
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.08.20





【Sarah】So Clay, what TV shows are you into these days?

【Clay】Well, to be honest, I don’t watch that much television. (laughs)


【Clay】So, probably the wrong person to ask. But in…recently, in terms of anime—I don’t know if this is the right thing to talk about right now—but recently in terms of anime, I’ve been, you know, finally going through Kimetsu no Yaiba.

【Sarah】Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Clay】Demon Slayer, right?


【Clay】You know, super, super popular. Super famous. I’ve been a little bit slow to pick up to it. Everyone I know watched it, like a year or two ago.


【Clay】But that’s what I’ve been going through recently. And it’s, you know—I—I get the hype. I think I understand…


【Clay】…why people…

【Sarah】I…I too came to the Kimetsu no Yaiba, Demon Slayer train a little bit late.

【Clay】Oh yeah. (laughs)

【Sarah】And I only came to it because my husband wanted to see the movie when it came out, you know?

【Clay】Oh. (laughs) Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】And everybody was talking about it.


【Sarah】All of my students were, you know…basically like, I had—all the girls were Nezuko for Halloween.

【Clay】(laughs) That’s great. Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】Just, you know a lot of elementary school students—then you’re trying to get them to speak English but they have like, a bamboo in their mouth.


【Sarah】And you’re like, “Okay, you know, time to take that out for a second.”


【Sarah】Like, but…and so I…he wanted to see the movie, and we were like, sort of there. And I was like, “All right, I got to get caught up.”


【Sarah】So I Wikipedia’d all of the episodes…

【Clay】Oh. (laughs)

【Sarah】…to sort of know what was going on and then watched the movie.


【Sarah】And then I went back and watched it.


【Sarah】And was like, “Oh, this is actually pretty good.” You know? I found it quite enjoyable and so…yeah. That—you know, I—I definitely I—I get the hype and it’s got very interesting—artistic, stylistic choices…

【Clay】Yeah, definitely.

【Sarah】…that I think play into why it’s so popular.

【Clay】Do you—do you feel, like that by, you know, looking up the—the episodes before actually watching them—did that affect how you might’ve appreciated it, or…or not?

【Sarah】You know, I’m usually pretty anti-spoiler.

【Clay】Right, yeah.

【Sarah】But in the interest of, you know, not being completely lost, especially going to see a movie in Japan—like you know it’s going to be in Japanese, you know?

【Clay】Oh, right yeah.

【Sarah】With no subtitles.


【Sarah】Then, so it’s like I…I felt like I—I just had to do that. And so I kind of put my “no-spoilers” brain to the side for a second.

【Clay】Right, yeah.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How was Sarah introduced to Demon Slayer?
  2. How did Sarah prepare herself for the film?
  3. Why wasn’t Sarah so concerned about plot spoilers for Demon Slayer before seeing the film in theaters?



  1. Her husband wanted to see the film in theaters, so she was introduced to the franchise through him.
  2. She went to Wikipedia and read about the plot of Demon Slayer and descriptions of the events of its episodes.
  3. As she and her husband would be seeing the film in Japan, she knew the film would be all in Japanese and with no subtitles, and so having background knowledge of the plot would help her follow the movie.



Sarah and Clay discuss their experiences watching the Demon Slayer anime and how they have enjoyed it. Clay started watching the series much later than his friends, who saw it well before he started.

Sarah was introduced to Demon Slayer through her husband, who wanted to see the film in the theater. In order to catch up with the story before seeing the film, Sarah read the Wikipedia description of the anime’s plot.

Both Sarah and Clay, having seen the anime, now understand why it’s so popular. They describe it as having an appealing visual and artistic style, and Sarah even mentions that some of her students enjoyed dressing up as characters from it for Halloween.

Sarah is normally against spoiling the plot of a show or story she hasn’t experienced yet. However, she didn’t mind spoiling herself for Demon Slayer since she and her husband would be seeing the film in a Japanese theater that would have no English subtitles. Therefore, having background knowledge of the plot would help her follow the film’s story.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Wrong person to ask(聞く相手を間違えているよ)

直訳で「間違った人に尋ねる」となるこの表現は、相手の質問に対して、その分野における知識や経験が自分にはない、という状況で使われ、日本語の「聞く相手を間違えているよ」に相当します。一般的には“You’re asking the wrong person.”の形式で使われ、今日の会話のようにテレビを全く見ない人にオススメの番組を尋ねた時や、パソコンが苦手な人にパソコンの使い方を聞くような状況で使われます。

  • I’m terrible with computers. You’re asking the wrong person.
  • I’ve never studied abroad so I don’t know what it’s like. You’re asking the wrong person.
  • I failed the Eiken three times in a row. I can’t give you any advice. You’re asking the wrong the person.

