
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.04.21





【Drew】Jeffrey, do you smoke?



【Jeffrey】Never will I ever smoke.

【Drew】You never have, ever?

【Jeffrey】Well, never will I ever.


【Jeffrey】Future. (laughs)

【Drew】Did you…you tried it in the past?

【Jeffrey】Oh yeah. I smoked when I was in high school.

【Drew】For how long?

【Jeffrey】Um…I mean, kind of—I guess off and on over the span of um…I started smoking when I was, like fifteen.

【Drew】Uh huh.

【Jeffrey】And then—I know, it’s pretty young I guess, but there’s been even younger. Um…fifteen, and then I think till (until) about maybe twenty-two, but…

【Drew】Oh wow.

【Jeffrey】…I mean it was very, um…I wasn’t, like smoking every day. It was kinda (kind of) just like, I had some friends that maybe weren’t the best influences and when I was with them I would smoke.

【Drew】Uh huh.

【Jeffrey】And then, uh here and there I did start to use it kind of as a stress reliever, and uh…I guess the reason why I quit is ‘cause (because) I get so paranoid about lung cancer that…


【Jeffrey】…when I do it, it’s like I’m doing it to relieve my stress, but then it’s stressing me out thinking that I’m getting cancer, so it’s like…(laughs)


【Jeffrey】It just canceled itself out.

【Drew】I don’t smoke. I tried it a little bit when I was in high school too, but not, you know, for very long. Maybe like two weeks. (laughs)


【Drew】It was just a really short time, and I just didn’t really care for it.

【Jeffrey】Was it—would your cool aunt give it to you?

【Drew】No. (laughs)


【Drew】No, no, no. It was my…

【Jeffrey】“Here’s wine and a good cigar.” (laughs)

【Drew】(laughs) No it was my older friends. I was probably fifteen, ‘bout (about) the same age as you.


【Drew】And I…I had some friends that were, like eighteen-nineteen. And, uh…and so yeah, we used to hang out and…they would—they smoked, so I think I, you know, just tried it here and there, and it was like, “Okay I don’t really get the point of this.” And uh…


【Drew】…and I just gave it up. But then my dad smoked. I lived with my mom, uh…


【Drew】I didn’t live with my dad. They were separated. So, uh, when I went to visit my dad though, you know, he would smoke. And it was just…it would, you know…


【Drew】…especially the older I got…

【Jeffrey】Yeah, yeah.

【Drew】…the more it affected me to where I couldn’t stand to be around…


【Drew】…that cigarette smoke, and uh…it just, you know, it stinks and, uh it really makes me—like I almost have an allergic reaction to it now.


【Drew】Uh, so…uh, you know my wife actually, she smoked when I first met her.

【Jeffrey】Oh yeah.

【Drew】And she just quit.

【Jeffrey】And you got her to quit.

【Drew】Yeah, she just quit cold turkey, like, you know I don’t think she was a…she smoked but she wasn’t a heavy smoker.


【Drew】I think it was more like when she got off of work, she smoked maybe, you know cigarettes to just kinda (kind of), like, de-stress.


【Drew】And maybe she didn’t smoke that much so it wasn’t so hard for her to quit.


【Drew】But I just, you know, I don’t know if she quit for me, uh…


【Drew】I appreciate that she quit.


【Drew】That’s all I know. (laughs)




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How old was Jeffrey when he first started smoking?
  2. Which of Drew’s parents smoked?
  3. Before she quit smoking, when did Drew’s wife used to smoke?



  1. He was fifteen years old.
  2. Drew’s father smoked.
  3. Before quitting, she would smoke after work to de-stress.



Drew and Jeffrey talked in this episode about their personal histories with smoking. Jeffrey said he would never smoke again in the future, and talked about his experiences.

Jeffrey began smoking when he was fifteen, and continued until he was twenty-two. He had friends in high school that he thought were bad influences on him, and he would smoke with them.

Drew also began smoking when he was fifteen, but he gave it up sooner. Some of Drew’s high school friends were older than him, and smoked themselves. They introduced him to smoking, but he quickly decided he didn’t like it.

