
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.10.11





【Lawrence】So Athrylis, um do you do small talk with people? Do you like it when people talk to you?

【Athrylis】No, I don’t like it when anybody talks to me.

【Lawrence】Okay, sorry.

【Athrylis】(laughs) No, it’s um…you know, usually I’m doing my own thing. I’ve got my earbuds in. I’m not trying to associate with anybody else. And if someone strikes up a conversation with me, I’m not going to ignore them, but I will be like, “Can you see that I’m doing something else right now?”

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】Um, the other day, I was waiting for my friends outside this bar and this guy came out and was smoking and just started talking to me. “Oh, what are you doing on your phone? Are you from here? Do you like the weather?” Blah, blah, blah. And I was just like, “Why are you talking to me?”
And I was, you know, polite, but I was just like, “Mm hm, yeah. Okay, yeah. Oh, I’m just waiting for my friends.” But there’s not really a way to escape that kind of conversation and…I don’t know. Obviously it happens differently for women than it does for men.


【Athrylis】So, I don’t know if you have experienced people.

【Lawrence】Um, there are sometimes—if I’m in a situation—so me, um, usually I have my, um…my earbuds in usually most of the time

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】…unless I have to. So for me, um—especially the ones I have or kind of big, kind of noticeable…so um, for me that’s also kind of a signal to kind of, “Don’t talk to me, I’m busy.”

【Athrylis】Right. For so many women, they’re wearing those headphones, right, specifically so that people don’t talk to them. Then the men are like, seeing it as a challenge to just accost them and talk to them more aggressively. “Oh, take your headphones off. Why aren’t you smiling?” Et cetera.

【Lawrence】Mm hm. If, let’s say, you’re on a plane for a few hours and someone’s just…keeps talking and you’d rather not, do you try to…try to end the situation politely, or do you just keep going with them? With them talking?

【Athrylis】Um, personally, I’m—I’m very uncomfortable with any kind of confrontation so I would probably just let them keep talking to me and I would just keep saying, “Oh, hah, hah. Mm, I’m trying to read my book,” but I wouldn’t tell them to stop talking to me. I would just be uncomfortable, indefinitely.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where was Athrylis approached by a man who began small talk with her?
  2. What strategy do both Lawrence and Athrylis use to signal to others that they do not want to be talked to?
  3. What response does Athrylis give to a hypothetical situation where someone on a plane continues to talk to her?



  1. She was waiting for her friends outside of a bar when she was approached by that man.
  2. They both wear their earbuds to signal they aren’t interested in talking.
  3. Athrylis likes to avoid confrontation, and so imagines herself letting that person continue to talk to her, even though it makes her uncomfortable.



In this episode, Lawrence and Athrylis share their experiences with small talk and especially small talk initiated by strangers. Athrylis generally dislikes small talk.

Despite this, Athrylis also tries to be polite to people who do strike up a conversation with her, even when she doesn’t want to talk. She recounts a situation where she was waiting for her friends outside a bar and was approached by a man who continued to talk to her. Athrylis wanted to leave, but she remained polite to the man.

Both Lawrence and Athrylis use their earbuds or headphones as signs to the world that they don’t wish to be talked to at a particular time. But Athrylis notes that sometimes men will see women with headphones in and will consider it a challenge to go up to them and talk regardless.

Lawrence presents Athrylis with a hypothetical situation in which she is on a short plane flight and the passenger next to her continually talks. Athrylis says that although she’d rather not talk, she usually remains polite and lets the person talk anyway.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Strike up a conversation(会話を始める)

Strike up a conversationは「会話を始める」という意味の表現で、start a conversationと意味は同じですが、より口語的な響きがあります。「〜について会話を始める」はstrike up a conversation about ____、「〜と会話を始める」はstrike up a conversation with ____と表現します。

  • I have a hard time striking up a conversation with someone I don’t know.
    (知らない人と会話を始めるのは苦手です。 )
  • What are some good ways to strike up a conversation with a stranger?
  • I struck up an interesting conversation with some guy I met at the event last night.

2) Blah blah blah(などなど)

Blah blah blahは、会話中に重要ではない部分を省く時に使われるスラングで、「などなど」や「〜とか」に相当します。人の発言をそのまま復唱する場合などによく使われます。

  • He was complaining about his coworkers, his job and blah blah blah.
  • She was bragging about her extravagant vacation, the luxurious hotels she stayed at and blah blah blah.
  • At the meeting we just talked about the monthly sales, expenses and blah blah blah.

3) Noticeable(目立つ)


  • Is this stain on my shirt pretty noticeable?
  • There has been a noticeable improvement in your pronunciation.
  • Don’t worry about it. It’s not that noticeable.

4) Would rather not(〜したくない)

Would rather notは「〜したくない」という意味の表現で、don’t want toと同じ意味合いですが、より丁寧で間接的な言い回しです。I don’t want toと言うとストレートすぎる響きがありますが、I’d rather notと言うと「できれば〜したくない」となり、多少和らいだ言い方になります。

  • 答えづらい質問をされた時は、「I’d rather not answer that.」と言うといいでしょう。
  • I’d rather not talk about that.
  • I’ll go with you if you really want me to but I’d rather not.
  • I’d rather not go out tonight. Let’s hang out next weekend.

5) Confrontation(対立)


  • I’m not very good with confrontation.
  • I try to avoid confrontation as much as possible.
  • I think you should confront him and ask him about it.



  • Earbuds・・・イヤホン
  • Obviously・・・もちろん
  • Accost・・・(人)に近づいて声をかける
  • Et cetera・・・など
  • Indefinitely・・・ずっと


  • Doing my own thing・・・自分のことをする
  • Associate with・・・関わる
  • The other day・・・この間
  • Escape conversation・・・会話から逃れる
  • Most of the time・・・大抵



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