  • He’s being passive-aggressive and has been making excuses to avoid us.

2) Read between the lines(その場の空気を読む)


  • I’m not very good at reading between the lines.
  • If you read between the lines, you’ll understand what the author is trying to convey.
  • He talks about things in a very roundabout way and you have to read between the lines.

3) Separated at birth(似ている)

直訳で「生まれた時に引き離された」となるこの表現は、本来、産まれてすぐに引き離された双子を指します。しかし、日常会話では外見や性質、考え方や思想、好みや趣味などがかなり似ていることを表す時に使われます。例えば、今日の会話でエマは “It sounds like your roommate and I are separated at birth.”と言いましたが、ここでは「あなたのルームメイトと私はそっくりだね」を意味します。

  • We have so much in common. We must’ve been separated at birth.
  • Were you guys separated at birth? You guys are like twins.
  • I feel like Tom and John were separated at birth. They talk and act the same way.

4) Incredibly(信じられないほど)

incredibleは「信じられない」を意味することから、incrediblyは「信じらないほど〜」や「とても〜」といった意味になります。veryやreallyと同じ意味を持ちますが、より強調した意味合いがあります。例えば、今日の会話でエマは “I’m an incredibly direct person.”と言いましたが、これは「私はとても率直な人間です」を意味します。

  • What’s up with the weather today? It’s incredibly hot.
  • I had a blast in Japan. The people there were incredibly kind and polite.
  • This soup is incredibly spicy. My mouth is on fire.

5) Wouldn’t even blink twice(驚かない)

直訳で「目をパチパチさせない」となるこの表現は、「驚かない」や「びっくりしない」を意味します。びっくりすると普通は直感的に瞬きをしますが、びっくりするような出来事に対して目をパチパチさせることなく冷静でいたり、何とも思わないような状態をwouldn’t blink twiceと言います。例えば、今日の会話でエマは“I don’t think they would even blink twice about it.”と言いましたが、これは友人たちに歯に何かが挟まっているとストレートに言っても何とも思わないことを意味します。

  • ちなみに、“not even blink”が本来の表現ですが、強調の意味で日常会話では “twice”を加えることがあります。
  • Tom is always cool and collected. Even if someone tried to rob him, he wouldn’t blink twice.
  • When I told her Super Bowl tickets were starting at $5,000, she didn’t even blink.
  • I didn’t even blink when I heard the news.



  • Purely・・・完全に
  • Partially・・・部分的に
  • Implied・・・暗黙の
  • Riff・・・喧嘩
  • Tease・・・からかう
  • Offend someone・・・人を怒らせる


  • American thing・・・アメリカ人ならでは
  • Straight-up・・・はっきりと
  • Not even a question・・・迷いもしない










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