
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.10.04





【Athrylis】So Lawrence, what are your opinions on tattoos?

【Lawrence】Um, overall, I like tattoos in general. Um so, I mean, there are some from uh, an artistic point. There are some that I like, some that I don’t like. There’s some good tattoos and some bad tattoos. But overall, the thing I like about tattoos—that it’s kind of a way of…I guess generally just self-expression. Especially if it’s something that’s kind of personal to them…

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】…then it’s kind of a way for me to, kind of, see how they kind of express themselves.

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】That uh…so, what about you?

【Athrylis】Um, my family didn’t do tattoos. I guess that—my mom was really against it and I think still is like, “Ugh, look at the people having so many tattoos.” And so that was sort of ingrained in me until at some point I was like, “Wait, why would I care what another person does with their body?”

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】I have absolutely no opinion on that. And I’ll still sometimes be like, “Wow, okay. You’re going to get that tattoo on you permanently when you don’t even know what it means? That’s an interesting choice. But okay you’re…that’s just gonna (going to) be you, and, uh has nothing to do with me.”
Um, I don’t have any tattoos, but sometimes I think, “Oh, I’ll get one at some point.” But for me, personally, it would have to be something significant.  

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】I understand other people have, you know, anything that they want because it looks cool, and that’s fine for them. Do you have tattoos?

【Lawrence】Uh, not—I’ve been meaning to get some for a while. Actually, I’ve wanted them since, um middle school.


【Lawrence】That there are two that I’m planning to get. Um one is gonna be a song title on my, uh wrist.


【Lawrence】Another one is gonna be, uh Star Wars thing on my shoulder. Those are the ones, um…I think for maybe…it’s been, what, over five years I’ve been pretty set on getting those so I think it’s um, not like, a sudden, rash decision, trying to get those.

【Athrylis】I feel like, nowadays, though, so many people—like, everyone has tattoos.

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】Like, I think all of my coworkers have at least one tattoo, even though they’re not usually showing. And I’m not talking to them about it, and I don’t really know if those tattoos have any particular meaning, ‘cause (because) we haven’t talked about it. But I think it’s such a common thing that I don’t even really look twice at somebody who has tattoos or not.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What purpose does Lawrence think tattoos generally serve for those who get them?
  2. Do either Lawrence or Athrylis have any tattoos?
  3. Lawrence has interest in getting two tattoos. What are they?



  1. Lawrence believes tattoos are a form of self-expression for those who get them.
  2. Neither of them has tattoos.
  3. He wants a Star Wars tattoo on his shoulder and a song title on his wrist.



In this episode, Lawrence and Athrylis discuss the subject of tattoos and share their views on what they mean, why one should get one, and what tattoos they would like to get.

Lawrence generally views tattoos as a form of self-expression for those who get them. Though he likes ones made with artistic attention, there are some he also dislikes.

Athrylis’s mother disliked tattoos, and so when Athrylis was growing up, this attitude of her mother’s influenced her. However, as time went on, Athrylis became more accepting of tattoos, and believed it was none of her business what people did with their bodies.

Neither Lawrence nor Athrylis have any tattoos of their own. However, Lawrence is interested in getting two specific tattoos at some point in the future. He wants a tattoo of a song title on his wrist and a Star Wars tattoo on his shoulder.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Ingrained(植え付けられた)


  • I always bow when I greet people. It’s a habit that’s ingrained in me.
  • My experience living abroad was so shocking that it’s deeply ingrained in my memory.
  • Showing respect for one’s elders is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture.

2) Have nothing to do with(〜と関係がない)

Have nothing to do withは「〜とは無関係である」という意味で、日常的によく使われる表現です。例えば、「それは私には関係ない」は、「That has nothing to do with me.」と言います。

  • That has nothing to do with you.
  • Why are you bringing up the past? That has nothing to do with what we’re talking about.
  • You’re never too old to learn English. Age has nothing to do with it.

3) I’ve been meaning to(ずっと〜しようと思っていた)

ずっと前からしようと思っていたことを伝える時に使える表現が、I’ve been meaning to ____です。例えば、「前からずっと聞きたいことがあったんだけど」は、「I’ve been meaning to ask you something.」と言うことができます。

  • Hey Steve! How are you doing? I’ve been meaning to contact you.
  • I’ve been meaning to read that book. How do you like it?
  • I’ve been meaning to sign up to a gym but I haven’t gotten around to it.

4) Set on(〜する気になっている)

何かをしようと決心することをbe set on ____と言います。Have one’s heart set on ____や have one’s mind set on ____とも言いますが、日常会話ではシンプルにbe動詞を使って、be set on ____と言います。

  • 固く決心している場合は、be dead set on ____と言います。
  • I’m set on studying abroad in LA next year.
  • I have my heart set on getting that car. I’ve been saving up for years.
  • She’s dead set on moving to Tokyo and starting her own nail salon.

5) Rash(軽率な)

Rashは「軽率な」や「早まった」という意味を表す単語です。結果を考えずに物事を判断したり、行動を取るような状況でよく使われ、rash decision(軽率な判断)はよく耳にする表現です。

  • Don’t make a rash decision. Take your time and think about it.
  • Let’s gather all the facts first before we make a rash judgment.
  • Be smart. Don’t do anything rash.



  • Artistic・・・芸術的な
  • Ugh・・・うっ!
  • Permanently・・・一生


  • Self-expression・・・自己表現
  • Against it・・・反対
  • At some point・・・いつか
  • For me personally・・・私にとっては
  • Look twice・・・2度見



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yoshi より:

    こんなちは、最近Hapa Eikaiwa のPodcastを知り毎日繰り返し色んなエピソードを聴かせていただいてます。
    正直今の僕の英語力ではLive Conversationの内容を一回聞いただけでは3分の1ぐらいしか理解できませんが、毎回とても興味深いトピックで、さらに日本語でのナレーションが聞けて分かりやすく丁寧な説明があるので、何時も繰り返し楽しく聞けて助かっています。

    • Jun より:



  2. kanya より:

    いつも楽しく聞かせてもらっています。質問ですが、I’ve been meaning to~と、I’ve always wanted to~は同じように使えますか?
    I’ve been meaning to~を知らなかったので、ずっとI’ve always wanted to~をその意味のつもりで使っていました💦

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます!確かにこの二つのフレーズは意味が似ていますが、ちょっとした違いがあります。I”ve been meaning to には「〜するつもりだった」の意味合いが込められ、例えば “I’ve been meaning to call you.”は「連絡しようと思っていた」になります。I’ve always wanted to ~は昔からの願望を伝える時に使われるため、 “I’ve always wanted to call you.”というのは違和感があります。「昔からあなたに連絡するのが夢だった」のような意味合いになるので。昔からの願望を伝える時は、 “I’ve always wanted to ~”を使うといいでしょう。

      • kanya より:

        わかりやすい説明ありがとうございます!これからI’ve been meaning to〜をちゃんと使えるようにしていきます♪

  3. KYU より:


    Hapa Eikaiwa のPodcastを知り「これだ!」と思いました。

    • Jun より:



  4. cardiologist より:

    textbook の日本語訳4段落目、5行目の「いかにも健康に悪そうな」は英文にはどう反映されてるのでしょうか?

  5. cardiologist より:

    Let me tell you

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。Let me tell you は「本当に〜」を意味し、これから言おうとすることを強調する時に使われます。多分、「本当に美味しかった」のようなことを言ったと思います(笑)

  6. けい より:

    at some point は言葉通りの、どこかに、ではなく、いつか、なのてすか?知りませんでした!

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