Drew’s father also smoked. When Drew would visit his father, he had to smell the scent and eventually came to dislike it. Drew’s wife smoked before she met him, often after work. But after they met, she quit cold turkey.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Off and on(継続的に)

「Off and on」はオフになったりオンになったりする状態が繰り返されることを表し、「断続的に」や「不定期に」を意味します。雨が降ったり止んだりする状況や、カップルが別れてはまたよりを戻したりするような状況でも使われます。

On and offと言うことも一般的で、日常会話ではどちらを使っても問題ありません。

  • It’s been raining off and on these past few weeks.(ここ数週間、雨が降ったりやんだりしています。)
  • They’ve been dating off and on for about a year now.(あの二人はこの1年間付き合ったり、別れたりを繰り返しています。)
  • I’ve been studying English on and off.(断続的に英語を勉強しています。)

2) Here and there(あちこちで / 時々)

Here and thereは2つの意味を持つ口語的なフレーズです。1つ目は、何かが至る所にあったり、色々な場所で誰かに会ったりする際に使う「あちこち」という物理的な意味です。2つ目は、「時々」や「たまに」を意味し、頻度としてはかなり低いニュアンスがあります。

この表現はThere and hereと逆にすることはできないので注意しましょう。

  • You’ll find convenience stores here and there in Japan.(日本ではコンビニがあちこちにあります。)
  • I can’t understand everything my American coworkers are saying, but I’ll pick up a few words here and there.(アメリカ人の同僚が言っていることを完全には理解できませんが、ところどころ聞き取ることはできます。)
  • I do a few teaching gigs here and there when I have time.(時間がある時には時々英語を教えています。)

3) Stressed out(ストレスを抱えている)

Stressed outは、「ストレスを抱えている」を意味し、特にストレスが原因で疲れていたり、イライラしていることを強調します。「I am stressed.」と言っても伝わりますが、 「I’m stressed out.」と言った方がより口語的で自然な響きがあります。

  • I’m really stressed out. Work has been really hectic.(最近、仕事が非常に忙しくてかなりストレスを抱えています。)
  • You look pretty stressed out. Are you OK?(結構ストレスが溜まっているみたいだけど、大丈夫?)
  • I’m stressed out about the presentation tomorrow. (明日のプレゼンのことでストレスを抱えています。)

4) Paranoid (考えすぎる)


  • I’m paranoid that the reservation didn’t go through. Let me call them just in case.(ちゃんと予約が入っているかどうかすごい心配なんだ。念のため、電話しよう。)
  • Why are you being paranoid? Just relax. Everything is going to be all right.(なんでそんなに心配してるの?落ち着いて。全てうまくいくから。)
  • I’m just paranoid about everything. Is there something wrong with me?(全てのことに関して考えすぎてしまいます。私はどこか変なのでしょうか?)

5) I don’t get it(理解できない)

Get itは「理解する」や「分かる」という意味の表現で、「I get it.」は「I understand」と同じ意味ですが、より口語的な言い方になります。特に、初めは理解できなかったことが説明してもらってようやく理解できた時に「I get it」を使って表現します。もし、理解できない場合は否定形の「I don’t get it」が使われます。

  • Ah that makes sense. I finally get it.(なるほど、納得しました。やっと理解しました。)
  • I don’t get it. Why would you take that risk? You have more to lose than gain.(私には理解できないな。なんで、そんな リスクを負うの?得るものより失うものの方が多いよ。)
  • Do you get it? It’s not that complicated right?(分かった?そんなに複雑ではないでしょう?)



  • Influence・・・影響
  • Stress reliever・・・ストレス解消
  • Lung cancer・・・肺ガン
  • Separate・・・別居
  • Allergic reaction・・・アレルギー反応
  • De-stress・・ストレス発散


  • Never will I ever・・・絶対に〜しない
  • Cancel itself out・・・取り消す
  • Hang out・・・遊ぶ
  • Can’t stand・・・我慢できない
  • Quit cold turkey・・・スパッとやめる






  1. TAK より:



    1)今回紹介されたフレーズ「Off and On」は、以前のエピソードで紹介された「Sporadic(sporadically)」と、同じニュアンスなのでしょうか?
    同じ表現の場合、「Off and On」は、Sporadicallyより口語的な表現なのでしょうか?

    2)Jeffreyが言った「but there’s been even younger」の意味が分かりません。


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。「Off and on」は「sporadic」の口語表現になります。「but there’s been even younger」は「自分より若い年齢でタバコを吸い始めた人はいた」になります!

  2. Ayakomona より:


    • Jun より:



  3. hiro より:

    I’m paranoid that the reservation didn’t go through.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Hiro!


  4. Iori より:


    And maybe she didn’t smoke that much so it wasn’t so hard for her to quit.

    の最初のsoはso thatの省略形で「~なので」という意味でしょうか?その場合は「,」が必要になるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


TAK へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