2) Hype(誇大に宣伝する、話題となっている)

hypeは「誇大に宣伝する」を意味する単語です。特に新しい商品やサービス、映画やテレビ番組、イベントやレストラン、スポーツ選手などについてマスコミが大げさに報道したり、大々的に宣伝したり、SNSで大きく話題にして多くの人を引きつけ夢中にさせることを表します。「〜は大々的に宣伝されている / 〜について大騒ぎしている」は「There is a lot of hype about/surrounding ____」、「〜は期待通り凄い」は「____ live up to the hype」と言います。

  • There’s been a lot of hype about the new ramen shop that opened up by the train station.
  • That movie was awful. It didn’t live up to the hype.
  • Shohei Ohtani is the real deal. He lived up to the hype.

3) Train(〜に乗っかる)

trainは「電車」や「列車」を意味しますが、日常会話では「ブーム」の比喩表現として使われ、「流行に乗る」ことを意味します。正式にはjump on the hype trainやjump on the bandwagonと表現し、話題になっているものに乗っかることを意味します。今日の会話に出てきた“Demon Slayer train(「鬼滅の刃」ブームに乗っかる)”のように、trainの前に具体的に流行っているものを入れることができます。

  • People are quick to jump on the hype train.
  • He’s not a true Dodgers fan. He just jumped on the bandwagon because they won last year.
  • Demon Slayer is super popular in Japan. Everyone jumped on the Demon Slayer train.

4) For a second(ちょっと)

for a secondは直訳すると「1秒間」ですが、日常会話では「一瞬」や「ちょっと」という意味で使われます。for a momentと意味と使い方は同じで、相手にちょっと待って欲しいと伝えるときや、「ちょっといい?」と相手に話しかけるような時に使えます。ちなみに、日常会話ではsecondを略してfor a secと言うこともよくあります。

  • Can you hang tight for a sec? I’ll be right back.
  • I thought I mixed up the time for a sec.
  • Do you have a second? I need to talk to you about something.

5) Catch up(追いつく)

catch upは「追いつく」や「遅れを取り戻す」を意味する日常表現です。仕事や学校の勉強などの遅れを取り戻したり、録画していた好きなドラマやアニメのエピソードを全部見て、最新のエピソードまで追いつくような状況で使われます。

  • I have to catch up on some work this weekend.
  • I’ve finally caught up on Demon Slayer. I binge-watched all the episodes yesterday.
  • I’m a little behind on my studies. I need to catch up.



  • Appreciated・・・評価する
  • Anti-spoiler・・・ネタバレ反対派
  • Subtitles・・・字幕


  • Be into・・・〜にハマっている
  • In terms of・・・〜に関して
  • Come out・・・公開される















  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Koyo より:

    Hi, I’m Koyo. I always listen to your podcasts. It’s pretty helpful for me. Thank you so much.

    I have a question.

    Sarah said “ So I Wikipedia’d all of the episodes…” in the episode. What is “Wikipedia’d”? I wonder it works as verb like “google”, but I haven’t heard that.

    I would appreciate it if you tell me about it. Thank you.

    • Jun より:

      Thanks for listening to my podcast, Kyoko! Yeah, “Wikipedia’d” works just like “Google’d”. It’s a made-up word, but it’s being used as a verb here saying, “She used Wikipedia to look something up.”

      • Koyo より:

        Thanks for the reply. I got it now.
        I also understood the form of these past tense : ~~~’d.

  2. kazu より:

    the wrong the person.ってなってるところがありますが合ってますか?

  3. ふみこ より:

    Junさん、初めまして。Podcast とっても楽しいです。使えそうな会話表現がたくさんあって、すごく便利です。


    Sarah and Clay discuss their experiences watching the Demon Slayer anime and how they have enjoyed it. Clay started watching the series much later than his friends, who saw it well before he started.

kazu へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


