
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.11.09





【Ken】Yeah right now there’s a big push for teachers to get, uh more pay.


【Ken】Teachers are very underpaid. And teachers do get a lot of time off, but um I think people don’t realize all the hours that go in outside of school hours.


【Ken】Uh, you know, we’re grading papers, um…lesson planning, all that stuff. And so it’s not uncommon for me to sleep, maybe, you know, five-six hours a night.

【Miki】Mm hm.

【Ken】Um, it’s just pretty normal, um, but we do get this, you know, long summer break, and that’s nice. But, uh yeah. We’re putting in tons of work when the school year’s going, so, uh there’s definitely that.

【Miki】Mm hm.

【Ken】And it—you know, going back to some of the earlier things you were saying is, uh, I think, uh education is so politicized in this country. So…um, you know, as far as the standards, uh what is taught—that’s constantly changing.

【Miki】It’s true.

【Ken】We have a new set of standards that have just come in. So now what we’re supposed to teach the students has changed. And it seems to change every few years with different, you know, administrations coming in. So makes life pretty difficult on a teacher.

【Miki】Right. Has that—has that affected you in your classroom?

【Ken】Absolutely. Um…we have a new set of standards and it’s really very different than what we were previously doing. So, uh there’s been so many teacher trainings that I’ve been to, but to be honest with you they really haven’t helped much.


【Ken】I think, uh it hasn’t been rolled out very well and so I think, uh we’re kind of on our own on this one until, uh, you know, things sort of develop. Um, so yeah. It’s made our lives pretty difficult.

【Miki】I agree with that. I think that they set up the standards but they don’t tell how to get there, um and so that’s the big—or how to assess these standards. So they just leave it up to teachers on an individual basis to do it. And I think that’s where a lot of confusion comes in.

【Ken】Yeah. Our district has tried to bring in some people and give us some professional development to learn how to adapt to these new standards but, um it’s really something that we’re not getting a lot of guidance on from the State or the federal government, so it’s…

【Miki】Right, ‘cause (because) they have no experience with it.


【Miki】Like, they’re not bringing in people that know—like, they don’t know chemistry, these people.


【Miki】That’re training people…

【Ken】Yeah, exactly.

【Miki】…do the professional development stuff.

【Ken】Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it’s a great idea on paper. You know, I think these new standards are really great, um on paper. But, you know, as far as implementing them, well that’s a different story. That’s difficult to do. So, yeah, lot of uh, problems in that department.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What time of the year do teachers in Ken’s field get a large amount of time off?
  2. What aspect of teaching does Ken cite that makes his job more difficult?
  3. Does Ken think the teacher training sessions he has had to participate in for the new educational standards have been helpful?



  1. Summer, at which time most U.S. schools are on summer vacation, teachers get time off as well.
  2. He cites the changing educational standards he and other teachers must adapt to every few years.
  3. No, and he feels as though teachers in general have not been given enough guidance on implementing the new set of standards.



Miki and Ken continue their discussion of the education system in the United States. Ken begins by mentioning that currently there is a push for teachers in the U.S. to receive higher pay.

Ken mentions that he often works many hours beyond normal school hours, which go into lesson planning, paper grading, and other tasks. Because of this, he often gets only five to six hours of sleep per night.

One aspect of the U.S. education system is how dependent it is upon federal and state educational standards. Changes to the standards usually coincide with changes in administrations.

Recently, Ken has been asked to participate in teacher training sessions at his school. However he does not feel they’ve been very helpful, and he feels the implementation of the new educational standards has been poorly handled. He says when standards change, teachers are often left to adapt to the changes on their own.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Push for(〜を催促する)

Push forは何かを得たり達成するために働きかけることを意味する表現です。より厳しい銃規制を要求するなど、何かを変えるために実際に活動を行い圧力をかけるニュアンスが含まれます。

  • We are pushing for better benefits.
  • Since that mass shooting, more people are pushing for stricter gun control.
  • We’ve been pushing for improvements in the education system for years.

2) Put in work (力を注ぐ)

Put in workは仕事や勉強に「力を注ぐ」ことを意味する表現です。Work hardの言い換え表現として使うことができ、頑張っていることをより強調する場合は、put in a lot of workやput in tons of workのように表します。

  • She’s been putting in a lot of work lately.
  • I’ve been putting in tons of work to improve my pronunciation.
  • If you want to become successful, you have to put in work.

3) Make life difficult(生活を困難にする)

この表現は文字どおり、「生活(人生)を困難にする」ことを意味し、日常会話ではmake things difficultとも言います。すぐに怒鳴ったり部下を侮辱する上司など、深刻な問題に対して使うこともできれば、ゴミの分別が面倒で大変であるなど、日常生活の些細なことに対して使うこともできます。

  • Our stubborn boss is making life difficult for us.
  • Is it just me or is technology making life more difficult?
  • The new MacBook only has USB-C ports? Why do they have to make things so difficult?

4) Leave up to(〜を人に任せる )


  • I’ll leave that up to you.
  • If you ever have issues with your car, just leave it up to Tom. He’s the best mechanic in town.
  • I think it’s best to leave that decision up to the HR department.

5) On paper(書面上では)

On paperは、理論や理屈の上ではよくても実践では定かでない時に使われます。例えば、優秀な大学を卒業し海外留学の経験があり、TOEICも満点の履歴書を見たら、人事担当者は「She looks good on paper.(彼女は履歴書を見る限りでは良さそう)」と言うでしょう。しかし、実際に面接をしたらコミュニケーション力が全くなく採用できない可能性もあります。つまり、on paperは、書面上はよくても実際にやってみないと分からないことを意味します。

  • It’s an excellent idea on paper but I’m not sure if it’s realistic.
  • That team looks great on paper. We’ll see if they can come together on the field.
  • His resume looked great on paper but he had absolutely no people skills.



  • Underpaid・・・給料が安い
  • Politicize・・・政治の影響を受ける
  • Affect・・・影響する
  • Federal government・・・連邦政府
  • Implement・・・実行する


  • Time off・・・休暇
  • Grade papers・・・採点する
  • To be honest with you・・・正直言うと



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yukiko より:

    I strongly agree with Jun’s opinion. I moved in the bay area in California last year because of my husband’s work, and I was very surprised the difference of education system between Japan and California, especially in that point you mentioned. We have two children, so we live in a good school district area. The rent fee is very expensive! I hope all children will be able to receive an equal education in the US.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yukiko

      The Bay area is a beautiful place to live in but as you mentioned it’s ridiculously expensive! We have to keep pushing for equal education for all kids in the U.S.

      I hope and your family are safe from the wildfires!

  2. SEIJI より:


    “as far as implementing them”
    とありますが、この場合の”as far as”が解かりません。
    よく目にする、”as far as I know”や”as far as I’m concerned”
    などの”as far as”と違うような気がするのですが、、、、


    • Jun より:

      Hey Seijiさん!

      ここの、「as far as _____」は「〜するとなると」を意味し、「それを実行するとなると、話は別だ」を表します。”as far as I know”や”as far as I’m concerned” とはちょっと違いますね 😅

  3. S より:

    「Put in work」の例文なのですが、メルマガでは
    「If you want to become successful, you have to put in the work.」
    「If you want to become successful, you have to put in work.」

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