
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.11.20





【Mary】So Chris, what are some Thanksgiving traditions in your family?

【Chris】So, the first thing I think of is food. That’s the most important thing.


【Chris】And it’s a pretty traditional setup with turkey or ham. For my family it’s—it’s almost always been turkey, and then just every sort of decadent food that you can think of on the side…

【Mary】Mm hm.

【Chris】…and then, like the classic pumpkin pie dessert. Also…


【Chris】Oh, go ahead.

【Mary】Oh, no. I’m just agreeing. (laughs)

【Chris】Oh, I see. (laughs) Here in Canada, Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October, so it’s already happened. And it’s the first weekend after university begins in September for students to come home. So I’ve graduated.


【Chris】It’s been years now. But that was always a really important weekend during the time that I was going to university for that chance to come back home for the first time in a few weeks, maybe bring a suitcase of laundry. (laughs)


【Chris】And I could get some good food.

【Mary】It’s been a long time since I was in college, but I think we had a fall break before Thanksgiving. But Thanksgiving was a long one where they kick you out of the dorms, so.


【Mary】Yeah, people had to go home. (laughs)

【Chris】Oh, wow. Okay, gotcha (got you).

【Mary】So—but, yeah. I don’t really associate Thanksgiving with college exactly. But for us, it’s also—it’s a family holiday—it’s not really, like a couples or friends holiday, at least when you’re young.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Mary】So, I just always got together with family. My parents live far from my grandparents, so it’s a small thing with turkey, sweet potatoes…

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Mary】…pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, creamed corn…pretty similar to you, I think. And it’s of course a holiday of, like saying thanks.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Mary】But, so, what—you know, before eating, we all say something we’re thankful for, and then we eat a lot and that’s pretty much it.

【Chris】Oh, I love that. Yeah.

【Mary】Yeah, but I don’t know if you have the same tradition. We have a Macy’s Day Parade on Thanksgiving.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When is Thanksgiving held in Canada?
  2. What happened at Mary’s college when Thanksgiving weekend arrived?
  3. Why doesn’t Mary’s family invite all of their extended family to their Thanksgiving dinners?



  1. Thanksgiving is held in Canada on the second Monday of October.
  2. Students were ordered to leave their dorms for the weekend.
  3. Her extended family is spread out across the United States and so it is hard to gather them all together.



Mary and Chris share the traditions their families have surrounding the holiday of Thanksgiving. Though Mary is from the United States and Chris is from Canada, both have similar traditions with their families.

Chris’s family usually cooks large dinners on Canada’s Thanksgiving with turkey as the central dish and pumpkin pie as the dessert. Unlike in the United States, Canadian Thanksgiving is held on the second Monday of October.

Mary remembers that her college would order students to vacate their dorms for the Thanksgiving weekend in the United States. Her family celebrated Thanksgiving similarly to Chris’s.

Mary’s family doesn’t usually gather all of their extended family into a single location for Thanksgiving because their extended family are spread out across the United States and it is difficult to bring them all into one place. Her family’s Thanksgiving dinners also center around turkey, as well as sweet potatoes, creamed corn, pumpkin pie, and other traditional Thanksgiving dishes.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Same (私も)

Same は相手に同意するときに使われる表現で、「同じく」や「私も」を意味します。Me too と意味と使い方は同じですが、よりカジュアルなニュアンスがあります。

  • Same here と言うこともでき、どちらを使ってもOKです。
  • Same, I don’t have any plans this weekend either. I’m just going to stay in and chill.
  • Same here. I’m addicted to Demon Slayer too! It’s such a good show.
  • Same. I haven’t exercised at all this week.

2) Almost always(ほぼ必ず)


  • I almost always make lunch and bring it to work.
  • The trains in Japan are almost always on time.
  • I almost always drink a cup of tea before going to bed.

3) Kick someone out(〜を追い出す)

Kick someone out は誰かを「追い出す」ことを意味する表現です。トラブルを起こしている人を家や店から追い出したり、学校で問題を起こした生徒を退学させるような状況で使われます。今日の会話でメアリーが「They kick you out of the dorms.」と言いましたが、ここでは問題を起こした生徒が寮から追い出されたのではなく、感謝祭の休みで寮が閉鎖されてしまうため生徒が寮を出なければならなかったことを意味します。

  • Mike got kicked out of school. Apparently he tried to punch the teacher.
  • I think the restaurant is closing soon. Let’s get out of here before they kick us out.
  • That customer got kicked out of the store for not wearing a mask.

4) Gotcha(分かった、了解)

Gotchaは 「I got you.」を略した言い方で、「分かった」や「了解」を意味する口語表現です。「I understand you.」と意味は同じですがよりカジュアルでフレンドリーな響きがあります。

  • Gotcha. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.
  • Yeah, I gotcha. Don’t worry. I won’t forget to bring the books.
  • Gotcha. Thanks for the heads up.

5) Pretty much(ほとんど、大体)

pretty muchはalmostやmostlyの代わりに使える口語表現で、「ほとんど」や「大体」を意味します。この表現は日常の様々なシーンで使うことができ、例えば説明を一通り終えた後やミーティングの終わりに「That’s pretty much it.(大体そんなところです)」と言ったり、久しぶりに会った友達に近況を聞かれた時に「Things are pretty much the same.(相変わらずだよ)」と返答したりするような状況で使います。

  • I study English pretty much every day.
  • I’m pretty much done with my project. I just have to put the finishing touches on it.
  • That’s pretty much it. I think I covered everything. Do you guys have any questions?



  • Decadent・・・贅沢な
  • Dorms・・・寮
  • Associate・・・結びつける


  • Suitcase of laundry・・・洗濯物の入ったスーツケース
  • Fall break・・・秋休み



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Jungmi より:

    Hi, Jun sensei,

    Thank you for your time and effort to make this kind of good podcast possible for everyone who wants to study English. The reason I wanted to leave here comment is that the word “desert’ in the second summary was misspelled by mistake. I think it meant to be dessert.

    Thank you again and Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Jungmi! Thanks for always listening to my podcast. Thanks for pointing that out! There was a typo there. Fixed it. Thank you!!

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