
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.09.03





【Sarah】I have just one interesting question for you.

【Clay】Of course.

【Sarah】Do you say “anime” or “anime?”


【Sarah】Do you say “manga” or “manga?”

【Clay】(laughs) Well, I mean, usually when I’m speaking English, I—I would say—when I speak English to, you know, American people…

【Sarah】An English speaker, yeah.

【Clay】Yes, English speaker—I usually say “anime.” You know, “manga.” Whatever. You know? Because I—sometimes they might be confused if I say, you know, “anime,” or “manga.” You know, it could really go either way. But on the other hand, if I’m speaking to Japanese people, even in English, and I say “anime,” sometimes they’re confused. Like, “What are you talking about?” You know? So I—it depends on who I’m talking to, usually.


【Clay】But I think naturally I—I will naturally say “anime.” Just “anime.” You know?


【Clay】The American way.

【Sarah】I think that I’m, like much the same.


【Sarah】It just depends on who you’re talking to. But when I am speaking English to an English speaker, I say “anime” and “manga.”


【Sarah】And then when I’m speaking Japanese, I say “anime” and “manga.”

【Clay】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】And so…yeah. I think that’s something that, especially when you listen to native English speakers, you kind of have to be ready. Like, it’s going to sound not right… (laughs)

【Clay】(laughs) Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】And that’s just, you know…that’s all right. Yeah.

【Clay】Definitely true. I think—I think the biggest example, at least that I’m aware of—the biggest example of that is karaoke. We say “karaoke.”


【Clay】Which sounds nothing like—it’s so unrelated. It sounds like nothing like “karaoke.”

【Sarah】But when you’re speaking to an English speaker, like in an all-English environment…


【Sarah】You say, like, “Do you want to go to karaoke?”

【Clay】Oh, they’d be like, “What are you talking about?”

【Sarah】Like, you sound a little bit pretentious, you know?

【Clay】Yes, that’s so true. Yeah.

【Sarah】And so I—it kind of reminds me of…maybe you’ve never seen this show—but How I Met Your Mother.

【Clay】Oh, yeah.

【Sarah】The protagonist sort of, like says things like, “The Renaissance Fair,” and like…

【Clay】Oh. (laughs)

【Sarah】…things like “karaoke.”

【Clay】Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】And, you know…

【Clay】That’s funny.

【Sarah】And so it’s—it’s sort of this funny point of his…

【Clay】Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】…that he kind of sounds pretentious. And that’s how it feels to me.


【Sarah】So when I’m speaking to my English friends, I’m like, “Do you guys want to go to karaoke?”

【Clay】Yeah, “karaoke.”

【Sarah】You know? But we’re not…when I’m speaking to a Japanese friend, I say “karaoke,” ‘cause (because), you know…

【Clay】Right, yeah. Totally.

【Sarah】…that’s how you pronounce it here. But…but I’m not going to just, like sort of force the actual pronunciation on some unsuspecting…


【Sarah】…English speaker who does not know that they’re saying it wrong. You know?


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When do Clay and Sarah use the American and Japanese pronunciations of “anime” and “manga?”
  2. What word does Clay use to show the difference of pronunciation of Japanese words between Americans and Japanese?
  3. What show does Sarah mention in this episode, and why does she mention it?



  1. When they are around native English speakers, they’ll use the American pronunciation; when they’re around Japanese, they’ll use the Japanese pronunciation.
  2. He uses the example of the Japanese word “karaoke,” which is pronounced very differently by English-speakers than its proper Japanese pronunciation.
  3. Sarah mentions the show How I Met Your Mother because the protagonist is somewhat pretentious and pronounces words in ways not natural to native English speakers.



Sarah and Clay discuss how they pronounce the words “anime” and “manga,” and when they use the different pronunciations for them. Clay normally pronounces “anime” and “manga” in the way most Americans pronounce those words.

Clay says however that when he’s around Japanese people, he will pronounce “anime” and “manga” with their Japanese pronunciations. Sarah agrees, saying that which pronunciation she chooses for those words depends on who she’s talking to.

Clay uses the word “karaoke” to show that Americans pronounce some Japanese words English has inherited very differently than their Japanese counterparts. Sarah thinks that to pronounce words like “karaoke” in their proper Japanese among other English-speakers is a bit pretentious.

The idea of an American using the Japanese pronunciation of “karaoke” among other English speakers reminds her of the show How I Met Your Mother. In that show, one of the protagonist’s quirks is that he pronounces words like “karaoke” as if he was among native speakers of those languages, which comes off as pretentious.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Either way(どちらにしても〜だ)

eitherは「二つのうちどちらか一方」を意味することから、either wayは「どっちでも〜だ」や「どちらにせよ〜だ」を意味します。「どっちでもいいよ」は“I’m fine either way. ”、「どちらにせよ、それは重要ではない」は“Either way, it’s not important. ”という具合に使われます。ちなみに、今日の会話で使われた“It could go either way.”は「どちらに転んでもおかしくない」を意味します。

  • I’m fine either way. I don’t have a preference.
  • Either way, it’s expensive. Let’s just fly there.
  • I have no idea who’s going to win tonight. It could go either way.

2) Much the same(ほぼ同じ)

much the sameは「ほとんど同じ」や「大差がない」を意味する表現で、almost the sameと同じ意味合いになります。「私もほぼ同じです」は“I’m much the same.”といいますが、ネイティブはよく“I’m pretty much the same.”と表現します。ちなみに、「全く同じである」はvery much the sameと言います。

  • I’m much the same. I hardly ever eat fast food.
  • My schedule is pretty much the same as yours.
  • We have very much the same personality.

3) Nothing like(〜とは全然違う)

nothing likeはvery different fromと似た意味合いになり、二つのものや人が全く異なることを意味します。例えば、「発音が全然違うよ」は“It sounds nothing like that.”、「彼は全然私に似ていません」は“He looks nothing like me.”という具合に使います。ちなみに、“There is nothing like ____.”は「〜に勝るものはない」を意味し、「〜は最高だ」と表現する時に使われる口語的な言い回しです。日常会話では、there isを省いて“Nothing like ____.”と言うこともあります。

  • You look nothing like your older brother. Are you guys really siblings?
  • Tokyo is nothing like LA. It’s a completely different kind of vibe out there.
  • Nothing like an ice cold beer on a hot summer day.

4) Pretentious(気取った)


  • Don’t say things like that. It makes you sound pretentious.
  • I thought he came off a bit pretentious.
  • I don’t mean to sound pretentious, but the proper pronunciation is karaoke.

5) Force(強制する)


  • My boss forced me to work last weekend. I didn’t even get paid for it.
  • Don’t force the drawer open. You’re going to break it.
  • I was full, but I forced myself to eat everything.



  • Unrelated・・・かけ離れてる
  • Protagonist・・・主要な登場人物


  • On the other hand・・・一方で
  • Aware of・・・~を知っている
  • Remind someone of・・・〜を思い出す









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