
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.07.25




【Mari】How about your fiancé? Is he helping at all?

【Alisa】Um I told him…I mean he’s a guy so I…and I knew that from the beginning. So I just told him day 1, these are gonna (going to) be your two jobs. You do them and you do em (them) right and I don’t wanna (want to) have to worry about them at all (laugh).


【Alisa】So um his two jobs were the invitations.

【Mari】Mm hm.

【Alisa】And he did an amazing job with those. He is kind of creatively gifted on his own so he kinda (kind of) tried to just design something on his own but it didn’t work out. So we ended up uh hiring someone to do a design for us because we wanted something really specific for the invitations.

【Mari】Mm hm.

【Alisa】We really like uh national parks and like the outdoors and stuff. Uh and I don’t know if you’ve seen the uh like vintage national park posters from like the 1960’s I think.


【Alisa】And they’re like drawings, they’re really…

【Mari】Uh huh.

【Alisa】They’re really cool. We have a bunch of those hanging in our house. We wanted something like that for the invitations so we just showed a couple pictures of that to the…to the girl that was designing them. And first try she sent us back the first draft and it was beautiful. It was just perfect. It was exactly like, kind of vintage and just a really pretty…pretty colors. Just perfect, everything. So we had that on one side and then we went and took…just took the tripod to the beach and took a nice picture and put that on the back of the invitation.

【Mari】Oh wow!

【Alisa】And they turned out beautiful. So that was his one job.

【Mari】Mm hm.

【Alisa】And then his other job is the bar. I…my mom is taking care of all the food, we’re doing a BBQ. She’s gonna (going to) cook all the burgers and stuff.

【Mari】Uh huh.

【Alisa】Uh and I’m doing all the decorations and everything else with that and so I told him you have to take care of the booze (Laugh).


【Alisa】It’s gonna (going to) be your friends that are doing most of the drinking so you get to figure out how much we need to buy and do all that. So that his job.

【Mari】Oh and how’s that coming along?

【Alisa】Uh I ask him periodically and he goes “oh yeah I should probably think about that.” (Laugh).



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two jobs did Alisa assign her fiancé for the wedding?
  2. How did they design their wedding invitations?
  3. What kind of food are they serving for the wedding?



  1. His two jobs are creating the wedding invitations and buying alcohol.
  2. The wedding invitations look like the vintage national park posters.
  3. They are having a BBQ.



Alisa assigned her fiancé two jobs for the wedding. She told him to create the invitations and buy alcohol for the wedding.

Her fiancé tried to design the wedding invitation but they ended up hiring a designer because they had a specific design in mind. They wanted the wedding invitation to look like the vintage national park posters from the 1960s.

The designer created the ideal wedding invitation. Alisa and her fiancé took a picture at the beach and used that photo on the back of the invitation.

Alisa is in charge of the decorations and her mom is taking care of the food for the wedding. Her mom is planning on doing a BBQ for the wedding.

Alisa asked her fiancé to buy the alcohol because his friends are going to consume most of the drinks. However, he still hasn’t purchased the alcohol.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Work out(上手くいく)

◎ “Work out”は使われる状況により、色々な意味になりますが、今日の会話では物事が上手くいくことを表しています。何かしらの行動に対し、良い結果がでることを意味します。ネイティブの日常会話で頻繁に使われる表現です。
◎「It will work out」は「何とかなるよ」を意味する決まり文句です。

  • I hope everything works out.(全て上手くいくといいですね。)
  • It didn’t work out.(上手くいきませんでした。)
  • Don’t worry. It’ll work out.(心配しないで。何とかなるよ。)

2) Vintage(年代物)

◎ “Vintage”は、本来ワインの収穫期を意味し、特に出来の良かった年の極上ワインを指します。日常会話では、古くて価値があるものを表し、形容詞として使われます。
◎ 昨今では、古着や楽器、家具やお酒に至るまで、昔に作られた製品に対して使われ、「古いけれど価値がある」のニュアンスが含まれます。

  • This is a vintage piano from the 1970s.(これは1970年代のヴィンテージ物のピアノです。)
  • I love vintage clothes.(私は古着が大好きです。)
  • That necklace has a vintage look to it.(昔ながらのネックレスですね。)

3) A bunch of(たくさんの)

◎ “Bunch”は元々、いくつかの物をまとめた「束」を意味する単語で、会話では「たくさん」の意味として使われ、口語的な表現になります。「A lot of」や「Many」に置き換えて使われ、基本的に同じ種類の物事が山ほどある場合に使われます。
◎ より強調したい時は「A whole bunch of」が使われます。

  • I bought a bunch of English books.(英語の本をたくさん買いました。)
  • I have a bunch of things to do today.(今日はすることが山ほどあります。)
  • There were a whole bunch of people at the party last night.(昨日のパーティーにはとても沢山の人がいました。)

4) Booze(お酒)

◎ “Booze”は「お酒」を意味する口語的な表現です。ウィスキーやウォッカ、ビールやワインまで、全てのお酒を指します。“Alcohol”をより砕いた言い方です。

  • Can you go pick up the booze?(お酒を買ってきてくれますか?)
  • Let’s drink some booze tonight.(今夜お酒を飲みましょう。)
  • Don’t forget to bring the booze.(お酒を持ってくるの忘れないように。)

5) Periodically(定期的に)

◎ “Period”は一定の期間を意味することに対し、“Periodically”は一定の期間おきに(定期的に)物事を行うことを意味します。
◎ “From time to time”も同じ意味合いでよく使われる表現です。

  • We email each other periodically.(定期的にお互いにメールします。)
  • I go for a health checkup periodically.(定期的に健康診断を受けに行きます。)
  • I go watch movies from time to time.(時々、映画を見に行きます。)



  • Creatively gifted・・・創造的な人
  • National park・・・国立公園
  • First draft・・・原案
  • Bloom・・・咲く


  • Ended up・・・結果
  • Turned out・・・結局は
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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