
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.11.02





【Ken】Uh so Miki, uh here in the US, uh our education system gets a little bit criticized but, uh from your perspective what do you think are the good parts and the bad parts of our system?

【Miki】Okay, so starting off with the good parts. I think the good parts are that, uh we do make an effort to cater to different types of students. I think there’s an, uh emphasis within teaching to accommodate to different students’ needs and to provide different pathways for students to succeed and to, you know, not just have “doing well on tests” be the one major thing that students have to do.
Like students also have to do extracurriculars or you can do projects, or you can bring in different things. Especially with physics, you could have students build things, design things, not just do the math, but have other ways around it in order to understand a concept. Um so that’s nice. Um and so there is some—and if you really get into teaching there is some freedom to do what you want as a teacher and to, you know, do something that you’re passionate about. Um so those are the good things.
And some of the bad things would be—I mean, one of the things that gets criticized a lot right now is actually standardized testing, that there’s such a big emphasis on students to just do well with tests and there is like a big financial push from schools as well for students to pass these tests. And so teachers feel a lot of pressure and sometimes they don’t have as much freedom as—so it’s kind of contradictory. Um but, uh…yeah.
And also, just on a personal level as a teacher, um one of the other, like, negative things about the US education system right now is that uh, one is teachers need to have more time to do what they need to do.

【Ken】Yes, most definitely.

【Miki】Like, they definitely don’t have enough time to get everything done. Like you could be—you could get four hours of sleep, every night, um and that—that’s your life. (laughs) So yeah. That’s one thing. Just treating teachers as, just…better.


【Miki】Valuing good teachers more.


【Miki】I think that’s what needs to happen.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was the first positive aspect of the US education system that Miki brought up?
  2. What was the first aspect of the US education system Miki raises that is often criticized?
  3. What does Miki wish would change about the US education system?



  1. She feels the US education system is good at accommodating different kinds of students with different needs.
    アメリカの教育システムは 、様々なタイプの生徒のニーズに幅広く応じているとミキは感じています。
  2. Many criticize the US education system’s use of standardized testing to measure student ability.
  3. She feels teachers simply need more time to do their work.



Ken and Miki discuss the American education system in this episode. Miki begins by raising some positive aspects of the system, followed by some negatives.

The first of the positive aspects she mentions is that the US education system is generally good at accommodating different students with different needs. For example, scoring highly on tests isn’t the sole determinant of whether or not a student can succeed in the American system.

Miki says within her own field of physics, students can build things and make designs, rather than simply focus on the hard math associated with physics. However Miki raises some problems in the system that are widely criticized.

The US education system’s use of standardized testing to measure student ability is one area of criticism. Miki also feels that teachers are not valued enough by the system, and don’t have enough time to complete their work.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Criticize(批判する )

物事や人を「批判する」ことをcriticizeと言います。誤りや矛盾などを指摘する行為で、ネガティブな意味で使われる単語です。しかし、英語には「建設的な批評」を意味するconstructive criticismという表現もあります。

  • Why do you always criticize other people?
    (なんでいつも他の人を批判するの? )
  • My boss has a bad habit of criticizing his coworkers.
    (私の上司には同僚を批判する悪い癖があります。 )
  • His criticism was very constructive.

2) Cater to(要望に応じる)

「ニーズに応える」ことをcater toと表現します。Caterは本来、料理を提供する「ケータリング」を指しますが、日常会話では「要求を満たす」という意味でも使われます。

  • We do our best to cater to the needs of our customers.
    (私たちはお客様のニーズに応えられるよう最善を尽くしています。 )
  • We try to cater to everyone who wants to learn English.
  • Our service caters to working professionals in their late twenties.

3) Extracurricular(課外の)

生徒が学校の授業以外で取り組む課外活動をextracurricularと言います。一般的にはextracurricular activityと言い、部活動や生徒会、ボランティア活動などを指します。アメリカでは、高校の時にたくさんのextracurricular activitiesをすることで、より大学に入りやすくなります。

  • What extracurricular activities are you involved in?
  • It’s going to be tough to get into college if you don’t do any extracurricular activities.
  • What kind of extracurricular activities does your school offer?

4) Way around(方法)

Way aroundは使われる状況によって多少意味が異なりますが、今日の会話では「方法」や「やり方」という意味で使われています。この場合、何かを避けて抜け道を選択するニュアンスが含まれます。例えば今日の会話でMikiは「have other ways around it in order to understand a concept.」と言いますが、これは、物理のコンセプトを教えるには、問題を解くだけではなく、生徒たちに何かを作らせたり設計させるなど他の方法がある、ということを伝えています。

  • Do you think there’s a way around that?
  • We’ll find a way around this problem.
  • Don’t get stuck in doing things one way. There are other ways around it.

5) Contradictory (矛盾する)


  • I thought the teacher’s advice was contradictory.
  • His actions contradict his words.
  • You are contradicting yourself. What are you trying to say?



  • Perspective・・・視点
  • Emphasis・・・力を入れる
  • Pathway・・・進路・道筋


  • Standardized testing・・・標準テスト
  • Personal level・・・個人的な意見






  1. SEIJI より:



    今回、会話の中で出てくる、”accommodate”とフレーズの2つ目の”cater to”の違いが解りません。


    • Jun より:

      Hey Seijiさん!

      誰かの要望やニーズに応える、という意味で使う場合、accommodate と cater to は両方とも同じ意味をします。 cater to の方がちょっと、口語っぽいh響きがあるように感じます。accommodate は他にも、「〜を収容する」や「和解する」、「調整する」など幅広く使われます。

  2. へちま より:

    I have a question.
    What the difference between “has something for everyone” and “cater to?

へちま へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

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