
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.09.11

第304回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「コロナで変わった価値観」です。このパンデミックは皆さんの人生にどのような影響を与えたと思いますか? 今日の会話では、カメとレベルが、コロナウイルスがどのように二人の考え方を変えたのか、そして今後どのような影響を与えるのかについて話し合います。 今日の会話を聴きながら、皆さんの人生に対する考え方や見方が変わったかどうかを考えてみましょう。




【Kame】Yeah, so final question. How do you think this experience will change you?

【revel】I think when they say 28,500 people have died, that has been a number. When they say, uh 115,000 are—now it’s 117,000 people have died in the States that just seems like a number.

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】And when they passed 100,000 in the States, they stuck on 100,000 even though each day was going up another 2,000. I’m listening to Rachel Maddow or—or Ari Melber and they say, “Over 100,000.” No, say the number 115,000 and say, “Dead.” People have died.

【Kame】It kind of reminds me of the—the saying. It’s like, “One death is a tragedy. 1,000 deaths is a statistic.” So…


【Kame】…it’s hard for people to really imagine how much death that is. Whereas, each person who’s died has their own story and it is a tragedy all on its own. I guess one thing I’m—I’m hopeful is that I won’t take things as for granted.

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】So I was kind of—it’s made me reflect that, you know, the United States is really this we have this mindset where we just consume as though resources will never run out. We spend money like we’ll never need it saved. And, um you know, also sometimes I would, you know, not want to go to work just ‘cause (because) “Ah, I wish I could just stay home and have fun,” and…


【Kame】You know? Uh, after all of this I’ve realized I am so lucky for my health and for my job, that I can keep working, that I have an income, and I’ve been more conscious about where and when I spend my money. So thinking about, “Okay, if I’m gonna (going to) order, uh lunch today for delivery I’m going to order from a neighborhood restaurant that really needs my support.”

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】Or, “I’m going to shop with local businesses.” And before it was kind of like, “Whatever’s convenient, whatever’s closest, I’ll—I’ll buy.” Um, but I’ve realized you know you need to really support your community and, um…so, yeah. Hopefully not taking things for granted…

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】…in my life and appreciate what I do have and what I’m really grateful for and thinking about how I can help other people.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does revel wish news personalities would say about the numbers they report related to the coronavirus?
  2. What does Kame consider nowadays when she orders delivery food?
  3. How did Kame previously decide on where to buy food?



  1. He hopes that news personalities would identify the precise number of deaths and remind audiences that the numbers reported indicate real human lives lost.
  2. Nowadays, Kame wants to order food from local businesses that need her financial support.
  3. Before the pandemic, Kame mainly concerned herself with what was the most convenient option.



Kame and revel discuss how they think the COVID-19 pandemic has changed or will change them. revel first shares his thoughts on how the numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths are reported.

revel wishes that news personalities would more regularly report the precise number of deaths and remind audiences that the numbers they are reporting represent human lives lost. Kame agrees, citing the saying, “One death is a tragedy, 1,000 deaths is a statistic.”

Kame hopes that the pandemic will teach her not to take things for granted. She is grateful for her health, her job, and her income, and wants to do more to give back to her community using her good fortunes.

For example, when ordering food for delivery nowadays, Kame likes to support local businesses that really need her financial support. Prior to the pandemic, Kame selected her food choices based mainly on convenience.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Remind A of B (AにBのことを思い出させる)

Remind of は「思い出させる」ことを意味し、何かを見聞きしてあることを思い出したり記憶が蘇ったりすることを表します。例えば、懐かしい曲を聞いた時に、「This song reminds me of high school.(この曲を聞くと高校時代を思い出す)」という具合に使われます。ちなみに、「That reminds me.」で「それで思い出した」を意味します。

  • This smell reminds me of my childhood.
  • He reminds me of someone but I don’t know who it is.
  • That reminds me. I need to make a reservation for dinner tomorrow.

2) Whereas(〜であるのに対して)


  • I love cilantro whereas she can’t stand it.
  • I’m an introvert whereas my younger sister is an extrovert.
  • In Japan, you drive on the left side of the road whereas in the U.S., you drive on the right.

3) As though(まるで〜であるかのように)

As though は、事実とは異なることを述べる仮定表現で、「まるで~であるかのように」という意味でよく使われます。例えば、「彼女はまるでお金持ちであるかのように話している」は 「She talks as though she were rich.」と言います。仮定法のためas thoughの後には過去形が続きますが、日常会話では、現在形や未来形が使われることも多く、ルールはそこまで厳密に守られていません。その他、「〜のように見える」という意味でも使われます。

  • As if も同じ意味を持ち、as thoughと特に違いはありません。より口語的な言い方としてlikeも使われます。
  • He talks as though he’s been to LA.
  • She acted as though nothing happened.
  • It looks as though it’s going to rain at any second.

4) Run out(使い果たす)

Run out は何かを使い切ったり在庫がなくなることを表す口語表現です。例えば、牛乳がなくなった場合は、「We ran out of milk.」と言います。「〜がなくなってきた」は、現在進行形のrunning out ofの形で表現すればOKです。

  • The printer ran out of ink. Do you have another one?
  • How do you always come up with new ideas? You don’t run out of ideas?
  • My cell is running out of battery. I need to charge it.

5) Be conscious(〜を意識する)

Be conscious of/about ____で、「〜を意識する」や「〜を自覚している」という意味になります。例えば、「彼は自分の外見を意識している」は 「He is conscious of his appearance.」と言います。また、「何かをもっと意識する」と表現する場合は、more を加えてbe more conscious of/about ____と表現します。

  • I’m usually conscious of what I say and what I do.
  • I’m trying to be more conscious about my health these days.
  • I’m conscious of my flaws and I have learned to accept them.



  • Passed・・・越えた
  • Reflect・・・考えさせられる
  • Consume・・・消費する
  • Resource・・・資源


  • Stuck on・・・固執する
  • Whatever’s convenient, whatever’s closest・・・便利で近ければ何でもいい








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