
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.04.07





【Drew】So Jeffrey, uh, what’s your biggest meal? Do you have a bigger breakfast, bigger lunch, or bigger dinner?

【Jeffrey】Um, I’m American, so I just constantly eat all day. (laughs)

【Drew】But you’re super skinny, I don’t believe that.

【Jeffrey】So I pretty much wake up at, like eight o’clock, and then I put on clothes, and then I’m ready to teach at 8:30, ‘cause (because) I live right down the street from the office.
So usually I don’t have breakfast or…yeah, I guess it’s like a breakfast—lunch, brunch kind of thing that I have after my first class. My biggest meal will kinda (kind of) change, I think, depending on what’s going on.
So sometimes it’ll be lunch because maybe I’ll have a long stretch of students, or something that I need to just make sure I’m full for several hours during that. Other times, uh…you know, maybe after work I end up eating a lot more.

【Drew】Hm. I feel like most Americans on the average tend to eat a bigger dinner, or maybe a bigger lunch. Maybe not as many people eat a big breakfast. So you’d probably say you’re more similar to that?

【Jeffrey】Today most people think of the word, “dinner,” as being the last meal of the day, but I think originally dinner just meant whichever one was the bigger meal.


【Jeffrey】So sometimes people would have dinner at—in the middle of the day, and that would be their big meal for the day.

【Drew】Do you think that there’s any health benefit one way or the other, or eating, let’s say, a larger breakfast and smaller dinner? Are they both the same?

【Jeffrey】I don’t think I really have an opinion about that.

【Drew】No? Okay.

【Jeffrey】Honestly. I mean the only thing I would say is that I know if you, um…and this is kind of widely accepted belief, I think.
It’s just that if you eat a lot of food before you fall asleep, then your body will take in more of the fat and more of the bad, uh nutrition. I…I don’t know if that makes sense, “bad nutrition.” But…yeah, I mean that’s the only thought I have on that.

【Drew】Gotcha (got you).



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What time does Jeffrey usually wake up?
  2. What did Jeffrey say about which meal of the day is his biggest?
  3. According to Jeffrey’s point at the end, is it bad or good to eat a lot of food before going to sleep? Why or why not?



  1. He usually wakes up at eight o’clock in the morning.
  2. His biggest meal often changes depending on the situation.
  3. It is bad because the body will absorb more of the fat in the food if eaten before sleep.



Jeffrey and Drew talked about their biggest meals of the day. Jeffrey began by describing his morning routine.

Jeffrey normally wakes up at 8:00 in the morning, and arrives at work around 8:30 because he lives close to his office. He often skips breakfast in this routine. But Jeffrey’s biggest meal of the day changes based on the situation of the time. For example, if he has a long stretch of students to teach, he might eat a large lunch.

Drew believed most Americans eat big lunches and dinners, and smaller breakfasts. Jeffrey agreed, and said he believed the word “dinner” used to mean the largest meal of the day, but has since come to mean the final meal of the day.

Jeffrey concluded by talking about the bad eating habits of eating a large amount of food before going to sleep. He said this causes the body to absorb more fat from the food.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Big meal(たっぷりの食事)

Big mealを直訳すると「大きな食事」ですが、どちらかというとボリュームのある食事というよりも、食事をしっかりとるニュアンスがあります。朝食をしっかりとる場合は 「Eat a big breakfast」、昼食をしっかりとる場合は 「Eat a big lunch」、夕食をしっかりとる場合は「Eat a big dinner」となります。Eatの代わりに haveを使うのも一般的です。

しかし、Big mealは文脈によっては「ごちそうを食べる」や「ボリュームたっぷりの食事をする」ことも意味します。ちなみに、軽食はLight mealと言います。

  • I usually skip breakfast and eat a big lunch.(私は普段、朝食を抜いて昼食をしっかりとります。)
  • I’m not hungry right now. I had a big breakfast and I’m still pretty full.(今はお腹が空いていません。朝食をたくさん食べたので、まだお腹がいっぱいです。)
  • I’m going to eat a light dinner to save room for dessert.(後でデザートが食べられるように夕食は軽めにしよう。)

2) Put on clothes(洋服を着る)

Put onとwearは、どちらも洋服を着るという意味ですが、 Put onが洋服を着る動作を表すのに対し、 wearは洋服を着ている状態を表します。例えば、「He is putting on a coat.」は、コートを身に着けている動作を表していますが、「He is wearing a coat.」と言うと、コートを既に着ている状態を表すことになります。

  • She is putting on her dress right now. (彼女は今ドレスに着替えています。)
  • It’s a formal event. You should put on a tie.(フォーマルなイベントなので、ネクタイを締めた方がいいよ。)
  • What are you going to wear to the party?(パーティーには何を着ていきますか?)

3) Brunch(朝食を兼ねた昼食 / ブランチ)


  • I know a restaurant that serves good brunch. Do you want to try it out?(おいしいブランチが食べられるレストランを知ってるんだけど行ってみる?)
  • I think brunch starts at 11 am. What should we do till then?(ブランチは11時からだと思う。それまでどうしようか?)
  • Let’s go running in the morning and grab brunch afterwards.(朝、ランニングに行って、その後ブランチを食べようよ。)

4) Stretch (一続きの時間や期間)

Stretchは「伸ばす」や「広げる」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「一定の時間や期間」を示す場合に用いられ、特に、長時間もしくは長期間、途切れなく何かが続くことを表します。時間や期間の長さを強調したい場合はLong stretchと言います。

  • You worked 14 days in a row? That’s a long stretch without a day off.(14日間連続で仕事だったの?休みなしの期間が長かったね。)
  • We had a long stretch of bad weather. It rained 10 days straight.(悪天候が長く続きました。10日間、ずっと雨でした。)
  • I was in a meeting from 10am-5pm. That was a long stretch. (午前10時から午後5時までミーティングでした。長かったです。)

5) One way or the other(どちらにしても)

One way or the otherは、2つの選択肢のうち、どちらかが起こったり選ばれたりする状況において「どちらにしても」や「いずれにせよ」といった意味合いで使われる表現です。またその他、「何らかの方法で」や「何とかして」などの意味合いにもなります。

  • It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other.(私はどちらでもいいですよ。)
  • One way or the other, I’m going to study abroad next year.(いずれにしても私は来年、海外留学をします。)
  • One way or the other, we have to find a way to complete this project by next week.(何とかして、このプロジェクトを来週までに終わらせる方法を見つけないといけません。)



  • Constantly・・・常に
  • Health benefit・・・健康効果
  • Widely accepted belief・・・広く受け入れられている考え方


  • Pretty much・・・大体
  • Right down the street・・・すぐの所に
  • Fall asleep・・・眠りに落ちる
  • Gotcha・・・なるほど
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Kei より:

    以下の文章で、… will go by without… と、ありますが
    この by の存在の意味がわかりません。

    I’ ll completely lose track of time and before you know it, 8-10 hours will go by without having a single meal that day.

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。「Go by」は「(時間が)経過する」を意味するセットフレーズです。「Time is going by slowly.(時間の経つのが遅い)」、「Time goes by quickly when you are having fun.(楽しんでいるとあっという間に時間が過ぎる)」のように使います。そのままで覚えてください〜。

  2. Kei より:

    Gotcha‼︎ ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

  3. mako より:


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