
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.10.17




【Sharon】Hi, how are you doing?

【Cindy】I’m not bad.

【Sharon】Oh great. I’m kind of interested about your background. Um where are you from?

【Cindy】Sure. Uh I was born in Yokohama and I was raised in the San Francisco, Bay area in California. 「横浜生まれ、サンフランシスコ育ち」 And my parents met in Roppongi at a British pub. My mother always loved western culture and she loved western men uh because they’re gentlemen. They always put ladies first and she always admired that. She loved the Beatles; she grew up during the 60s so she met my father there who was an American businessman for a trading company with Japan and with Tokyo…with Yokohama actually. Um so that’s how my intercultural life began (laugh). My mother when she had children she wanted them to learn Japanese. 「だから英語話さなくて、ずっと」 only Japanese to us.

【Sharon】Oh my goodness.

【Cindy】If we spoke in uh English to her…

【Sharon】Mm hm.

【Cindy】「いま仕事中じゃないから英語聞きたくない」 I’m not working right now so I’m not going to listen to your English.

【Sharon】Oh my goodness.

【Cindy】So I was forced to speak in Japanese with her. Oh and she also did not like um American cartoons. She says that they were dirty. As in they were not um nice enough with art. Like 「汚いから見ないほうがいい」 So that’s why I had to watch 「ドラえもん or チビまる子ちゃん、アンパンマン、ガチャピン、コナン、ドラゴンボール、セーラームーン」 all of it.

【Sharon】And those are obviously Japanese cartoons.

【Cindy】Japanese animes. Yeah exactly. Um so…

【Sharon】How old were you when you came to the U.S.? I’m curious.

【Cindy】I was three.

【Sharon】Oh you were young.

【Cindy】So I don’t even remember being imported here because it wasn’t my choice to come here so I like to use that word. Um but every other summer my mother will take the 「可愛い外人」 kids to my grandparent’s house in Chiba.

【Sharon】Uh huh.

【Cindy】「で、三ヶ月」 cuz (because) it’s 3 months long right? The summer breaks here.


【Cindy】So 「三ヶ月」 every other year I will spend in Japan.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where did Cindy’s parents meet?
  2. Why didn’t Cindy’s mom allow Cindy to watch American cartoons?
  3. How often did Cindy go to Japan when she was a child?



  1. They met at a British pub in Roppongi.
  2. Cindy’s mom didn’t allow Cindy to watch American cartoons because she thought American cartoons were not as artistic as Japanese cartoons.
  3. She went to Japan every two years during summer break.



Cindy was born in Yokohama and raised in San Francisco. Her parents met at a British pub in Roppongi. Her father was an American businessman who was working for a trading company in Yokohama.

Cindy’s mother always loved western culture and looked up to western men for their chivalrous behavior toward women. Her mother grew up during the 60’s and was a big fan of the Beatles.

Cindy’s mother only spoke to Cindy in Japanese because she wanted her to learn the language. Cindy’s mother also made Cindy watch Japanese cartoons because Cindy’s mother thought American cartoons were dirty.

Cindy moved to the U.S. when she was three years old. She visited her grandparents’ house in Chiba every other summer during summer break.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Put _____ first(〜を最優先する)

◎ “Put first”を直訳すると「〜を最初に置く」ということから、他の何よりも優先することを意味する口語的な表現です。“Put”と“first”の間に最優先する対象を入れます。

  • He always puts his family first.(彼はいつも家族を最優先します。)
  • She is such a selfless person. She always puts others first.(彼女は本当に私利私欲にとらわれない人です。自分のことは常に二の次です。)
  • We put our clients needs first.(我々はお客さんの要求を最優先しています。)

2) Admire(憧れる・敬服する)

◎ “Admire”は「〜を称賛する」や「〜を敬服する」を意味します。 “Respect(~を尊敬する)”と意味は似ているのですが、“Admire”の場合は尊敬するだけでなく、人物・人格への「憧れ」といったニュアンスも含まれます。

