
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2022.01.07





【Emma】Hi Vicky. (laughs)

【Vicky】Hi Emma.

【Emma】 I’m just wondering over here what is your New Year’s resolution?

【Vicky】Okay so I don’t usually set New Year’s resolutions.


【Vicky】But having said that, I was speaking to one of my students last week.

【Emma】Mm hm.

【Vicky】And she was saying that recently she has started doing yoga.


【Vicky】And she finds that it’s good for her health.

【Emma】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】And also it’s good to relax herself.


【Vicky】So I started thinking, you know, “Actually I would like to do some yoga as well.”

【Emma】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicky】So I guess this year, I do have a New Year’s resolution.


【Vicky】And I guess my New Year’s resolution is to do some yoga.

【Emma】Nice. That’s awesome. Yeah, I’m—I’m just simply laughing because, like that answer’s my, like (laughs) exact answer.


【Emma】Well, I mean truly, like to a tee, I haven’t set probably a New Year’s resolution since—I don’t know—maybe, like middle school or high school…

【Vicky】Mm. Mm hm.

【Emma】 …just because…

【Vicky】Yeah, me too.

【Emma】…you know, I don’t know. I think at one point, we all just started to realize, like it doesn’t matter.


【Emma】If I tell myself I’m going to do this…


【Emma】…like, I will or I won’t. I don’t know. And I mean, I am trying to be more proactive in my life. Like, if there is something that I want to change, then I’ll—like, to try and actually change it.

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】But I don’t know if I’m per se waiting around to, like do that within two weeks. You know? And I just moved to a new city and my partner actually plays…he found, like an ultimate Frisbee game in the park.

【Vicky】Oh, cool.

【Emma】And he noticed that they were doing yoga nearby. And he was like, “Oh, I think there’s, like a free or donation-based yoga right there.”

【Vicky】Oh, that’s wonderful.

【Emma】“You should go.” Yeah, and I was like, “Okay, okay.” And then, we have a roommate as well. And I was like, “Hey, are you interested in this?” Because we had just been doing yoga in our backyard. So we’ve now gone twice and it’s, like Sunday mornings and it’s a great way to start your day and it feels really good So…

【Vicky】What time is it? Like, can you get up in time?

【Emma】Like 11 a.m. so…

【Vicky】Oh that’s okay.

【Emma】…it’s actually perfect because it’s like, you can sleep in a little bit.


【Emma】But it forces you also to get up and start the day.

【Vicky】Mm hm.

【Emma】And I’m in San Diego, so like, it’s typically like, sunny and clear by then. And there’s something about doing yoga when the weather is so good. And at the end, you know, you typically do a savasana where you sort of just lie there and have a moment with yourself.

【Vicky】All right.

【Emma】And to look up at this, like huge blue sky has been incredible. And so…

【Vicky】Sounds like the weather is wonderful where you are.

【Emma】Yeah, it is. It’s very different than…

【Vicky】I can’t do that where I am. (laughs)

【Emma】Yeah. Very different. (laughs)

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What idea for a New Year’s resolution did Vicky get from one of her students?
  2. What time do Emma’s yoga sessions start?
  3. What yoga pose does Emma do at the end of her yoga sessions?



  1. She got the idea of doing yoga for her New Year’s resolution from one of her students.
  2. They start at 11 a.m.
  3. She performs the savasana pose at the end of her sessions.



Emma and Vicky discuss their New Year’s resolutions in this episode. Vicky starts by sharing that she rarely sets New Year’s resolutions.

One of Vicky’s students however mentioned that she had started doing yoga and was enjoying it for its stress relieving and health benefits. This gave Vicky the idea to make doing yoga her New Year’s resolution.

Emma hasn’t made a New Year’s resolution since she was in high school, but decided this New Year to also make yoga her resolution. She began attending yoga sessions in a park near where she lives, which start at 11 a.m.

Emma enjoys yoga for its health benefits as well, but also appreciates it as a good way to start her day. At the end of a yoga session, she will enter the savasana pose, where she lies on her back and stares up at the sky.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Set(決める)

setは状況に応じて様々な意味を持つ単語ですが、今日の会話では目標を立てたり、新年の抱負を決める意味として使われています。「新年の抱負を決める」は“Set a New Year’s resolution”のように表現をすることが一般的です。その他、時間や期日、予算や値段を決める時にもsetが使われます。

  • Do you set New Year’s resolutions?
  • I set a few goals for myself this year.
  • Let’s set a date and time to have lunch. How about next Saturday around noon?

2) To a tee(完璧に)

to a teeは「完璧に」や「完全に」を意味し、昔から使われてきた表現です。to a teeの意味と使い方はperfectlyやexactlyと同じですが、より強調する意味合いが込められていて、口語的な響きがあります。このフレーズの語源は明確ではありませんが、昔、何かが完璧であることをto a tittleと表現をしており、to a teeのteeはtittleの頭文字のTから由来したものであるという説があります。ちなみに、teeのスペルは、teeとアルファベットのT、どちらも使われます。

  • That suit fits you to a tee. You look great!
  • I love working in sales. I get to talk to people all the time and it fits my personality to a tee.
  • You act and talk just like your dad; almost to a tee.

3) Proactive(積極的な)


  • John is a proactive person who always takes the initiative.
  • You can’t wait for things to happen. You have to be proactive and go and get it.
  • Be proactive, not reactive. Don’t let others dictate your life.

4) Per se(それ自体が)

per seはラテン語から由来した表現で、ある特定の物事を単独で指す場合に使われ、日本語の「それ自体」に相当する表現です。例えば、友達の英語のスピーチを評価する際、“It wasn’t your English per se that was bad. It was the topic.(問題はあなたの英語力自体ではなく、スピーチの課題だった)”という具合に使います。

  • It’s not your pronunciation per se is the problem. It’s your intonation.
  • Money per se is not the root of all evil. It’s the love for it that is.
  • He’s not arrogant per se. He’s just confident and can rub people the wrong way sometimes.

5) Sleep in(遅くまで寝る)

sleep inは遅くまで寝ることを意味します。普段は早起きしているが、週末や祝日など休みの日はゆっくり寝ることを表します。

  • I finally have the day off tomorrow. I’m going to sleep in.
  • I slept in until noon today.
  • I usually wake up at six, but I slept in today.



  • New Year’s resolution・・・新年の抱負/目標
  • Donation-based・・・ 寄付金で運営してる


  • Having said that・・・とはいえ
  • At one point・・・あるとき
  • It doesn’t matter・・・意味がない









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Hitomi より:

    こんにちは。質問がありコメントさせていただきました。”she was saying that recently she has started doing yoga.”とありますが、「誰かが〜と言っていた」というときはthat以下は過去形にすると思っていました(she was saying that recently she had started doing yoga)。これは会話表現だから特に時制を気にせず言っているのでしょうか?またこのように文法書どおりの時制ではなくても違和感なく聞けるのでしょうか?お時間のあるときに教えていただけると幸いです。

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