
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.09.17





【Sarah】So Clay, what social media are you on right now?

【Clay】Well, I mean…you know, again, it’s like the TV. I’m not a big social media person. But I do use a few. I guess I use, like, you know, Twitter and Instagram.


【Clay】I think those are the two that most people my age, like—almost everyone uses.

【Sarah】And for reference…sorry if this is personal…

【Clay】Oh yeah.

【Sarah】…but how old are you? (laughs)

【Clay】Oh, sorry. Yeah, I’m 23.

【Sarah】Oh, okay.

【Clay】So, yeah. I mean that’s, you know—people, like—everyone in, like my high school was always on Instagram and I think they kind of continued that. That’s been continuing since I graduated so, like… (laughs) …like, that kind of thing is…really is what—I think of people my age—I think that those are the two big ones right now, you know? Twitter and Instagram. The one I—I’ve heard a lot about but I’m not, like—and I—I know a lot people use but I’m not…haven’t really, like gone into yet is TikTok. I don’t know if you’re familiar with…

【Sarah】Oh, yeah.



【Clay】It seems like that’s, like the biggest social media thing…

【Sarah】Mm hm.

【Clay】…among people, like a couple years younger than me.


【Clay】So, that’s—I’m not—I don’t really, like…I’ve never really understood it. Like, what the whole point was. But I see people, like…or I see university students, like on the bus, like that. They’re—they’re always just, you know, scrolling through TikTok. You know, the same way people a few years older, like would scroll through Instagram, you know? So, it’s kind of interesting.

【Sarah】Yes. Yeah, well the—this is quite interesting, ‘cause (because) I’m actually 31. Going to be 32 this year, so…

【Clay】 (laughs) Right, yeah.

【Sarah】…I’m, you know, feeling a bit old, especially given that—so…social media sort of came around as I was leaving high school.

【Clay】Right, yeah.

【Sarah】Not at all while I was in it.

【Clay】(laughs) Right.

【Sarah】I did not get a cellphone until basically when I was…I got a cellphone in my sophomore year of high school.

【Clay】Okay, yeah.

【Sarah】And only because my brother was leaving for college.

【Clay】Ah, yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】And it was, like a family deal.


【Sarah】So he didn’t get one until he left for college.

【Clay】College, yeah.

【Sarah】And then I got one as a sophomore but it was, like this brick of a Nokia phone.


【Sarah】You know…and texting at the time wasn’t even a thing because each letter cost, like 10 cents.

【Clay】Oh, man. Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】And, yeah. When I tell, like my younger cousins that, they’re like, “What do you mean ‘each letter’ costs money?”


【Sarah】And I was like, “Yeah.” Like, you didn’t text people because…


【Sarah】…it was so expensive.

【Clay】Expensive, yeah.

【Sarah】And the only reason that I used that phone was to call my parents and be like, “Hey, come pick me up at school.” You know?

【Clay】Right, yeah, yeah.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How old is Clay at the time of this episode?
  2. What famous social media app does Clay mention that he doesn’t fully understand the appeal of?
  3. Why didn’t Sarah text people when she got her first cellphone?



  1. Clay says he is 23 years old.
  2. He doesn’t understand exactly what the appeal of TikTok is, despite its popularity.
  3. Back then, texting cost 10 cents per letter, and so was very expensive.



Sarah and Clay discuss social media in this episode and which social media apps and sites they use. Clay says that Instagram was popular when he was in high school, and that he thinks Twitter and Instagram are among the most famous social media platforms.

Clay also mentions TikTok as a recent, highly popular app, though he doesn’t fully understand its appeal. Nevertheless, he often sees university students on the bus scrolling through TikTok on their phones.

Sarah says that she got her first cellphone when she was a sophomore in high school, and only because her older brother was getting one for college and there was a family deal. She describes her first phone, a Nokia, as a large “brick” of a phone.

Sarah didn’t text with her first cellphone. This was because texting was very expensive, costing 10 cents per letter to send messages. Mainly, she used her cellphone to ask her parents to pick her up from school.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Social media(SNS)

日本語ではツイッターやフェイスブック、インスタなどをSNSと呼びますが、英語ではsocial mediaと呼びます。social mediaは情報を発信するプラットフォームを指しますが、SNS(Social Networking Service)はネットワーキングを行う場所、つまり、人と人をつなげるプラットフォームを指します。フェイスブックやツイッター、インスタはネットワーキングを行う場であり、また情報を発信する場でもあるため、英語ではsocial mediaと表現します。

  • What social media are you on?
  • I decided to take a break from social media for a while.
  • I spend too much time on social media. I need to cut down.

2) ____ person(〜派)

____ personは、日本語の「〜派」や「〜型」、「〜好き」に相当し、様々な単語と組み合わせて使うことができる便利な表現方法です。例えば、「犬派」は“A dog person”、「朝型」は“A morning person”と言います。ちなみに、今日の会話でクレイは、“I’m not a big social media person.”と言いましたが、これは「SNSはあまり使わない」ことを表します。“I’m not a big”は「〜があまり好きではない」や「〜にあまり興味がない」を意味します。

  • I used to be a dog person, but now I’m a cat person.
  • I’m an outdoor person. On my days off, I like to go hiking or surfing.
  • I’m not a big beer person. I prefer wine or cocktails.

3) Point(意味)

pointは「点」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「意味」を表す表現として使われます。例えば、「〜にどんな意味があるの?」は“What’s the point in/of ____?”、「〜しても意味がない」は“There is no point in/of ____.”のように表します。ここで使われる「意味」は単語や表現の定義を表しているのではなく、ある行動に対する意味を指します。

  • What’s the point of studying English if you don’t use it?
  • I don’t get what the point of this training is. It’s pointless.
  • What’s done is done. There’s no point in crying over spilled milk.

4) At the time(その時)

at the timeは、「その時は」や「当時は」を意味する表現です。この表現は過去のある時点について話すときに使われ、特に今と状況が大きく異なることを表すときに使われる傾向があります。例えば、「当時は携帯電話がなかった」と言いたい場合は、“At the time, cellphones didn’t exist.”と言います。

  • At the time, I was living in Japan teaching English.
  • At the time, nobody had cellphones. It was important to be on time.
  • At the time, minimum wage was $5 an hour.

5) A thing(流行っているもの)

thingは状況により様々な意味を持ちますが、a thingは「流行っているもの」を表します。例えば、「TikTokって流行っているの?」は“Is TikTok a thing?”、「昔流行っていました」は“It used to be a thing.”のように表現します。

  • Back when I was a teenager, pagers were a thing.
  • Wearing baggy jeans used to be a thing in the 90s.
  • Zoom drinking parties became really popular last year. Is that still a thing?



  • Scroll・・・ スクロールする
  • Sophomore・・・高校/大学2年生
  • Brick・・・レンガ
  • Text・・・ショートメール


  • For reference・・・参考までに
  • Pick someone up・・・〜を迎えに行く












  1. 小林 より:


    表現の”at the time”ですが、”at that time”でも同じニュアンスになりますか?

  2. MOON より:

    I hope that the baby would be born in safe!!

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