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【John】Like, what other weird foods have you had?
【Lauren】Uh, let’s see. I’ve had whale in the…it has a funny name, not like an actual Japanese name, but it’s called, like “Piss Alley.” (laughs) Or, “Memory Lane.” There’s two words that I’ve heard. But it’s in Shinjuku, and it’s a ton of, like these small little restaurants.
【John】Oh, totally. Yeah, I’ve been there.
【Lauren】Kinda (kind of) like the small bars, but yeah, yeah.
【John】Do they also call it “Yakitori Alley”?
【Lauren】Maybe, ‘cause (because) there is, like a lot of yakitori.
【John】Is it the one with, like a lot of little yakitori restaurants?
【Lauren】Yeah, mm hm.
【John】Yeah, I think I’ve been there.
【Lauren】Yeah. But then they have like, other restaurants too.
【John】Mm hm.
【Lauren】So I had whale there, and, uh this like, puffer fish. It’s…like fugu, I think it’s called.
【John】Ah, the legendary fugu.
【Lauren】The legendary. I was actually kind of weirdly nervous eating it. I was with one of my friends, and I was like, “Okay we have to have a sleepover, because if I ended up dying in the middle of the night, I needed to be near someone.”
【John】Do you have to sign a waiver before you eat it?
【Lauren】(laughs) You know, you would think that it should a little bit more intense than that, but it is not. Uh, you just get in. It’s, uh, like five hundred yen for one piece of sushi, which is really expensive compared to other pieces, but, um…and it was not even my favorite piece of sushi.
【Lauren】So it was cool just to get it and try it, but not really my favorite thing.
【John】Mm. Yeah I like the—the kaiten places. You know those like, little sushi conveyor belts.
【Lauren】Mm hm.
【John】Uh just the other day, I saw one that looked pretty good. It was, um…it was two full little squid bodies.
【Lauren】Oh wow.
【John】Like on top of some rice.
【John】And I was like, “Oh, yeah, sure. We’ll try that. That looks a little odd.” And um, the only thing I noticed when I was eating it—the flavor was fine, it was like a lot of other sushi—but like, when you bit into it, you could totally feel the eyeballs…
【John】…like popping in your mouth, and I was just like, “Whoa.”
【Lauren】Yeah I’m not a huge fan of the squid here. I don’t know.
【John】It’s everywhere.
【Lauren】Like, I like, uh takoyaki.
【John】Mm hm.
【Lauren】But squid, like the raw squid or the squid on skewers.
【Lauren】Tried it. It’s not my favorite thing. (laughs)
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What are some names of the alley in which Lauren ate whale?
ローレンがクジラを食べた通りにはどんな名前がついていますか? - What dish did Lauren try that she was jokingly afraid of dying from?
ローレンが冗談めかして死ぬんじゃないかと思いながら挑戦した食べ物は何ですか? - What did John notice about eating squid?
- A) “Piss Alley” B) “Memory Lane” C) “Yakitori Alley”
A) ションベン横丁 B) 思い出横丁 C) 焼き鳥横丁 - Puffer fish.
フグです。 - He could feel the eyeballs of the squid popping in his mouth.
John and Lauren continued their conversation of Japanese dishes they’ve been trying while living in Japan. Lauren began by talking about a street in Shinjuku where she ate whale.
According to Lauren, this street had a few names, like, “Piss Alley” and, “Memory Lane.” This is where she first tried fugu, or puffer fish. She joked with her friend that she would have to spend the night with her in case she died in the middle of the night.
John enjoys kaiten sushi restaurants in particular. At one restaurant, he ate squid on rice.
Although John enjoyed the taste of the squid, he noticed that while eating it, he could feel the eyes of the squid popping in his mouth. Lauren herself does not like squid.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Legendary(伝説の)
- Have you heard of the legendary Big Foot?(伝説のビッグフットについて聞いたことがありますか?)
- Michael Jordan is a legendary basketball player.(マイケル・ジョーダンは伝説のバスケットボール選手です。)
- That rugby match between Japan and South Africa was a legendary game.(日本対南アフリカのラグビーの試合は、伝説に残るような素晴らしい試合でした。)
2) Sleepover(お泊まり会)
sleepoverは、いわゆる「お泊まり会」で、ティーンエージャーくらいまでの子供が友達の家に泊まりに行き、パジャマを着て夜通しおしゃべりをしたり遊んだりするお楽しみのイベントです。アメリカでは、 slumber partyやpajama partyとも言います。
- I’m having a sleepover on Saturday. Do you want to come?(土曜日にお泊まり会するんだけど、来る?)
