
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.09.24





【Sarah】How do you text people?

【Clay】Oh, yeah.

【Sarah】Like, do you use Facebook Messenger? Do you use just your, you know…

【Clay】That’s…that’s a great question.

【Sarah】…text messaging. Like…

【Clay】I mean…honestly, it’s…

【Sarah】Do you call people? Are you from the 1980s?

【Clay】(laughs) Like, for me usually I call people if they aren’t answering the texts. You know?


【Clay】That’s kind of like—that’s, like the go-to. You know? Or, like if I just really got to get something through to them, like right now.


【Clay】And I don’t want to have to deal with doing it through text. But the—the thing about what—what you asked about the…the messaging. That’s actually a really funny question because for me, I—I use, like…probably like five different messaging apps.


【Clay】That is, like—it all depends on, like who I’m talking to.


【Clay】A lot of different—I have, like different groups of people who will all use this one, or they all use this one. And then, so if I want to talk with them, I’m like, “Got to get on that app,” or, “Get on that app.” You know?


【Clay】So, I think the one I use for my, like close group of friends is…my closest group of friends is actually, like Facebook—Facebook Messenger.


【Clay】Has like—you could message them there.

【Sarah】So if you’re Clay’s friend and you’re not messaging him on Messenger…


【Sarah】…you know that you are not one of his closest friends.

【Clay】No, no! (laughs)

【Sarah】Called out!

【Clay】Oh my God. Maybe.

【Sarah】I’m curious whether or not in America you use the messaging service called “LINE at all.

【Clay】LINE…no, yeah. I—I know about LINE, of course. It’s—it’s super big in Japan, right?

【Sarah】LINE is huge in Japan.

【Clay】Huge. Yeah—no, I’ve—I’ve never used it and I don’t think I’ve ever, like met anyone who uses it, even. Which is—yeah, really surprising.

【Sarah】Yeah, it’s definitely—I had never heard of it until I got here.


【Sarah】And then, everybody used LINE. And so I got LINE.


【Sarah】And then, it basically boils down to my American—or people that I communicate with abroad—are on my Messenger. And all of my Japanese people are on my LINE. (laughs)

【Clay】Yeah, yeah. Right.

【Sarah】So, you know, it splits down the middle pretty nicely.

【Clay】Right, that’s funny. Yeah.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When does Clay usually call someone?
  2. What messaging app does Sarah say is very popular in Japan?
  3. While in Japan, what app does Sarah use to communicate with her American friends?



  1. Clay calls people either when they’re not responding to his texts or he wants to get a message to them without waiting.
  2. She says the messaging app “LINE” is extremely popular in Japan.
  3. She uses Facebook Messenger to communicate with her American friends.



Sarah and Clay talk about the various messaging apps they use to communicate with their friends. Both Sarah and Clay use Facebook Messenger for this purpose.

Clay does occasionally call people over the phone. He usually does this when they aren’t responding to his messages, or when he wants to communicate a message to another person quickly.

Clays uses Facebook Messenger among his closest friends. Sarah uses Facebook Messenger to communicate with her American friends as well.

However, Sarah lives in Japan. There, she uses LINE to communicate with her Japanese friends, as LINE is extremely popular in Japan.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Go-to(頼りになる)


  • What is your go-to YouTube channel for cooking?
  • This place is my go-to ramen shop. It’s cheap and delicious.
  • Hapa Eikaiwa is my go-to podcast to learn English.

2) Call someone out(指摘する)

call someone outは相手の失礼な言動を指摘したり、不適切な発言をとがめることを意味します。例えば、新入社員に対して横柄な態度をとっている同僚を批判したり、いつも遅れてくる友達を非難するような状況で使われますが、この表現には、特に大勢の前で相手の良くない行為を指摘するニュアンスが含まれます。

  • My boss called out the new employee for being late.
  • Tom was making excuses again so I called him out in front of everyone.
  • I don’t think he’s aware of his rude behavior. We need to call him out on it.

3) Boils down to(結局のところ〜)

boils down to は本来、シチューなどを「長時間煮詰める」ことを表しますが、日常会話では意見が出尽くし議論が煮詰まるような状況で、「要するに〜である」や「結局のところ〜ということになる」といった意味で使われます。話や問題の本質的な部分に迫るニュアンスがあり、例えばある問題について色々と議論をしたが「結局のところはお金だ」と言いたい場合は、“It boils down to money.” のように表します。

  • This issue boils down to trust.
  • Becoming a good English speaker boils down to your willingness to speak.
  • Success boils down to grit and resilience.

4) (Be) On Messenger(メッセンジャーをしている)

知り合いにインスタやツイッターなど、SNSを利用しているかどうかを尋ねるときに使われる定番の質問が、“Are you on ____?”です。例えば、「ツイッターやってる?」は“Are you on Twitter?”、「ツイッターやってるよ」は“I’m on Twitter.”という具合に言います。be onの代わりにuseを使って、“Do you use Twitter?”と言うこともできます。

  • Are you on Twitter or Instagram?
  • I’m on LINE. I’ll send you my QR code.
  • I’m on Facebook Messenger. I use WhatsApp too.

5) Split down the middle(均等に分かれる)

splitは「割る」、down the middleは「真ん中」を意味することから、split down the middleは真っ二つに割ることを意味します。今日の会話でサラは“It splits down the middle nicely.”と言いましたが、これはメッセンジャーを使うアメリカ人の友達と、LINEを使う日本人の友達が半々であることを意味します。

また、split down the middleは「割り勘」を表す時にもよく使われます。レストランで会計をするときに“Let’s split the check/bill down the middle.”と言うだけで、「割り勘にしよう」という意味になります。日常会話では、会計を意味するcheckやbillをitに置き換えて、シンプルに“Let’s split it down the middle.”と表現してもOKです。

  • Some of my friends eat bread for breakfast while others eat rice. It splits down the middle.
  • The bill is 50 bucks. Do you want to split it down the middle?
  • Let’s split the check down the middle. It’ll be 20 dollars each.



  • Text・・・ ショートメッセージ
  • Big・・・人気


  • Get something through・・・〜を伝える
  • Get on that app・・・アプリを入れる
  • Close group of friends・・・親しい友人









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



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