
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.11.05





【Nick】This is Nick. I am here with my friend…


【Nick】…and a question has arisen, and so I’ll ask you the question. Do you eat hamburgers and hotdogs every day, Jeffrey?

【Jeffrey】Three meals a day.

【Nick】Three meals a day.

【Jeffrey】(laughs) Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

【Nick】That explains your slim physique.


【Nick】Um, me too. Me too. All Americans do. Every single one of us. It’s kinda (kind of) weird.

【Jeffrey】Yeah, it’s…I guess it’s similar to, you know, Japanese people, they just eat ramen and sushi every day, right?

【Nick】Yeah, yeah, I—I saw that in Japan. In Tokyo, there were only ramen and sushi shops, but if you go out here in L.A., you know, the only thing there is is barbeque. (laughs)

【Jeffrey】Yeah, um, I…I think Americans, um…I feel what defines America actually is the fact that we are so multicultural.


【Jeffrey】So, um…you know there’s the stereotype about hamburgers, hotdogs, but really you can get Thai food, Mexican, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Spanish…

【Nick】Uh, what—what do you actually eat?

【Jeffrey】It…it changes day to day.


【Jeffrey】Um, you know if we are talking about hamburgers, it’s gotta (got to) be In-N-Out.


【Jeffrey】California…people love their In-N-Out. Um, I have that maybe once a week.

【Nick】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】Um, but, you know I like…I love my pizza, I love my curry. I especially love Thai curry, uhm…I dunno (don’t know).

【Nick】Yeah, yeah.

【Jeffrey】It’s just a variety of things.

【Nick】I, um, I’m not gonna lie. I am a super picky eater, and it is terrible to go anywhere with me because I’m going to tell you, “No mayo.” I’m gonna tell you, “Ooh, I don’t like salad dressing.”

【Jeffrey】How do you fare in Japan, then?

【Nick】It is not a good experience…


【Nick】…’cause (because) there’s mayo in, like…there’s like, “Oh, can I have a Coca-Cola with mayo?” And you’re just, “Mmm, that’s…”


【Nick】“I don’t know how you’re doing that.” No, no. Um, honestly though, I do end up asking them to remove a lot of stuff, which can be a little problematic, ‘cause…


【Nick】…that’s a little unusual.


【Nick】Um, I’ve— I’ve definitely gotten the question, “Well why don’t you just eat it?”


【Nick】Which is…I can—while I appreciate the idea…

【Jeffrey】And then…and then you cite the word “Ow!”…



【Nick】“Eat it.” Um, uh, yeah, yeah. No, in Japan, uh, then my diet pretty much consisted of like ramen, curry, udon…

【Jeffrey】Uh huh.

【Nick】Anything that a child would eat is what I eat.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What Japanese foods did Jeffrey compare to hamburgers and hotdogs?
  2. What does Jeffrey think defines America?
  3. What kind of an eater does Nick describe himself as?



  1. He compared them to ramen and sushi.
  2. Jeffrey thinks America is defined by its multiculturalism.
  3. Nick is a self-described “picky eater.”



Nick opened the episode with a question for Jeffrey: Does Jeffrey eat hamburgers and hotdogs every day? Jeffrey responded yes, and he joked that he ate them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Jeffrey compared typical American foods like hamburgers and hotdogs to typical Japanese foods like ramen and sushi. Nick, in a sarcastic way said he only saw ramen and sushi shops when he lived in Tokyo.

Jeffrey thought America was defined by its multiculturalism, and that this diversity translated into diversity in food options. For hamburgers in California, however, Jeffrey said In-N-Out is his favorite burger shop.