  • I admire you for your honesty and sincerity.(あなたの正直さと誠実さに感心しています。)
  • I admire people who aren’t afraid to speak their mind.(自分の考えを率直に言える人に憧れています。)
  • I really admire him for his ability to take action.(彼の行動力には脱帽です。)

3) Intercultural(異文化)

◎ 異なる文化が混じり合ったり、異なる文化を持つ人同士が交流することを“Intercultural”と表します。「異文化交流」は“Intercultural exchange”、「異文化コミュニケーション」は“Intercultural communication”になります。

  • I’m interested in intercultural exchanges.(私は異文化交流に興味があります。)
  • Our company offers intercultural communication training to all employees.(弊社では、社員全員に異文化コミュニケーションのトレーニングをしています。)
  • What are your thoughts on intercultural marriage?(異文化結婚についてどう思いますか?)

4) Curious(〜に興味をそそられる・〜が気になる)

◎ “Curious”は、自分にとって新しい情報や知らないこと、または魅力的な物事に引きつけられる場合に、「〜が気になる」や「〜に興味をそそられる」の意味として使われます。
◎「〜に興味がある・〜が気になる」は「I’m curious about」と表現し、「about」の後に気になる対象を入れましょう。

  • I’m curious to find out what’s going to happen.(何が起こるか気になります。 )
  • I’m curious about Japanese culture.(日本の文化に興味があります。)
  • Aren’t you curious why she speaks English so fluently?(何で彼女は英語が流暢に話せるか気にならない?)

5) Every other(〜おきに)

◎ 日本語では、2日に1度を「1日おきに」と表現しますが、この「〜おきに」という表現は英語で“Every other”と言います。例えば、「英語の勉強を一日おきしている」という場合は「I study English every other day.」と言います。“Every other”の後には、時間や期間を入れます。

  • I run a marathon every other month.(私は1ヶ月おきにマラソンに参加します。)
  • We have a meeting every other Wednesday.(私たちは1週間おきの水曜日にミーティングを行っています。)
  • I go to Japan every other year.(私は2年に1度、日本へ行きます。)



  • Trading company・・・貿易会社
  • Obviously・・・もちろんのこと
  • Imported・・・輸入


  • Oh my goodness・・・まあ!
  • not nice enough・・・いまいち
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. shin より:

    Hey, thank you for such a helpful lesson!

    I like it.
    I want you to explain how the expression are used,
    “I was raised in San Francisco. ” and ” Her mother grew up during the 60’s .”

    Could you explain what differences between “be raised in….” and “grew up…” ?

    Yesterday, i helped out a tourist guy who are from England, I got a startling correction about introducing myself in English.

    I said that “I grew up in Japan.”
    He told me you should say “I am raised in Japan.”

    I am a little confused about that.

    Thank you.

    >>>>>Cindy was born in Yokohama and raised in San Francisco.

    >>>>>Her parents met at a British pub in Roppongi.

    Her mother grew up during the 60’s and was a big fan of the Beatles.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Shin,

      “I was raised in” and “I grew up in” both mean the same thing. It may be a difference between American English and British English. In the U.S., “I grew up in Japan.” is a perfectly normal response. 🙂

  2. ucchy より:

    Can you tell the difference between curious about and interested in?

    • Jun より:

      Hi ucchy,

      That’s a great question! And also a tough one to answer😅 They are similar but generally speaker, curious implies a lack of knowledge about something that you’d like to know more about. Interested can have that connotation as well but can also be used with something you already have knowledge about. Curiosity leads to interest 😉

  3. ratrat より:


    *but every other summer my mother will take the 「可愛い外人」 kids to my grandparent’s house in Chiba.
    *So 「三ヶ月」 every other year I will spend in Japan.

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。そうですね、ここでは wouldを使った方が適切です。このような状況でwillを使う人もいますが、wouldの方がいいでしょう。

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