
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.08.10





【Deanna】Would you ever go to India?

【Ken】Um absolutely. I’ve heard a lot about it and I would like to do that. Um…you know I went to Thailand…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】…and that was kind of, you know, I had some similar experiences there.

【Deanna】Right, mm hm.

【Ken】Um…but, um, one thing that I really took away from Thailand was that everyone just seemed really happy.

【Deanna】Mm, right.

【Ken】You know, the mindset of the people was completely different, and uh…yeah it was really, uh, it was great because it made me appreciate what we have in the U.S. So, yeah.

【Deanna】That’s true. Did you, uh—I’ve heard about the…is it called “floating markets” that they have?

【Ken】Yeah, I actually went to one of those.


【Ken】So uh, yeah you go to these places—they’re, uh, they’re kind of like river deltas basically—and you’ll have all these little boats there. And people will be selling fruits. Some people will even be cooking seafood on there.


【Ken】So I remember I had some huge, giant river shrimp that were, uh, just absolutely delicious. Um, a lot of different fruits I’d never had before, but it was a really, really great experience.

【Deanna】Awesome. And did you—were you in, uh the capital, were you in…

【Ken】Uh, this particular floating market was outside of Bangkok, like maybe a couple of hours.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】So out in the countryside basically. But it was a very, very beautiful place. Um, I was with the locals so, uh I really got, kind of, the insider’s experience there.

【Deanna】And it’s extremely cheap too, huh?

【Ken】Yeah, very, very cheap, but uh, yeah, the food was delicious. So it was an amazing experience.

【Deanna】That’s awesome. I’m hoping to go to Thailand someday, but India I think…it was relatively cheap too. Well, no. Really cheap. And um, I remember getting uh…I bought pants.
They’re called harem pants and they went for about—I think it was like 500 rupees, which is basically nothing. You know, you’re paying like a dollar for a pair of pants. So I took fifteen of those home with me. (laughs)


【Deanna】I bought fifteen for my friends, so…yeah I guess that’s the nice thing about traveling to, um…maybe more impoverished countries, but you get a different experience. (laughs)

【Ken】Yeah, definitely.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How did Ken describe the people he saw in Thailand?
  2. What kind of attraction in Thailand did Ken and Deanna discuss?
  3. How much were harem pants selling for in India at the time of Deanna’s visit?



  1. He said they generally seemed very happy.
  2. They talked about the “floating markets” and the different foods one can buy in them.
  3. According to Deanna, they were selling for roughly 500 rupees.



Deanna and Ken discuss their experiences traveling. This episode contained a particular focus on Ken’s trip to Thailand.

Ken said the people he observed in Thailand looked generally happy. Deanna asked Ken about the so-called “floating markets” in Thailand.

Ken visited one such floating market outside of Bangkok. He tried fruits, seafood, and enjoyed the trip overall. Ken also noted that traveling through Thailand is relatively cheap.

On that note, Deanna spoke again about her experience in India. She described prices there as very cheap, and she was able to buy fifteen pairs of harem pants at the cheap price of 500 rupees per pair.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Take away from (学んだこと)

take away fromは、ある経験や出来事から「学んだこと」「印象に残ったこと」を表す口語表現です。例えば、今日の会話でケンは 「The one thing I took away from Thailand was that everyone seemed happy.」と言いますが、これは「タイでは誰もが幸せそうに見えたことが印象に残っている」ということを述べています。

  • Is there anything you took away from working abroad?
  • There were a few key things I took away from that seminar.
  • The one thing that I took away from traveling alone is that you actually get a chance to meet a lot of people.

2) Kind of like _____(〜のようなもの)

アメリカ人は何かを説明する時に、 it’s kind of like_____やthey’re kind of like_____と言う傾向があります。これは、「〜のような」や「〜みたいな感じ」に相当する表現です。例えば、カエルの肉を食べたことがない人にその味を説明する場合、 「It tastes kind of like chicken.(鶏肉のような味がするよ)」と言います。

  • Have you ever been to New York? It’s kind of like Tokyo.
  • If you want to learn English, you should start listening to podcasts. It kind of like an Internet radio.
  • Okonomiyaki is kind of like a pancake but it’s a little different.

3) Countryside(田舎)

「田舎」は countrysideと言います。基本的に、都会から離れた場所であれば countrysideと呼ぶことができますが、イメージとしては、畑や田んぼ、農場などがある場所を指します。

  • I grew up in the countryside of Japan.
  • It’s fun traveling to big cities but I prefer visiting the countryside.
  • Once I get married and settle down, I want to move to the countryside.

