
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.12.07





【Ken】Um so Miki, here in the US we do get a lot of time off.


【Ken】Um so if you wanna (want to) maybe talk about how much time we get off and maybe what the students and teachers are doing during that time off…

【Miki】Sure. Uh so in the US we get a very long summer break. Like, mine would start middle of June and then we’d go back to school in August. So it’s like two and a half months or something—somewhere around there. Um, so yeah. During that time what students do…I—I guess that really depends on the student.

【Ken】 Mm hm. Yeah.

【Miki】There are some students that do nothing…


【Miki】…and then the last week, they’re like cramming to do summer homework if they had any. Um or, you know, I would—I used to teach AP Physics, so I would try to assign homework over that time, where they would prepare and get a good math background. Um, so there are things that students can do during the summer.
Um, they might also be going to, like a summer camp or summer program. Uh, it’s really popular now to go to—especially if they’re, uh…if they’re juniors or seniors to go to a program where they get to stay at a college and then learn what the environment is like in college and get used to that.

【Ken】Mm hm.

【Miki】So it’s pretty popular for students to apply to those kinds of programs and it also beefs up their resume. Um so if you have really ambitious students, then they’re out there doing a lot of things or traveling around, um with that time…um, but there’s also a lot of free time. So…yeah.

【Ken】 Yeah, I mean I have a lot of students who are doing those types of things that you talked about, but a lot of them are just working. You know?

【Miki】Mm. Oh, that’s true.

【Ken】I have a student who’s gonna (going to) be a lifeguard this summer, and you know, people working at In-N-Out for instance.

【Miki】Right, yeah.

【Ken】You know? Just trying to make some money to buy themselves a car…


【Ken】 Money for various things, so there’s that. And like you said, there’s also students who just wanna do nothing. They’re just happy doing nothing for two months, so.

【Miki】Mm hm.


【Miki】So it’s a big spectrum.


【Miki】But yeah, that’s a good point that you bring up about getting work experience too. I mean, you know it’s good for them.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When does Miki’s summer break start, and when does it end?
  2. What high school class did Miki used to teach?
  3. What are some of Ken’s students doing over the summer?



  1. Her summer break begins mid-June, then she goes back to teaching in August.
  2. She used to teach AP Physics.
  3. Some of his students are working to save up money and gain job experience.



Miki and Ken discuss summer vacation and the impact it has on the lives of both students and teachers in US education. This episode, they focus mostly on what students do with their summer breaks.

Most high school teachers in the US get long summer breaks. Miki’s own summer break begins in mid-June and ends in August when classes begin again.

When she taught AP Physics, Miki would assign math homework so students could improve their math skills over the summer. Many juniors and seniors will explore various colleges to prepare for college life after high school.

Many of Ken’s students spend their summers working jobs. They might be trying to save money for themselves or gain work experience.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Time off(学校や仕事の休み)

学校や仕事を休むことをtime offと言います。育児や旅行などで長期間休むニュアンスがあり、take time offもしくはtake some time offの形をとります。

  • ちなみに「有給休暇」はpaid time offで、会話では略してPTOとも言います。
  • I’m going to take some time off from school next year to travel.
  • He’s taking time off work for personal reasons.
  • How much PTO do you get a year?

2) Break(休暇)

Breakは、仕事や勉強の合間の「休憩」や「息抜き」を意味する単語です。例えば同僚に「休憩しよう」と声をかける時は「Let’s take a break.」と言います。

  • その他、Summer break(夏休み)、Christmas break(クリスマス休暇)のように、他の単語と組み合わせて使うこともできます。
  • Let’s take a 15-minute break. We’ll resume the meeting at 10:45.
  • Lisa is on her lunch break right now. She should be back in half an hour.
  • Do you have any plans for Christmas break?

3) Cram(詰め込む)


  • ちなみに、日本の塾や予備校は、cram schoolと言います。
  • Do you think all of us can cram into your car?
  • I don’t know how I did it but I somehow crammed everything into my suitcase.
  • I’m screwed. I’m not ready for the test tomorrow at all. I have to cram for the test tonight.

4) Beef up(強化する)

Beef upは何かを「強化する」ことを意味する口語表現で、特に欠けている部分や弱い部分を補強してよりよくするニュアンスがあります。例えば、今日の会話でミキは「beefs up their resume」と言いますが、これは、高校生が夏休みに大学のプログラムに参加することで、自身のレジュメの内容をさらによくすることを意味しています。

  • I think it’s time to beef up our service. What other services can we offer?
  • Don’t you think concert venues in Japan need to beef up security?
  • My buddy beefed up his clunker with a new paint job.

5) For instance (例えば)

For instanceは「例えば」を意味し、for exampleに置き換えることができます。どちらも意味は同じですが、for instanceの方がよりフォーマルな響きがあり、正式な文書やアカデミックな論文などを書く時はfor instanceの方が好まれる傾向があります。

  • Learning English is accessible to everyone now. For instance, YouTube is a great platform.
  • You can’t count on him. For instance, he was an hour late to his own event.
  • What would you do, for instance, if you were in my shoes?



  • Assign homework・・・宿題を出す
  • Ambitious・・・やる気に満ちた
  • Big spectrum・・・様々


  • Somewhere around there・・・それくらい
  • Depends on・・・〜による
  • Get used to・・・慣れる
  • That’s true・・・確かに
  • Good point that you bring up・・・良い点を指摘する



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. pon より:


  2. Yuri より:

    I was moved by the heartwarming small talk. What a wonderful relationship based on mutual respect! I try to learn from you two!

  3. eri より:

    Yes! I truly believe giving and giving-back are the key of human’s happiness. We can learn valuable things through interactions with others. Jun-san, Im writing this to tell you how nice your podcast is. Your inspiring stories don’t only help my English study but also get my day energized. I know it must be hard to apart from your loved one Akina-san. When I think about your feeling, I feel so sad. However, you two are so smart and have amazingly positive power. I hope your couple enjoy the life together even with a distance. Wishing this lovely couple the best…! 🎀

    • Jun より:

      Thank you for your kind words Eri. Even though I miss having Akina around, I’m also happy knowing that she’s back to doing what she loves. I’m sure there is going to be a lot more we’re going to have to deal with together in the future 😅 Ganbarimasu!

  4. mitsu より:


    “Um so if you wanna (want to) maybe talk about…”

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。ケンの部分ですが、「〜について話してもらえるかな?」と言う感じです。”Can you talk about _____?”のより謙遜したような言い方で、「あなたが話したくないのであれば、話さなくてもいいよ」のようなフィーリングがあります。日常会話では使われる言い方です。Great question!

  5. PIXY より:


    I ‘ve learned that it really about the journey not a destination.In the end true happiness comes from giving back. Secret to living is giving. And truly believe or not.

    • Jun より:



      I’ve learned that it really is about the journey and not the destination. And in the end, true happiness comes from giving back. The secret to living is giving, and I truly believe in that.

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