
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.08.21





【Kame】So, can you tell me what the…thing you are most looking forward to once this…once this is all over?

【revel】I personally think this won’t be over for a couple of years. I think we’ve got a couple of years of uh, not as bad as the past 90 days, but a couple of years of, uh facing and dealing with, uh not only the virus itself but the—the, um economic, uh repercussions and—and the social repercussions and the political repercussions. I think it’s gonna (going to) be a couple of years before we can say, “Ah! This is all over.”

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】And walking the dog with—with my friend this afternoon, uh we both came to the conclusion that when it’s all over, everybody’s gonna stop talking about it. It’s going to become suddenly a thing that never happened, as probably happened—as we know happened with the 1918, uh so-called “Spanish Flu.”

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】And during the period that it was going on, it was prohibited to talk about it. We were in the middle of the first World War. But then afterwards, I didn’t learn about the Spanish Flu in school.


【revel】I didn’t study it in political science. I didn’t study it in history classes. I think I probably learned…I always knew there was some kind of big flu epidemic in the early 20th Century.

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】But I didn’t really know about the Spanish Flu until this one started. So what I’ve been looking forward to when this is all over, I can’t say ‘cause (because) I think we’ve got a couple of years yet…

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】…and I’m not going to try to predict what I’m going to be doing in two years. I don’t—I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow. There’s so many things to do.

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】And how about you? Do you have any—any hopes for…or any plans or thoughts about what—what’s going to happen in your life once this is theoretically all over?

【Kame】Yeah, so the first thing I wanna (want to) do is go eat at a restaurant. New York has so much amazing food…


【Kame】…and I have really enjoyed going around to different places. I have a friend who knows all of these secret little hidden spots that are just amazing and, um I love eating out. It’s one thing I have missed so much.


【Kame】I love being in a restaurant with other people. I love to people watch. I love to just enjoy a meal with my fiancé or my friends. Um, and so this is one thing I’m really looking forward to. And I also miss the art museums.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What conclusion did revel and his friend reach while walking his dog?
  2. What is the first thing Kame wants to do once the pandemic is over?
  3. What special knowledge does Kame’s friend have?



  1. They both agreed that once the pandemic is over, everyone will stop talking about it.
  2. She wants to eat at a New York restaurant.
  3. Kame’s friend knows lots of hidden places throughout New York for getting good food.



Kame and revel continue their discussion of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. revel shares his view that society will not be completely beyond the pandemic for several years from now.

revel thinks that there will be significant economic, social, and political repercussions of the pandemic that will have to be dealt with for years to come before society can return to normal. He and his friend, while walking revel’s dog, came to the conclusion that once the pandemic is over, most of society will avoid talking about it.

Kame misses eating out at restaurants in New York and the first thing she wants to do once the pandemic is over is go out to one. She enjoys the atmosphere of a restaurant, people watching in one, and just enjoying meals with her fiancé and friends.

Kame loves the foods of New York and has a friend with extensive knowledge of all sorts of hidden places to get meals throughout New York. In addition, Kame also misses going to New York’s art museums.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Repercussion(影響)

Repercussion は「影響」や「結果」を意味する単語で、行動や状況から必然的に導かれる「悪影響」の意味で使われるのが一般的です。今日の会話では、economic repercussions(経済的な影響)、social repercussions(社会的な影響)、political repercussions(政治的な影響)という表現がありましたが、いずれもマイナスの意味合いで使われています。

  • repercussions のように複数形で使うのがポイントです。
  • What repercussions do you think the coronavirus will have on the economy?
  • The repercussions of the Tohoku earthquake were felt throughout Japan.
  • His recent scandal will have serious repercussions on his career.

2) Prohibit(禁止する)

Prohibitは「禁止する」という意味の動詞で、法律や規則、ルールなどで禁止または規制されていることに対して使われます。かなりフォーマルな響きがあり、お店や会社、空港などでの禁止事項でよく使われます。「〜は禁じられている」は ____ is prohibitedと表現します。

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in this building.
  • Drinking in public is prohibited by law in California.
  • Swimming is prohibited at this beach.

3) In the middle of(〜のさなか)

In the middle of は「〜の真ん中」「〜の最中」「〜のさなか」など、状況によって様々な意味合いを持つ表現です。例えば、「部屋の真ん中」はin the middle of the room、「ミーティング中」はin the middle of a meeting、「パンデミックのさなか」はin the middle of a pandemicとなります。

  • I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn’t go back to sleep.
  • He’s in a middle of a meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message?
  • I’m in the middle of something right now. I’ll text you later.

4) Hidden spots(あまり知られていない場所)

Hidden spotsを直訳すると「隠れた場所」ですが、これはガイドブックには載っておらず地元の人しか知らないようなお店や公園など、あまり知られていない穴場を指す表現です。

  • There are so many great hidden spots in Tokyo.
  • I came across a nice hidden spot by the train station yesterday.
  • There is this hidden spot I want to take you to next time.

5) Eat out(外食する)

外食するは英語で eat out、逆に家で食事することを eat in と言います。例えば、「今晩は外食しよう」は「Let’s eat out tonight.」と表現します。

  • How often do you eat out?
  • Since the coronavirus outbreak, I’ve been cooking at home more than eating out.
  • I don’t feel like eating out tonight. Let’s stay in and cook something.



  • Predict・・・予想
  • Theoretically・・・論理上
  • Social person・・・社交的な人


  • Come to the conclusion・・・結論に達する
  • So-called・・・いわゆる
  • I can’t say・・・〜とは言えない
  • Going around・・・(お店を)めぐる
  • People watch・・・人間観察












  1. アキコ より:


  2. アキコ より:


  3. ST より:

    Just found out a great podcast here. It’s perfect for me to practise both English and Japanese listening skills. Thank you so much for making these interesting lessons.どうもありがとうございます。

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