
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Q. What do you think about Portland?

I arrived um something like 1:30, 12:30 in the morning I guess on Wednesday, two days ago. So I’ve been here about 36 hours and I really like it. I’m a beer guy. I like all these breweries. We’re standing in front of fat heads. Soon I will go over here about a block and a half to Deschutes and that’ll be one of about 15 breweries I visit this weekend. And yeah yeah so I like Portland.

私は2日前の水曜日に午前1時半・・・いや、12時半に到着しました。36時間いることになりますが、とても気に入っています。私はビールが大好きで、ここにあるビール醸造所はどれも最高です。今は“Fat Heads”というビール醸造所の前ですが、もうすぐしたら、ここから1ブロック半(区画)向こうにある“Deschutes”というビール醸造所へ行きます。そこはこの週末に行く15カ所の醸造所のうちの1つです。そんな感じで、ポートランドは大好きです。

Q. Is this your first time here (in Portland)?

It is. And I don’t want it to be my last time. I can really get used to this, not just the beer. I love the beer but the people, the attitude, it’s so chill, it’s so relaxed. People are whatever, you know?


Q. What do you think about Portland being a bicycle friendly city?

I see a guy running right behind the camera on a bicycle and I would love to do that. Ride around in a city in a bicycle. In St Louis we have had I think the past year, five bicyclists killed by vehicles. Because people aren’t used to having bicycles go by but in Portland I bet they haven’t had that in 10 years.




Q. What’s Portland known for?

Portland is known for roses, number one, for beautiful waterways, for salmon, seafood and good people, great restaurants. Um you know we’ve really become an art city. And uh Portland is exploding right now.


Q. What does Portland have to offer?

You know it’s a beautiful city, it’s um booming economically and there’s a lot to offer. There’s just so much to offer. We’re an hour from the coast, we’re an hour to the mountains, we have you know so much to offer and then we’re very diverse economically. With high tech, um design and fashion wear, um you know, we’ve got Nike here, Adidas here, Under Armour is coming in now. And so it’s a, it’s an exciting time in Portland.

ポートランドは素敵な都市で、経済的にも急成長していて、ご紹介できることは沢山あります。本当にいっぱいありますね。海からも1時間、山からも1時間で、テクノロジーやデザイン、NikeやAdidasなどのファッションまで様々な経済市場が成り立っています。“Under Armour”がもうすぐしたら進出してくるみたいです。本当に盛り上がっています。

Q. What is the relationship like between Japan and Portland?

Portland has a really strong relationship with Japan. Yeah we are trading partners and we have sister cities and um because it’s a natural because being on the West Coast and so the Japanese seem to love Oregon products being you know our cherries, our wine, our dairy products, they all come out of here. There’s a tremendous amount going to Japan. So there’s a lot, there’s a long-term relationship you know, which started all the way back with logs years ago. And now it’s developed into all these other markets.


〜 ポートランド情報 〜





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  1. Kotone より:

    Hi Junsan, I recently watched this video at least three times. Your question “What does Portland have to offer?” and the interviewee’s answer “There’s just so much to offer” caught my eye. The word “offer” has become Japanized but it’s not known for its usage. 多分日本語に訳しにくいのも理由の1つだと思いますがこういった表現は覚えておきたいです。Thanks a lot!

    • Jun より:

      That is an excellent point! Recently I’ve also been hearing many Japanese people use「〜をオファする」but in English it can be used in many different ways. Great observation!

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