
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.11.27





【Chris】So Mary, how are you planning on celebrating Thanksgiving this year?

【Mary】This year’s gonna (going to) be a bit different because of coronavirus. You know, we’re not supposed to have big family gatherings. But we’ve been isolated all year and we decided to drive to our hometown and stay with my dad. He’s all by himself. So it’s just going to be the 4 of us: my husband, my daughter, and my dad. So we’re gonna do family, but it’s going to be a small event. Was your Thanksgiving pretty different?

【Chris】Yeah, mine was very different. I live about 2 hours away from my family. They live outside Toronto. I live in Toronto.


【Chris】And so, I wasn’t able to travel to see them. I don’t have a car because I live in the city and even if I did, I…because I live in the city, it’s just a little bit too risky, I think.


【Chris】So, of course the tradition is to eat turkey but it’s—it’s—right now, it’s still risky to even go to the grocery store if you don’t have to, so I’ve been doing, like deliveries and so forth.

【Mary】I see.

【Chris】Like, grocery deliveries. For Thanksgiving, there’s a very small, like independent grocer, like, run by 1 person—like, they’re the owner and the person behind the cash register…


【Chris】…just very close to my house. So, I went in there and said, “Any chance you have something that I could make myself for Thanksgiving?”


【Chris】And he said, “We don’t have turkey, but we have a really delicious lasagna.”

【Mary】(laughs) That was your Thanksgiving.

【Chris】I had Thanksgiving lasagna—yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Mary】Ah, that’s different.


【Mary】Yeah, you know, traditionally my mom was the cook of the family…


【Mary】…and so with Thanksgiving, I was always happy to assist in the kitchen. But I’m clueless about cooking a turkey and my mom passed away. So, I don’t know what we’re gonna do exactly.


【Mary】My dad sometimes says, “How ‘bout (about) we do Chinese?” But…

【Chris】Oh, I see. Yeah.

【Mary】(laughs) So, I don’t know what it’s gonna look like in terms of food, but it’s my daughter’s first Thanksgiving where she’s old enough to remember anything, so I’m…

【Chris】Aw, that’s special.

【Mary】 …I think I’ll try to make a turkey.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Who will be present at Mary’s family’s Thanksgiving this year?
  2. What dish did Chris have for Thanksgiving?
  3. What dinner option does Mary’s father occasionally present?



  1. Her family’s Thanksgiving will include herself, her husband, her daughter, and her father.
  2. He cooked lasagna for his Thanksgiving.
  3. He sometimes suggests they order Chinese takeout food.



Mary and Chris talk about what they did or are doing for their Thanksgiving holidays this year. Chris has already celebrated Thanksgiving since he lives in Canada, and Mary’s family already has their plans.

Mary will be visiting her father for Thanksgiving along with her husband and her daughter. Chris was unable to visit his family for Thanksgiving due to his lack of a car and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Chris talked to a local grocer that recommended their lasagna dish to him. So he cooked that for his Thanksgiving dinner.

Traditionally, Mary’s mother was their family’s cook. Sadly, she passed away, and now Mary will be in charge of cooking turkey for their family this year, especially since this is the first year that her daughter is old enough to remember what is going on around her.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Supposed to(本当は〜するはず)

supposed toは状況によって様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話ではルールや決め事、法律などにより「本当は〜をするはず」または「本当は〜をするはずではない」の意味で使われています。例えば、マスクをしていない友達に、「お店の中ではマスクをしないといけないはずだよ」と注意する場合は「You’re supposed to wear a mask in stores.」と言います。

  • You’re not supposed to smoke here. The smoking area is over there.
  • It’s a potluck party. You’re supposed to bring a dish.
  • You’re supposed to let the manager know if there are any changes.

2) Run(経営する)

runはお店やレストラン、会社などを経営することを意味します。例えば「レストランを経営する」はrun a restaurant、「会社を経営する」はrun a companyのように表現し、runの後に経営する会社やビジネスなどが入ります。

  • I run an English school in Los Angeles.
  • I’ve been running this restaurant for over 10 years.
  • My buddy runs a cafe around here. Do you want to check it out?

3) Any chance(〜できますか?)

any chanceは「〜する可能性はありますか?」や「〜できますか?」を意味し、可能性について丁寧な物腰で質問するときに使われる表現です。例えば、「携帯電話の充電器を持っていませんか?」は「Any chance you have a phone charger on you?」と言います。正式には「Is there any chance ____?」ですが、日常会話ではis thereを省いてシンプルに「Any chance ____?」と尋ねることがよくあります。

  • Any chance you can knock off a few dollars?
  • Any chance you have a room with an ocean view?
  • Any chance you can help me out with the event tomorrow?

4) Clueless(無知な)

clueは「ヒント」、-lessは「~ない」を意味することから、 cluelessで「無知な」を意味します。「He is clueless.」のように人に対して使う場合は、「彼は何が起こっているのか全く分かっていない馬鹿だ」のようなネガティブなニュアンスになります。
また、日常会話では「〜について全然分からない」の意味で使われることが多く、clueless about ____の形式で使われます。例えば「私は株についてはさっぱりわかりません」は「I’m clueless about stocks.」のように表現します。ちなみに、「全然分からない」は「I’m clueless.」と言うことができますが、個人的には「I have no clue.」の方がよく使われるように思います。

  • I’m clueless about celebrity gossip. I don’t follow that stuff at all.
  • When it comes to programming or coding, I’m completely clueless.
  • I have no clue where Steve is. Maybe you should ask Tom. He might know.

5) Pass away(亡くなる)

pass away は「亡くなる」や「この世を去る」を意味する表現で、die(死ぬ)よりも柔らかく上品な響きがあります。「彼は亡くなりました」は「He passed away.」、「彼は癌で亡くなりました」は「He passed away from cancer.」と表現します。日常会話では「彼が亡くなりました」を「He passed.」のように略して言うこともあります。

  • She passed away at the young age of 50.
  • I used to have a dog but he passed away 5 years ago.
  • Apparently, he passed away from a heart attack.



  • Gathering・・・集まり
  • Isolated・・・隔離(生活)


  • And so forth・・・〜など
  • In temrs of・・・〜に関しては



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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