
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.12.14





【Ken】And then how ‘bout (about) us as teachers? I mean um, what did you do over your breaks?

【Miki】Um, so that’s one of the perks of being a teacher is that break, because you can actually go places. So I—I definitely took advantage of that. Um, I would try to travel a lot. Like go on big road trips Yellowstone or Alaska, or different places. Um, and uh, yeah.
My boyfriend was—is also a teacher, so we were able to go together and have the same breaks. Um, and—but actually, a lot of our time we spend during the summer doing trainings, like teacher trainings. So I—I would have to go to engineering trainings.
Um and it was really good. I’m really glad that I did that because you get a—like it’s reallyintensive, like couple of weeks’ training where they…they give you all the curriculum and you get to go through it all before you start the year, which is really important.
It’s really important to, like do your own labs for your own projects because that way, you know, you don’t… (laughs)

【Ken】Yeah, you know what to expect. Yeah.

【Miki】You know what—yeah, exactly.


【Miki】So that you can anticipate what students are doing and kinda (kind of) help them out. Um, yeah. And my boyfriend is going to a program up at Stanford and—and doing that this year. Um and he also teaches summer school. So even though it seems like there’s a lot of time, it gets used up a lot.
I don’t know, what about you? How do you use your summer vacations?

【Ken】Yeah, I mean, I definitely travel, but um…I am also going to a teacher training this summer. So very intense, uh program um to, uh just bring some different labs to my students.


【Ken】They’re gonna (going to) be…it’s a great program where um, they bring specialized lab equipment to my class and so…


【Ken】Yeah, it’s gonna be a training on that, that I’m going to attend. So, yeah. A lot of, uh…a lot of people don’t realize that—that even though teachers do get all this time off, they are actually working during that time off.

【Miki】Mm hm.

【Ken】At least for a little bit.


【Ken】You know, planning for the next year, going to different trainings. Um, but yeah. We do get a significant amount of time off. I get about a couple months too during the summer. Um, but we do get a week off—or I get a week off for Thanksgiving. That varies depending on the district. And I get a couple weeks off during Christmas.


【Ken】So, uh we do get a substantial amount of time off here in the US, for sure.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What professional activities do Miki and Ken both attend during their time off from teaching?
  2. What leisurely activities do Miki and Ken both do during their time off?
  3. Outside of summer, what other times during the year does Ken get time off?



  1. They both attend teacher trainings.
  2. They both enjoy traveling during extended periods of time off.
  3. He gets a week off during Thanksgiving and a couple (of) weeks off during Christmas.



Miki and Ken continue their discussion of time off from school. In this episode, they discuss the various things they as teachers do with their time off from teaching.

Miki enjoys using her summer breaks to go traveling. Her boyfriend is also a teacher, so the two of them use their coinciding vacations to travel places.

However, not all of Miki and Ken’s time off is spent on leisure. Sometimes both of them have to attend teacher trainings, where they are familiarized with the curricula they will have to teach their students as well as introduced to new labs to teach.

Ken at least has other times outside of summer that he gets time off from teaching. He receives one week off for Thanksgiving and a couple of weeks off for Christmas.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Perk (特典)


  • One of the perks of working here is we get free meals.
  • At my company, you can work remotely from home. It’s one of the perks (of) working here.
    (私の会社では 在宅勤務を認めています。これはうちで働く特典の1つです。)
  • Are there any perks working at Disneyland? Do you get free tickets?

2) Take advantage of(〜をうまく利用する)

Take advantage ofは、状況や機会をうまく利用するという意味の口語表現です。例えば海外留学中に現地の人とたくさん英語で話したり旅行したりするなど、その機会を生かして何かをする時に使われます。

  • また、ネガティブな意味で使われることもあり、人をだますなどして利用する時にはtake advantage of someoneの形で使われます。
  • It would be a shame not to take advantage of this opportunity.
  • You need to take advantage of your experience living abroad.
  • I feel like he’s taking advantage of you.

3) That way(そうすれば〜)

That wayは状況によって様々な意味を持つ表現ですが、今日の会話では、「そうすれば〜」や「そうすることによって〜」を意味します。例えば、「私が家の掃除をするから、あなたは買い出しに行ってきて。」と奥さんに頼まれたとしましょう。「なぜ?」と聞いたら、「That way we can save some time.(そうすれば時間を節約できるでしょう。)」という具合に日常会話で使われます。

  • Let’s use our mileage points for this trip. That way we can save some money.
  • Just take my car. That way you won’t have to take a taxi.
  • Why don’t we go Christmas shopping next week? That way we’ll have enough time to prepare dinner for the party tonight.

4) Even though(〜にもかかわらず)

Even thoughは「〜にもかかわらず」や「〜だけど」という意味の表現です。Althoughと同じ意味ですが、より強めで口語的な響きがあります。例えば、「彼は熱があったにもかかわらず出勤しました」は「Even though he had a fever, he went to work.」という具合に使われます。

  • Even though she didn’t study, she somehow passed the test.
  • I’m thinking about ordering dessert even though I’m full.
  • I asked her out on a date even though I knew she was going to say no.

5) Significant amount of (かなりの量の)

Significant amount ofは「かなり多くの〜」や「かなりの量の〜」を表す表現です。A lot ofと似ていますが、量が多いことをより強調した口語的な言い方です。「かなりの時間」はa significant amount of time、「大金」はa significant amount of moneyと表現します。

  • I spend a significant amount of my time in front of the computer.
  • He lost a significant amount of weight. You probably won’t even recognize him.
  • Did you know that there’s a significant amount of sugar in Coke?



  • Training・・・研修
  • Intensive・・・短期集中型
  • Curriculum・・・カリキュラム
  • Lab・・・実験
  • Anticipate・・・予測する
  • District・・・地域
  • Substantial・・・相当多い


  • Road trips・・・車の旅行
  • Go through・・・体験する
  • Get used up a lot・・・使い尽くされる
  • Specialized lab equipment・・・特殊な実験設備



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yudai より:

    Hello, Mr.Jun.
    It’s first time to post on your blog.
    I always listen and enjoy your podcast. I love it.
    Anyway, I have a question.

    Whatever we may undertake , diligence is important.
    ↑how come “may” is used in this text?

    • Jun より:

      Hey Yudai!

      Thanks for listening to my podcast! Happy to hear you’re enjoying it! “May” expresses the “possibility” of something happening. なので、何かをする可能性を指し、これからやろうと思っていることも含まれます。 I hope that makes sense.

  2. Seiji より:

    いつも楽しいPodcast ありがとうございます。そしてBest of Podcast おめでとうございます😊
    kick some serious butt についてですが、やる気満々って解釈していいですか??

    • Jun より:


      いつもコメントありがとうございます!kick some serious butt は「頑張る」や「全力を尽くす」、「成功する」を意味する口語表現です。スポーツで使うと、「勝つ」ことを表します。Let’s kick some serious butt this year 👊

  3. yoshi より:

    intense というのはなかなかイメージがし辛い言葉ですね。

    • Jun より:



  4. Yuki より:


    • Jun より:



  5. とも より:


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