
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.03.06





【Christian】What’s “American food?” What do you consider “American food?”

【Chris】Ah, great question. Glad you asked. I would say, um American food is, you know, hard to say that these are true American food because so many different people, they come from all over the world, and America has only been around for, like 200—some odd years.
So, uh you know, there’s a lot of cultures that come here, so America is…definitely takes a lot from all these different cultures. Um, obviously like, hamburgers probably a big one.


【Chris】Steak, you know, we talked about that earlier. Steak is obviously a big one. Um…other than that, I can’t really think of any, like “American” food, with quotes.

【Christian】When I think of, like more, like traditional American food, like I only think of like, uh, like let’s say, potatoes, uh…some sort of beans, uh, you know, hamburgers, um…what else? Like, uh traditional like, starch—starchy food, basically.


【Christian】In that area. And that’s all I can really think of, like “American foods…”


【Christian】…’cause (because) I mean, like, I get asked, like by a lot of other, like people outside of the country, like, “What’s a good American food?” I’m like, “I don’t know.”

【Chris】It—it’s funny. Yeah.

【Christian】Honestly, like… (laughs). We don’t really have, like too much traditional American food…

【Chris】It’s not…

【Christian】…unless you go down South more.

【Chris】Like I said, it comes from everywhere. Um, you know, you say potatoes, and I’m like, “I’m Irish.” So like…

【Christian】Yeah, that’s true.

【Chris】…I know potatoes—is like, an Irish food.


【Chris】You know what I mean? To me, you know what I mean? When I think of potatoes, I think of Ireland and I think of, you know, um that sort of thing. So, it—it’s a great…it’s a great question. What is “American food?” I think it’s, you know, pizza…

【Christian】(laughs) That’s Italy.

【Chris】…it’s—it’s…I know. It is totally, hundred percent from Italy. I think of burritos, even though that’s, you know, it’s Mexican, obviously.

【Christian】Actually, no, I think burritos is, like a Californian…’cause…

【Chris】Oh, okay. Could be…all right.

【Christian】Yeah, ‘cause…

【Chris】Well there you go.

【Christian】…basically, we kind of—like, uh we kind of…

【Chris】We kind of mashed it all together?

【Christian】…”fusioned” it, yeah.

【Chris】I believe it, I believe it.

【Christian】You know, California, like we bring the best foods from outside the world and just make it our own, like uh…

【Chris】Yes we do.

【Christian】…yeah. So I think that’s… (laughs). That’s a very Californian thing—or American thing to do. So that’s cool.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Chris feel it’s difficult to identify foods as truly “American?”
  2. What region of the United States does Christian believe more “traditional” American food can be found?
  3. When Chris thinks of the food “potatoes,” what else does he think of?



  1. Chris feels that because America has taken in people from all over the world, a lot of foods that are popular in America actually have origins outside of the country.
  2. Christian feels the American South has some more traditional foods.
  3. Chris thinks of Ireland whenever he thinks of potatoes, generally thinking of potatoes as an Irish food.



Chris and Christian talk about what counts as true “American food.” Both of them agree that identifying foods as American is difficult because of America’s short and unique history.

Chris feels that because America has welcomed people from all over the world, many foods that originated in other countries developed additional associations as “American” foods. Hamburgers and steaks are examples of foods Chris thinks of as “American” foods.

Christian thinks that a lot of traditional American dishes can be found in the American South. Generally however, he thinks of starchy foods like potato-based dishes as American dishes.

Whenever Chris thinks of “potatoes” however, he thinks of Ireland, viewing potatoes as an originally Irish food. The same can be said of pizza, originally an Italian food, along with many other dishes popular throughout America.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Hard to say (言い難い)

Hard to sayは直訳すると「言うのは難しい」、つまり「言い難い」や「何とも言えない」に相当する表現で、断言できない時や判断に迷っている時に使われます。一般的には、「It’s/That’s hard to say.」の形をとります。

  • It’s hard to say who’s right or wrong in this situation.
  • It’s hard to say what’s going to happen. We’ll just have to wait and see.
  • Do I think the Tokyo Olympics is going to get cancelled? I hope it doesn’t but that’s hard to say.

2) Big (重要な)

Bigと言えば「大きい」ですが、日常会話では、「重要な」という意味でも使われます。例えば「重要なミーティング」は a big meeting、「大事な日」は a big day、「重大な決断」は a big decisionのように、importantの意味で使われる口語表現です。

  • I have a big meeting with the CEO of Google today.
  • I have a big announcement to make to everyone.
  • When I was in my mid-twenties, I had to make a big decision about my career.

3) Starch (デンプン)

Starchの意味は「デンプン」で、パンやパスタ、お米やジャガイモなど、デンプン質の食べ物をstarchy foodと言います。

  • I’m trying to cut down on starchy foods but it’s hard.
  • Corn is high in starch but rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • Are there any healthy starchy foods?

4) Mash(すりつぶす)

Mashは「すりつぶす」という意味の単語で、「ポテトをすりつぶす」はmash the potatoes、「ニンニクをつぶす」はmash the garlicのように使われます。ちなみに「マッシュポテト」はmashed potatoesで、mashの後にedをつける必要があります。

  • また、mashは「混ぜる」という意味で使われることもあります。例えば今日の会話で、クリスはmashed it all togetherと言いますが、これは「様々な国の料理を混ぜ合わせる」ことを意味しています。
  • Can you mash the garlic and put it in that bowl?
  • I’m going to bring mashed potatoes and gravy to the potluck party tonight.
  • Should I use a fork to mash these avocados?

5) That’s a very ~ thing to do(いかにも〜がやりそうなこと)

That’s a very… thing to doは、「いかにも~がやりそうなこと」や「~らしい」という意味の口語表現です。例えば、行き当たりばったりな性格のブライアンが、急に仕事を辞めて1年間の世界1周旅行をすると聞いた時に、「That’s a very Brian thing to do.(いかにもブライアンがやりそうなことだ)」と言うことができます。

  • They folded a thousand paper cranes? That’s a very Japanese thing to do.
  • She sent you a postcard from Paris? That’s a very Lisa thing to do.
  • I’m not surprised he decided to quit his job and travel the world. That’s a very Brian thing to do.



  • South・・・(アメリカ)南部
  • Fusion・・・融合させる


  • Other than that・・・それ以外は
  • Let’s say・・・例えば
  • Some sort of・・・何かしらの



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. はるき より:

    質問です 英語でなんて言えばいいかわからない時
    How do I say it といいますか?

    • Jun より:


      How do I say it?もOKですが、I don’t know how to say it in English. の方がわかりやすいと思います。

  2. 吉村博之 より:


  3. Takuma より:

    今回紹介されたThat’s a very – thing to do ですが、「いかにも彼がしそうなことだ」と言いたい時は、“That’s a very his thing to do”と表現するのが正しいのでしょうか。

    • Jun より:



  4. Tomoko Masuda より:

    “I get asked”と使われていますが、I was asked…とどのようなニュアンスの違いがありますか?少し調べたところ I get askedは「…についてよく聞かれる」と言ったニュアンス、「I was asked… 」はただ単純に誰かに…について聞かれた、というニュアンスだということでした。

    • Jun より:


      I get askedは「…についてよく聞かれる」。「I was asked… 」はただ単純に誰かに…について聞かれた、で間違いないです。

  5. yuki より:

    “along with”と”with”は何となく違うニュアンスなのかなと思うのですが、違いをどうイメージしたらいいですか?

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