
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.10.26





【Miki】Okay so Ken, can you tell me more about your teaching career and what you do?

【Ken】Yeah, sure. No problem. Um…so I’m a high school chemistry teacher. Um…been doing it for quite a few years now. Uh most of my students are sophomores, so that would be about 15-year-olds. Um, but have some juniors and seniors sprinkled in there. Um…yeah. Overall, I really like teaching a lot.
Um…you know, teaching is really all aboutthe students. So if you enjoy working with young people, then it’s a great job. Um, you know, just getting to know them over the course of the year and developing relationships with them and seeing them grow is really the best part of the job. Um there are a lot of long hours as well, though.

【Miki】Mm hm.

【Ken】You know, grading. That takes forever. And lesson planning and all those things.

【Miki】Mm hm.

【Ken】Um…those are parts of the job that are necessary and maybe not my favorites. But uh, you know, definitely working with the students is my favorite part of the job.

【Miki】How would you describe your students?

【Ken】Um, well I teach chemistry, so chemistry students are um, you know, for the most part, they’re—they’re pretty sharp. They’re pretty smart. Um pretty well behaved and um…so I don’t experience a lot of the behavioral problems that maybe some of the other teachers do.
Um, you know, my biggest problem would be, you know, maybe someone talking too much, which is no big deal. You know? I can definitely deal with that. But the students generally are very polite and, you know, they’ve been great to me, and uh…just really enjoy working with them. Just a great bunch of kids to work with.

【Miki】Well, sounds like you have a really good relationship with them.

【Ken】Yeah, I definitely do. And I think Miki you’ve been a teacher before. Is that right?

【Miki】Yes, I taught for three years. Uh but I haven’t been teaching for the past two years.

【Ken】Oh, what did you teach?

【Miki】So I taught physics and engineering, uh and it was in Downtown L.A. at a really small magnet school.


【Miki】It was in a converted warehouse that had no windows. So…(laughs)


【Miki】So we were all together in this giant building with no windows.

【Ken】Oh wow. Sounds like a pretty challenging setting there. And how were the students?

【Miki】The students like, similar to your students, they were actually very good. Um…it is a magnet school, so, you know, they had to apply to get in and so I didn’t have a lot of the…a lot of difficult students. Um, so, you know, even with classroom management, it wasn’t that difficult.

【Ken】Oh, okay. What was your favorite part of the job?

【Miki】I think it’s similar to you. It’s the student interaction because, like that’s the thing that changes from day to day. So you’re never, you—you’re never going to be bored, ‘cause (because) students are always asking—they’re doing—they’re always doing like crazy things that you never think of, and always making you laugh. So, yeah. I mean if there’s anything that I miss it’s just that interaction with students.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What high school grade level are the majority of Ken’s students?
  2. What is Ken’s favorite part about his job?
  3. What kind of building did Miki teach in?



  1. Most of them are high school sophomores.
  2. He enjoys most the interactions he has with his students and the relationships that develop between him and them.
  3. She taught at a magnet school, and her classroom was a converted warehouse with no windows.



Ken and Miki discuss their professional backgrounds as teachers of various subjects. Ken himself is a high school chemistry teacher.

The majority of Ken’s students are high school sophomores, though he occasionally gets a few juniors and seniors. Overall, he enjoys his job and he particularly enjoys the relationships he develops with his students over the course of the year.

Miki taught physics and engineering at a magnet school in Downtown L.A. Her classes were held in a converted warehouse building with no windows.

Both Ken and Miki reported having well-behaved students that did not cause too many problems in their classes. Like Ken, the students were Miki’s favorite part of her teaching job.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Sophomore(高校・大学の2年生)


  • Sophomoreはあくまで高校と大学の2年生を指し、小学校や中学校の2年生、または社会人2年目の人に対しては使えないので気をつけましょう。
  • My son is a sophomore in high school.
    (私の息子は高校2年生です。 )
  • I studied abroad when I was a sophomore in college.
    (大学2年の時に海外留学をしました。 )
  • Are you a freshman or a sophomore right now?

2) All about(全ては〜)

All aboutは使う状況によって意味が多少異なりますが、何かが最も大切であるということを強調する時の口語表現です。例えば、今日の会話でケンが言った「teaching is all about the students.(全ては生徒のためだ)」は、教育者として最も大切なのは生徒たちであることを表します。

  • It’s all about providing excellent customer service.
  • Learning English is all about having fun.
  • Everything in life is all about timing. Always be prepared.