Nick finished by talking about his picky eating habits. These habits sometimes made ordering food in Japan difficult for Nick, because he often requested many parts of a dish to be removed when ordering.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Every single(ありとあらゆる)

“Every single”は“Every”と同じ意味ですが、 “single”をつけた方が、強調の意味合いが増します。例えば“every day”は「毎日」ですが、 “every single day”と言うことで、「1日も欠かすことなく毎日毎日」と強調された表現になります。

  • I study English every single day.(僕は1日も欠かさず英語を勉強しています。)
  • My neighbor parties every single night. It’s so annoying.(隣人が毎晩毎晩パーティーをしていて本当にイライラする。)
  • You should buy this album. Every single song on it is amazing.(このアルバムは買った方がいいよ。どの曲をとっても本当に素晴らしい。)

2) From day to day(日に日に)

日ごとに物事が変化していくことを表すフレーズが“from day to day”です。“Change from day to day”という表現が一般的ですが、他に“Vary from day to day”や“Differ from day to day”とも言うことができます。

◎今日の会話でジェフリーは「Changes day to day」と言いましたが、“from”を入れるのが正しい表現です。

  • It changes from day to day. But I usually eat Japanese food.(日によって違いますが、大体、私は和食をいただきます。)
  • She changes her mind from day to day. She needs to make up her mind!(彼女って日ごとに気がころころ変わるんだよね。いい加減、決めてもらわないと。)
  • My work schedule varies from day to day. Some days I work from home.(私の仕事のスケジュールは日によって異なります。家で仕事をする日もあります。)

3) Variety of (いろいろな)

“Variety of”は、「いろいろな…」「様々な…」という意味で、“of”の後には、人や物、場所やアイデアなど、いろいろなものを置くことができます。日本の「バラエティー番組」は、元はトークやお笑い、ドキュメンタリーや歌など、様々なジャンルで構成されていたため、そのように名づけられました。

  • There’s a variety of restaurants in Tokyo. You name it, they have it.(東京にはいろんなレストランがあります。とにかくどんなレストランでもありますよ。)
  • I read a variety of books. I’m really into autobiographies right now.(私は様々なジャンルの本を読みます。今は自伝にはまっています。)
  • What color shirt do you want? We offer a variety of colors.(何色のシャツが欲しいの?いろんな色が揃っているよ。)

4) I’m not going to lie(ぶっちゃけて言うと)


  • I’m not going to lie, this is by far the best ramen I’ve ever had.(はっきり言って、このラーメンが今まで食べたラーメンの中で断トツにうまい。)
  • I’m not going to lie, I’ve been slacking off lately. I need to start studying English again. (ぶっちゃけて言うと、最近サボり気味でさ。また英語の勉強を始めないと。)
  • I’m not going to lie, I thought she came off a bit arrogant. (ぶっちゃけて言うと、彼女はちょっと横柄に見えた。)

5) Consist of(〜から成り立つ / 〜で構成される)

“Consist of”は、様々な要素を組み合わせて1つのまとまりがある状態を意味し、「〜から成り立つ」や「〜で構成される」と訳すことができます。 “be made up of”や“be composed of”も同じ意味を持つイディオムですが、 “consist of”だけが受身の形を

  • My language school mainly consists of Japanese expats.(私の英会話学校は、主に日本人の駐在員で構成されています。)
  • The Hapa Eikaiwa seminar participants consisted of people from all walks of life.(Hapa英会話のセミナーには、様々な職業の人たちが参加しました。)
  • I’m in a band. Our band consists of 5 members.(私はバンドやっています。5人のメンバーで構成されています。)



  • Arisen・・・訊ねる
  • Define・・・特徴
  • Especially・・・特に
  • Problematic・・・厄介


  • This is ____・・・(私の名前は)〜です
  • Slim physique・・・(体型が)ほっそりしている
  • Picky eater・・・好き嫌いが激しい
  • Fare in・・・やっていく
  • End up・・・結局のところ



