
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.02.21





【Chris】What do you think of, um people that are going completely vegan?

【Christian】I think it’s probably, uh very good for the environment, um and is very—I guess…I don’t know if I’d say “noble,” but uh, you know, could be seen as that. However, I hate when they push their opinions down my throat with their vegan…

【Chris】Mm, mm.

【Christian】…uh, ideology.

【Chris】Mm hm. “You’re a bad person if you don’t—do eat meat.”

【Christian】I know, I know. “If you don’t—if you eat meat, you’re a terrible person,” and…

【Chris】How dare you? Don’t you care about the animals?”

【Christian】Yeah, exactly.


【Christian】Um, so that’s just bombarded on, like Instagram, or SnapChat, or Facebook, you know? And like, I get it, you know. Like, being, you know, like—the food industry, and like, you know, how they process all the food and all that. It’s like, terrible for, like cows and animals and all that. Um, that’s horrible. That should definitely be changed. However, I do think humans need some, like…like, they need meat.

【Chris】I agree, I agree.

【Christian】And there’s been studies on that. Um, however there’s a better way of doing it, so I understand that as well.

【Chris】What about Beyond Meat?


【Chris】Have you tried—have you tried that?

【Christian】I have not tried Beyond Meat. How’s Beyond Meat?

【Chris】I haven’t tried it either. I haven’t—I’m a…I’m an omnivore.

【Christian】I’ve heard it tastes like…my friend—I don’t know if he was joking. He was like, “Ah, it tastes like chicken.” So. (laughs) So that works.

【Chris】Yeah, I mean, you know, these companies are sprouting up. They’re brand—you know, these…they’re multibillion-dollar new companies that have just opened up on, like the stock exchange and stuff like that. And uh, they um…you know, they have billions of dollars backing them.
And uh, they’re coming out with these new products and they’re in McDonalds now, Burger King, you know. You know, even, you know, like…I don’t know if Popeye’s is doing it. But there’s a few others…uh, restaurants that are going to, like the Beyond Meat product. And it’s really interesting to see. I mean, I’m not sure how far it’ll go, but we’ll see, you know.

【Christian】No, I’m glad we’re progressing to a future of, like healthier, you know, choices.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】Um, especially, you know—even, you know, if—if, let’s say, we all went vegan, I would be fine with that. Um, however, like I know that’s gonna (going to) take a long progress, especially people who, um…I—I know very well, where like, “No, I love meat. I cannot give it up.”

【Chris】Yeah, that’s right. Uh huh.

【Christian】So that’s gonna be very difficult for—especially for, like Americans who love, like burgers, barbecues, and uh…

【Chris】Absolutely, absolutely, you know.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What about veganism does Christian dislike?
  2. What aspect of the food industry does Christian believe needs change?
  3. What sort of product does Chris mention that is becoming more prominent in restaurants?



  1. He dislikes the forcefulness with which some vegans advocate their diet and lifestyle.
  2. Christian feels the food industry’s poor treatment of animals, particularly in the production of meat products, needs to be changed.
  3. Chris mentions Beyond Meat, a meat substitute product that is being sold in an increasing number of restaurants around the country.



Chris and Christian talk about the rise of veganism and vegan diets. Christian begins by describing his thoughts on the positive and negative aspects of veganism.

Christian feels that vegans’ diets are good for the environment. However he dislikes how forceful some vegans are in advocating their diets and lifestyles to other people.

Christian does appreciate vegans’ criticisms of the food industry, particularly those areas involved in meat production and the poor treatment of animals. Still, he feels that humans need meat in their diets.

Chris brings up the subject of Beyond Meat, a meat substitute product that is being produced by well-financed companies and being sold in an increasing number of restaurants in the United States. Christian is unopposed to a future where vegan products are more widely consumed, but believes a long transition away from meat will have to take place before that can happen.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Push down someone’s throat(人に無理に押し付ける)

Push down someone’s throatは、直訳すると「人に何かを無理やり飲ませる」で、主に人や動物に薬を無理やり飲ませる状況で使われます。しかし日常会話では、自分の考えや意見を人に押しつけるという意味でも使われます。例えば、「彼は自分の意見を人に押しつける」は「He pushes his opinions down people’s throats.」と言います。

  • Pushの代わりにshoveやforce、ramを使うこともできます。
  • Sometimes he has tendencies to push his opinions down people’s throats.
  • I hate it when salespeople try to shove their products down our throats.
  • Don’t force it down his throat. Let him decide on his own.

2) Bombard(攻める)

Bombardは本来、ミサイルや爆弾などで敵を砲撃することを意味する単語ですが、日常会話では質問や要求、情報などが絶え間なく入ってくる様子を「攻撃」と比喩的に表す際にも使います。例えば「質問攻めにする」はbombard with questionsと言います。

  • I was bombarded with questions at the seminar yesterday.
  • I had a hectic day. I was bombarded with customer complaints all day.
  • He’s been bombarding me with text messages. He sent me over 50 messages yesterday.

3) Beyond Meat(ビヨンド・ミート)

ビヨンド・ミートは、最近アメリカで話題になっている植物由来の人工肉の開発・製造を手がけるアメリカ企業です。エンドウ豆などを主原料とし、ハンバーガーのパテやひき肉、ソーセージ、鶏肉などを模した完全植物性の人工肉を開発しています。既にマクドナルドやバーガーキング、TGIフライデーズやハードロックカフェなどでそうした人工肉が導入されており、スーパーでも買うことができます。人工肉を開発している有名企業は他にもあり、Impossible Foodsがその1つです。

  • Have you ever tried Beyond Meat?
  • Does a Beyond Meat burger taste like a real burger?
  • I heard you can buy Beyond Meat at stores like Target, Costco and Whole Foods.

4) Omnivore(雑食動物)


  • 日本語では人のタイプを「肉食系」や「草食系」などと表現しますが、それを英語にそのまま置き換えると不自然なので使い方には気をつけましょう。
  • I’m an omnivore. I’ll eat anything.
  • Have you ever wondered why the biggest animals are herbivores?
  • I’m definitely a carnivore. I can’t live without my meat.

5) Sprout up(急に成長する・出現する)


  • Shared offices have been sprouting up all over Tokyo.
  • There are many cafes and restaurants sprouting up in this area.
  • After I downloaded the software, problems started sprouting up.



  • Noble・・・崇高
  • Progress・・・進歩する


  • How dare you?・・・よくもそんなことを
  • Process (all) the food・・・食品加工
  • Back someone・・・後押しがある



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. TSUTESA より:

    Nice to meet you Jun-san.
    I have been learning English from Hapa for the past 1 year.Thanks to it ,I made friends with foreigners,and enjoy learning English every day,I’ve never lived abroad though.

    By the way,I’m wondering what” how dare you” technicaly means.
    I thought that he made fun of the remark Greta had said😁What do you think about that Junsan??

    • Jun より:

      Hey Tsutesa

      Happy to hear you’re making friends from all over the world. That’s amazing! “How dare you” is an express used to show that you are very angry or shocked about what someone said or done. It can be used in a serious way or in a joking manner. In this case, Chris said it in a joking manner.

  2. とみー より:


    「肉なしでは生きられません」が”I can’t live without my meat.”とありますが、”my”はあった方がいいですか?

    • Jun より:



      • とみー より:


  3. i like English より:


  4. 金欠ゴリラ より:

    I guess…I don’t know if I’d say “noble,” but uh, you know, could be seen as that.

  5. […] 詳しい解説付きの公式サイトはこちらで見ることができます。会話文を見ながらリスニングをすれば、理解度も上がりますね。 […]

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