3) Over the course of(〜にわたって )

「3日間にわたって」はover the course of three days、「2週間にわたって」はover the course of two weeks、「1年間にわたって」は over the course of the yearのように、期間の幅を示す「〜にわたって」はover the course of_____と表現します。

  • I got to meet a lot of people over the course of the day.
  • He lost 5 kg over the course of one month.
  • I visited a lot of countries over the course of the year.
    (私は1年かけて数多くの国を訪れました 。)

4) Take forever(長い時間がかかる)

Take foreverの直訳は「永遠にかかる」で、作業や手続き、移動時間など、何かが「長時間かかる」ことを表します。

  • Take a long timeを強調した口語表現です。
  • Applying for a visa takes forever.
  • The pizza is taking forever. It’s been over two hours since we ordered.
    (ピザの配達にすごく時間がかかってるね。注文してもう2時間以上経つよ。 )
  • The file is still downloading. It’s taking forever.

5) Sharp(賢い)

Sharpは状況によって様々な意味をもつ単語です。本来は、ナイフなど先がとがっていて鋭いものを指して使われますが、そこから派生して、賢くて抜け目のない人をsharp personと呼んだり、服装がきちんとしていたりセンスがいい人に「You look sharp.」と言うことも一般的です。

  • All of my students are really sharp.
  • He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed but he works hard.
  • You’re looking sharp today. What’s the occasion?



  • Chemistry・・・化学
  • Well behaved・・・礼儀正しい・行儀が良い
  • Magnet school・・・数学・科学・芸術・スポーツなどに特化したカリキュラムを提供できる小学校、中等学校、高校
  • Converted warehouse・・・倉庫を改装した
  • Student interaction・・・生徒との交流


  • Sprinkle in・・・〜混ざっている
  • Work with・・・〜と関わる
  • Get to know someone・・・〜を知るようになる
  • No big deal・・・大したことない
  • Day to day・・・日々



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Shunta より:

    Hello, Jun! My name is Shunta from Yokohama,
    Now, I’m living in Oregon state to study English in university.
    And I have a problem. Actually, I can’t keep up with the class because my listening skill is terrible, so I can’t catch what the teachers and friends say all the time.
    Also, my friends can speak English well, so I always feel like uncomfortable. That’s why I always try to find my Japanese friends and talk to them.
    Please give me some advise. Thank you.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Shunta!

      Thanks for the message! OSU is a great university. Actually Portland is one of my favorites cities in the US.

      When I was studying abroad as an exchange student in Japan, I dealt with the same problem as you. I couldn’t keep up with what was being said in class. My professor spoke too fast and the Japanese was too difficult for me to understand. I had to get extra help after class. My Japanese classmates/friends helped me and I also joined study groups which I found very helpful. Colleges in the US also have tutors on campus that will help you with your studies. Seek help if you need it. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m sure OSU has a program to help exchange students so take advantage of it!

      Regarding your friends, don’t worry too much about your English level. English is not a completion, especially among friends. They’re your friends because they like you as a person, not because your English is fluent. And it’s actually great that your friends are all great English speakers. It will make you an excellent English speaker. Surrounding yourself with good speakers / intelligent people, will influence you in a positive way. But speaking in a foreign language all the time can be tiring and stressful. When you need to take a break, spend time with your Japanese friends. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and just enjoy the process. Becoming a good speaker takes time. Just remember that everything worthwhile takes time. Enjoy your time in OSU!

      • Shunta より:

        Thank you for replying and giving me amazing advices.
        yes, as you said, OSU has tutors who help us. I’m going to talk with them and try to overcome my concern!!
        My friends always help me and try to understand my English. Thank you to make me realize that it’s important not to be afraid to make mistakes.

  2. むぎ より:


  3. Junko より:

    Work with ••• と関わる

    〜と働くもwork with〜で良いのですか?

  4. おはる より:


    今回の中でsprinkle in が出てきたのですが、使い方としてもう一歩詳しく知りたいです。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!mix inも同じ意味で、置き換えて使ってもOKです。ただし、sprinkleは「多少〜を加えるや「ちょっと〜を振りかける」を意味し、「少しだけ」のニュアンスがあります。なので、ここで、sprinkle inを使うことで、「ちょっとだけ混ざっている」ことを意味します。

      • おはる より:


  5. SEIJI より:

    so that would be about 15-year-olds
    とありますが、この場合の would be がどうしてもわかりません、、、、、


  6. ばななまふぃん より:

    ①all about の文中での置き場所がイマイチわかりません・・・
    ②over the course of の例文で、一年、一日はthe year,the dayと表現できるのに対し、一か月はthe monthにはならないのですか?


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!all about は基本、be 動詞の後にフォローします。over the course of the month. でもokですよ。one や twoなどを数字を入れる場合は the がいりません。なので、over the course of 2 yearsのように表現できます😊

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