  1. Go より:

    Hey Jun,
    I’m Go, studying abroad in Westchester country in New York right now, and visited this site for the first time today. Your lessons are really helpful for me especially in that they assure me to use phrases which I heard in conversations between native-speakers. So I’ll keep visiting your blog 😀
    Also let me ask you a question, this page says “Arisen” means “訊ねる”, but is that true? I think 訊ねる is something like “ask a question” and I guess you would actually type “訪ねる”, but “訪ねる” means visit, so it would not be a proper translation. How about using “沸き上がる” or whatever is close to “rise”… I just wonder if you might have made a mistake, so if you typed “訊ねる” on purpose, let me know what you mean.
    Nice to meet you.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Go,

      A good friend of mine just came back from New York last weekend. He said it’s freezing in New York. Well, it’s about 75 degrees in LA so maybe that explains why he felt that way 😉 Happy to hear you are finding my blog useful.

      Thanks for pointing that out. It’s actually a typo!! Like you mentioned it should be「湧き上がる」or from the context「ある疑問が”生まれた”」might be a good way to translate it too. Anyway, thanks for letting me know.

      Wishing you all the best in New York!

  2. Mark より:

    Hi Jun!
    I’m glad to hear your voice. I was just waiting for your new episode.
    I was so excited to hear your voice in person on seminar, especially “Let’s get started” was crazy good!!
    Your voice of this episode feel like more powerful compare with around episode 110. 🙂
    By the way I eat rice everyday. Do the average American eat bread everyday?
    Is this question weird?

    • Jun より:

      What’s going on Mark! Good to hear from you. It was nice talking you in Japan last month 🙂 I came back to LA with a lot of energy thanks to you and all the participants.

      I don’t think it’s a weird question. I’d say the average American consumes a lot of bread. I prefer pasta over rice or bread though 😉

  3. masa より:

    The Hapa Eikaiwa seminar participants consisted of people from all walks of life.(Hapa英会話のセミナーには、様々な職業の人たちが参加しました。)
    とありましたが、all works ではなく walks でいいのでしょうか?職業なのでworkかと思ったのですが。

    • Jun より:


      「All “walks” of life」です。この表現は「様々な職業の人たち・あらゆる階層の人々」を意味する口語的な言い方です。

  4. Yasuhiro より:

    I couldn’t first catch what Jefferey said at the last part until I came by this page, which was “And then…and then you cite the word “Ow!”…” But, I still can’t get what about it so funny that they laughed out lound that way.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yasuhiro,

      It’s a Michael Jackson reference. ニックが“…just eat it?”と言ったのを聞いたジェフリーが、マイケル・ジャクソンの名曲「Beat It」を思い出し、マイケルのおたけび“Ow!”を言っています。

  5. MAYU より:

    Jefferyさんがit changes day to day.と言った後のSUREは、日本語で言う「そうだよね」のような同調の返事なのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:



  6. Helen より:

    thank you for your website.
    I love the way you teach. It is helpful for me.

  7. Masami より:

    How’s it going? Jun!!
    I learned new expression this time too , so I’ve got a question!
    More often than not, I say ” On the other hand ” in comparative case and you was like ” On the flip side ” this introduction, therefore, is there another way of saying ” On the other hand ” ?
    Have a great day!!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masami,

      I’m doing fantastic! You’re exactly right. “On the flip side” is a synonym for “On the other hand.” I’d say that “on the flip side” is a bit more conversational though. Have a wonderful day!

  8. TN より:

    Nickがme tooと言っているのは、何に対してですか?あと、I don’t know how you’re doing thatとはどういうことですか?

    • Jun より:


      “Me too”は「私も朝、昼、晩、毎日ハンバーガーとホットドッグを食べています」を意味し、”I don’t know how you’re doing that”は「それは無理だよ」を表します。

  9. 加藤奈津恵 より:


    • Jun より:



  10. 小林雄一郎 より:

    お疲れ様です。jun 先生、単語のarisen は訊ねるとなっていますが、辞書で調べると発生した等の意味で載っているようですが、arisen の持つイメージを教えて下さい。

  11. tsuchiya より:


    • Jun より:


      fareです!ご指摘ありがとうございます。アップデートしました 🙂

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