4) I’m hoping to _____(〜をしたいと望んでいる)

何かをしたい、どこかへ行きたい、誰かと会いたいという気持ちを表す時に使う口語表現が I’m hoping to_____です。 I want to_____と似ていますが、 I’m hoping toの方が間接的なニュアンスがあり、希望の意味合いが込められています。

  • I’m hoping to travel to Southeast Asia this year.
  • I’m hoping to start my business by the end of this year.
  • I’m hoping to become a good English speaker one day and make friends from all around the world.

5) Go for (〜の値段で売られている)

Go forは、商品やサービスが「〜の値段で販売されている」ことを意味する表現です。 Costと同じ意味を持ち、 It costs_____の代わりにIt’s going for_____と言うことができます。例えば、「新しいiPhoneは1,000ドルくらいする」は 「The new iPhones are going for about 1,000 dollars.」と表現します。

  • How much are laptops going for these days?
  • Round-trip tickets to Hawaii are only going for 300 dollars.
  • A ticket to a Bruno Mars’ concert usually goes for about a hundred bucks for nosebleeds.



  • Floating market・・・水上マーケット
  • Capital・・・首都
  • Harem pants・・・ハーレムパンツ


  • Would you ever go to ___・・・機会があれば〜に行きたいと思う?
  • Insider’s experience・・・地元民ならではの経験



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ゆうじ より:

    最後の文で、最上階の席が nosebleeds って言うのか気になります。鼻血が分かるくらい近い席だと思ったのですが、一番安い意味なら遠いって事なので意味が通らないですね。破格的に安いって事でしょうか? はじめは鼻息くらいかなと思いましたがそれも違うっぽいです。教えて下さい。

    • Jun より:




      • ゆうじ より:

        めちゃくちゃ納得しました!来週登山で富士山登るので、nose bleed s体験するかもしれません。有難うございます!

  2. Mika より:

    I hope … と I’m hoping … のニュアンスの違いを教えてください。

    • Jun より:


      基本、どちらを使っても同じですが、I’m hopingの方がカジュアルな響きがあります。また、wantの方が直接的な言い方になります。

  3. SEIJI より:

    Would you ever go to India?
    Um absolutely.
    と答えていたのですが、この場合の absolutely

    • Jun より:



  4. mayumi より:

    I’m hoping to~の例文で、「make friends from~」とありますが、from を使うのは一般的なことですか? 「make friends with ~」との違いはありますか?
    また、from や with を使わずに 「make friends all around the world」だと間違いになりますか?


    • Jun より:


      “from all around the world”で「世界中の」を意味するので、ここは “make friends from all around the world.”と言います。 from を使わずに、”make friends all around the world.”と言ってもOKです!

  5. Erieri より:

    which is basically nothingとは、どういう意味ですか?

  6. Atsushi より:

    you’ll have all~や、people will be ~、some people will even be~など、

    • Jun より:



  7. Kazu Hase より:

    8:00 you go to these places—they’re, uh, で、you go to these places -they’re が、
    you ぞー these places -だー。と聞こえます。go は、ぞー。they’re は、だー、に聞こえます。

  8. Kazu Hase より:

    7:50 it was great because it made me appreciate what we have in the U.S.
    の because it made me appreciate what we は、こじ めに あぷりしえい うぃ 。made me が、めに、と聞こえます。めいみ、とも聞こえません。what we のwhat が聞こえません。なぜでしょうか?

  9. Kazu Hase より:

    7:32 you know I went to Thailand…ですが、I went to が、わった。に聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  10. Kazu Hase より:

    8:30 So out in the countryside basically. But it was a very, very beautiful place.ですが、basically.But it was が、べいしかり ぶーず。べういしかり むーず。と聞こえます。But it wasが聞こえません。なぜでしょうか?

  11. masa より:

    take away fromで学んだことや経験したことなどの意味になるそうですが、語源…というかなぜそのような意味になったのでしょうか?
    通常は取り除くなどの意味で使われますが、どう転じて 学ぶ という意味になったのか見当がつきません…

    • Jun より:


      take away は何かを取って自分のものにすると言う意味があるフレーズなので、そこから派生して学んだことや経験したことに繋がるのだと思います。

  12. あいあい より:

    I want you to learn them by heart.
    So those expressions naturally ……… mouth in your having conversation with your friend.

    • Jun より:


      I want you to learn them by heart so those expressions naturally come out of your mouth when are having a conversation with a friend.と言っています!

  13. あいあい より:

    So let’s dive into the American conversation and enjoy as ……… conversation.

    • Jun より:


      So let’s dive into the American conversation and enjoy it as if you were a part of the conversation!と言いました。

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