
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.04.14





【Jeffrey】So do you feel like you’re getting enough sleep still? Or…

【Drew】Yeah, I—I think I generally do. I mean I still probably average maybe seven…seven and a half hours of sleep…


【Drew】…which I think is kinda (kind of) like, you know, right for me. I feel like that’s pretty good for me. Maybe I slept more as a…when I was younger, but these days, seven, seven and a half hours.

【Jeffrey】Do you think that that, uh…do you think that goes along with how most, uh…I mean…you’re building your own software now, or you’re trying to do your own software, so in a sense I guess I would call you an entrepreneur.

【Drew】Uh huh.

【Jeffrey】Um, do you think…do you think other entrepreneurs maybe get the same amount of sleep?

【Drew】That’s a great question, and uh, I, you know, I’ve…I listen to, like podcasts and read, um, works that are articles from, you know, other entrepreneurs.


【Drew】And um…and I think there’s a spectrum, you know, some—I…some entrepreneurs say, you know, “I was just crazy working so hard, and I would get, you know, sometimes no sleep, or a few hours of sleep.”


【Drew】And then other entrepreneurs will say, “That’s the worst thing you can do.”


【Drew】You need the…you know, sleep is so important.


【Drew】And I, you know, I think it really just depends on the person.


【Drew】Maybe, and what they’re trying to build. Mine is, you know, I do a lot of, like, thinking work, and I have to have that sleep. And in fact my body won’t let me not get it.


【Drew】I eventually just sleep. I can’t help it. I’m so tired.

【Jeffrey】Okay. It’s happened to me before, where I’ve consistently gotten, let’s say five hours of sleep…

【Drew】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】…consistently for, like a week or two weeks and then finally one day my body will just sleep for sixteen hours…


【Jeffrey】…and then, like, “Wow. I didn’t realize I was that tired.” But…

【Drew】I can probably…I can get, you know, I can have a lack of sleep for maybe about a week…


【Drew】…where, you know, maybe I only sleep for, like five hours a day for a week, and that’s about my maximum. After that, my body’s like, “Nope. Sorry. You’re sleeping.”


【Drew】(laughs) And uh, you know, get like, ten hours of sleep after that.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How many hours of sleep does Drew get on average?
  2. Drew is an entrepreneur. What is he creating?
  3. Approximately how long can Jeffrey function on only getting five hours of sleep per day?



  1. He gets roughly seven to seven and a half hours of sleep on average.
  2. He’s creating his own software.
  3. Jeffrey said he usually couldn’t go more than one or two weeks without getting more than five hours of sleep per day.



Jeffrey and Drew talked about their individual sleep habits in this episode. Drew began by discussing his own.

Currently, Drew averages roughly seven to seven and a half hours of sleep per day. He believes he might have averaged more when he was younger.

Jeffrey asked Drew about his life as a software designer and entrepreneur, and Drew talked about sleep habits of other entrepreneurs. Some entrepreneurs, he says, get very little sleep, while others believe sleep is vital to being an entrepreneur.

Jeffrey said that if he consistently gets only five hours of sleep for a week or two weeks, his body would demand that he get more sleep eventually. Drew agreed, saying that he too could only go about a week on five hours of sleep per day before his body forced him to sleep for a longer period of time.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Right for someone(〜に適している)

Right for someoneは、「適切な」や「ふさわしい」を意味する日常表現で、何かが人にとって適していることを表します。 「It’s the right job for me.(私に合った仕事だ)」、「It’s the right choice for him.(彼にとって正しい選択だ)」のように、 rightとforの間に具体的な内容が入ります。

また「適切な量」は、 「right amount of…」と表現し、 ofの後に具体的な内容を入れます。

  • I think that’s the right decision for him.(それが彼にとって正しい決断だと思います。)
  • When you study English, make sure you focus on what’s right for you.(英語を勉強する時は、自分に合った内容に集中するように。)
  • It’s not too salty. It has the right amount of salt in it.(そんなにしょっぱくないよ。ちょうどいい塩加減だね。)

2) In a sense(ある意味)

In a senseは、物の見方や誰かの発言に対する解釈の仕方を表し、日本語の「ある意味」に相当する表現です。 In a wayと同じ意味合いで、日常会話ではどちらも使われます。

  • In a sense, technology is making people lazier.(ある意味、テクノロジーは人をより怠惰にしています。)
  • In a sense, I feel that katakana English hinders students from speaking English.(ある意味、カタカナ英語は英語を話す妨げになっていると思います。)
  • In a sense, that could be a good thing.(ある意味、それはいいことなのかもしれません。)

3) That’s a great question(良い質問ですね)

アメリカ人の多くは、質問に即答する前に、「That’s a great question.」と挟んでから返答することがよくあります。直訳すると「良い質問ですね」ですが、相手が良い点に気づいたり、重要なポイントに注意を向けたりする状況で使われます。

また、想定外の鋭い質問に答えられない場合に、 「I don’t know」の間接的な言い方としても使われます。

  • That’s a great question. Just because you score high on the TOEIC, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are a proficient English speaker.(良い質問ですね。TOEICで高得点を取ったからといって、英語が流暢に話せるわけではありません。)
  • I’m glad you asked that. That’s a great question.(良いところに気づきましたね。良い質問です。)
  • That’s a great question. I actually don’t know the answer to that. I will have to look into that and get back to you.(良い質問ですね。実は私もそれに対する答えがわかりません。後で調べて回答します。)

4) I can’t help it (仕方がない)

「I can’t help it.」は、何とかしようとしてもできない、避けられない、打開できないといった状況で使われる「仕方ない・しょうがない」を意味します。

  • Of course I worry about you. I’m your father. I can’t help it.(もちろん、心配するさ、お前の父親なんだから。仕方ないだろう。)
  • I can’t stand when things are out of order. I can’t help it. It’s just who I am.(何かがバラバラになっていると我慢できないんだ。私はそういう人間なんだからしょうがないでしょう。)
  • I know I need to stop biting my nails but I can’t help it. (爪をかむ癖をやめないといけないのは分かってるんだけど、やめられないんだよね。)

5) Nope(いいえ、嫌だ)


  • Nope. I don’t feel like going to karaoke.(いや。カラオケに行く気分じゃないな。)
  • Nope. I didn’t get your email. When did you send it?(いいや。メールは届いてないよ。いつ送ったの?)
  • Nope. I’m not working tomorrow. Do you want to hang out?(ううん。明日は仕事はないよ。遊ぶ?)



  • Generally・・・大抵は
  • Entrepreneur・・・起業家
  • (There’s a) spectrum・・・ばらつきがある


  • Do you feel like _____?・・・〜している気がする?
  • Depends on the person・・・人によって違う
  • Lack of sleep・・・睡眠不足



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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