- My daughter is at a sleepover tonight. (娘は今晩、お泊まり会に行っています。)
- I’m going to my friend’s slumber party tonight.(今夜、友達の家にお泊まり会に行きます。)
3) You would think _____(普通は〜だと思う)
「You would think」は「普通はそう思うよね?」に相当する表現で、常識的に考えたらそう思うはずが実は違う、と意外な話をする時に使われます。そのため、この表現の後には butが続くことがよくあります。ちなみに、「普通はそう思うよね?」は「You would think so」と言います。
- You would think she’d apologize. I mean it’s her fault.(普通、彼女が謝ると思うよね。だって、彼女のせいだし。)
- He’s a millionaire. You would think he’s happy but he’s not.(彼は大金持ちなんだ。だから幸せだと思うかもしれないけど、実はそうじゃないんだ。)
- You would think so, right?(普通ならそう思うでしょう?)
4) Not even(〜さえない)
Not evenは、「〜でさえない」「〜ですらない」にあたる強調表現です。例えば、今日の会話でローレンは「It was not even my favorite sushi」と言い、「(フグは他の寿司と比べて高いのに)一番好きな寿司ですらなかった」と、好きではないことを強調しています。
- I don’t know why he invited me to his birthday party. We’re not even friends.(なぜ彼の誕生日会に誘われたのか分からないよ。私たちは友達ですらないのに。)
- This problem was so difficult not even my teacher could figure it out.(この問題はあまりにも難しく、私の先生すら解くことができませんでした。)
- The meeting got canceled? I didn’t even know there was a meeting today.(ミーティングが中止になったの?そもそも今日ミーティングが予定されていたことすら知らなかった。)
5) Pop(破裂する)
- Is everybody here? Let’s pop the champagne!(みんないますか?シャンパンの栓を抜きましょう。)
- On the count of three, pop the balloon.(1、2の3の合図で風船を割ってください。)
- Do you think I should pop this pimple?(このニキビを潰した方がいいと思う?)
- Totally・・・分かる
- Intense・・・厳しい
- Conveyor belt・・・回転ベルト
- Skewer・・・串
- A ton of・・・沢山
- Sign a waiver・・・免責同意書にサインする

「カフェトーク」在籍のアメリカ人英語講師。英語講師としてのプロ意識が非常に高く、生徒のレベルに合わせて充実したレッスンを提供してくれます。紳士的で上品な人柄で、カフェトークでも多くの生徒さんから支持されている人気講師です。→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら

「カフェトーク」在籍のアメリカ人英語講師。これまで幅広い年齢層に英語を教えてきた経験があり、子供から大人まで生徒の年齢に応じた最適なレッスンを提供してくれます。現在は日本在住しており、日本文化にも精通している人気講師です。→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら
action cures fear. I like that too.
I’ve been pretty busy but I decided to brush upon my English because where I work there are many Filipino and Vietnamese here. thanks to that I’m enjoying to work more than the others.
Hi Yusei
That is my favorite quote. It’s written in my notebook and I look at it every day before I start my day! That’s great to hear you are enjoying your work. The more you could speak, the better it gets. Keep it up!
I enjoyed taking your seminar in Hiroshima.
Thank you for signing your name in my English diary.
I was also impressed with ” action cures fear “.
I started to take an English lesson with native-like speakers from last April.
I am likely to lose confidence to join them because of my poor English.
However, I will keep giving it a try for a while, I have to make more efforts to follow them.
Hi Reiko
Thank you for attending my seminar in Hiroshima! As soon as I came across that quote, I immediately wrote it down in my notebook. I feel like it’s such a simple yet powerful quote. I’m excited to hear that you are taking English classes. In the beginning, it might be a little scary but I guarantee you will start gaining more confidence in your speaking skills. Ganbatte!
Things that it goes right out the window. と聞こえるのですが それじゃ文法的におかしいし
The anxiety goes right out the window. です!
Anxiety goes right out the window.
Yup! You are correct 😃