
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.11.08




【Dawnielle】I find that interesting as well because as you were saying that I was thinking that also lends into our belief that we want our students and our children to be leaders in the classroom. And I’ve found through teaching that I realized that a lot of parents really want to see their children be the leader in the classroom rather than the follower.
So that even uh corresponds to a lot of parents holding their children back in school now and it’s become a very…it’s become actually a huge fight uh even particularly in our area with the Irvine school system and parents saying “No I want my children to repeat kindergarten” and the school system saying “No, that’s not going to happen.
And so the idea though is that if a child is older and prepared to accomplish the task they are given they will be leaders rather than the followers and following…falling behind in the classrooms and such.
So I think that goes hand in hand with us encouraging “Oh that’s brilliant. A purple giraffe. What else are you going to do with that?” and can they lead? Can they do something different than everyone else and stand up for their difference and their creativity and their unique view on things.

【Steve】You know your leaders in your school. They…they are the one’s leading groups. They are the one’s leading classes. They are the one’s who are doing the calls and yelling um in the beginning of uh any kind of assembly.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.

【Steve】The one’s who maybe are the more creative, sometimes they are the one’s who are in the back of the class kind of trying to fit in…kind of blend in to the background.


【Steve】Um cuz (because) I looked at it and I know that there is a Japanese saying that says “The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.”


【Steve】Uh and that really affected me and bothered me. And it bothered me because it was so against what I’d always been raised.


【Steve】And as a teacher you know, I think I want to know these kids individually and you know I don’t…I don’t want them to be just another drone or something like that. Which I thought, you know, that’s what it meant.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What do many parents expect out of their kids?
  2. Does Steve think creative students often lead classrooms?
  3. What Japanese proverb bothered Steve?



  1. Many parents want to see their children be the leader in the classroom.
  2. No he thinks that creative students tend to sit in the back of the class and blend in with everyone else.
  3. The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.



Dawnielle found through teaching that a lot of parents want to see their children be leaders in the classrooms.

A lot of parents have been trying to hold their children back in school recently because they believe that being older and more prepared will help their kids become leaders in classrooms.

Dawniellle thinks creativity and leadership go hand in hand. She thinks being able to stand up for your own unique view on things is a valuable skill.

Steve thinks that not all creative students are necessarily leaders in class. In fact, he believes that many creative students are the ones sitting in the back of the class blending in with everyone.

The Japanese proverb “The nail that sticks up gets hammered down” bothered Steve because it was against what he was taught growing up.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Find something interesting(◯◯が興味深い)

◎ “Interesting”は「面白い」や「興味深い」を意味する単語ですが、「〜が興味深い」と表したいときは“Find”の動詞を使って表すのが一般的です。
◎ 人の話、仕事、本や映画などが面白いと表したい時に使われるフレーズです。

  • I find that really interesting.(それはとても興味深いですね)
  • I hope you find this book interesting.(この本、面白いと思ってくれればいいのですが)
  • I found an interesting article on the Internet.(ネットで面白い記事を見つけました)

2) Fall behind in _____(◯◯が遅れる)

◎ 仕事や学校などで物事の進行が遅れることを“Fall behind in _____”と表します。例えば、生徒が学校をしばらく休んで勉強が遅れている時に“He’s falling behind in class”と表します。
◎「予定より遅れる」は“Fall behind schedule” 支払いに遅れるは“Fall behind in payments”と表現します。

  • I’m falling behind in work because of all these meetings.(ミーティングが多くて仕事が遅れています)
  • We are falling behind schedule.(予定より遅れています)
  • Make sure you don’t fall behind.(遅れないように余裕をもってやってください)

3) Go hand in hand(密接な関係がある)

◎ 二つの物事が切り離せない関係である時に使われるフレーズが“Go hand in hand”です。
◎「“A”と“B”が密接な関係である」と表すには、 “A & B go hand in hand”もしくは“A goes hand in hand with B”となります。

  • Language and culture go hand in hand.(言語と文化は切り離せません)
  • Success goes hand in hand with happiness.(成功と幸せは密接な関係があります)
  • Money goes hand in hand with power.(お金と権力は密接な関係があります)

4) Stand up for _____(〜を守る)

◎ “Stand up”は「立ち上がる」を意味しますが、考えや意見、権利などを弁護する意味合いもあります。周りがどう思うか恐れずに、自分の考えをはっきりと主張する(守る)ニュアンスがあります。
◎ その他に、「人の味方になる」ことも意味します。

  • You have to stand up for yourself.(自分の考えをはっきり主張しないと)
  • I will stand up for you no matter what happens.(何があってもあなたの味方です)
  • He always stands up for me.(彼はいつも私の味方をしてくれます)

5) Fit in(環境に溶け込む)

◎ 新しい環境に馴染んだり、溶け込んだりすることを英語で“Fit in”と表します。
◎ その他に、物がうまく入る、合う、収まることを表します。

  • I can usually fit in anywhere.(私はどんな環境にでも馴染む事ができます)
  • He had a hard time fitting in the U.S.(彼はアメリカの生活に馴染むのに苦労しました)
  • This bicycle doesn’t fit in my trunk.(この自転車はトランクに入りません)



  • Correspond・・・〜と一致する
  • Particularly・・・具体的に
  • Kindergarten・・・幼稚園
  • Accomplish・・・達成する
  • Brilliant・・・素晴らしい
  • Assembly・・・学校の集会
  • Affected・・・影響を受けた
  • Be against・・・〜に反していた


  • Lends into・・・貢献する
  • I’ve found through・・・〜を通して知る
  • Hold children back・・・(子供を)進級させない
  • That’s not going to happen・・・それは無理
  • Blend in・・・溶け込む
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ごろぞう より:


    I found your blog recently, and I check it regularly.
    Your English stuff is really helpful and informative.

    I’ve been studying English for four years.
    I can communicate with people in English, but some of my expressions still sound weird, I guess.
    I’ve learned a lot from you especially in terms of natural expressions.
    I try to use them so that I can enhance my English.

    Last week, I listened to one of my favorite podcasts, All Ears English.
    I was really surprised that I found the show on which your were.

    I’m writing because I would like to express my gratitude.

    Thank you.

    • Jun より:

      Hi ごろぞうさん

      Thanks for studying with haps Eikaiwa! I’m happy to hear that you are finding the material on this blog useful! It’s wonderful you are making the effort to use new expressions. That’s the only way to truly learn the language!

      Gabby contacted me to help her out with her podcast! I was really excited to be part of it. She actually came and helped out with the seminar too! Keep up the great work!!

  2. Anna's mom より:

    Hi Jun,

    How have you been?
    Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving.

    It’s suddenly gotten chilly in my town. I have been wanting to share my experiences about Japanese education for several weeks, but I needed to get beck on track after returning from New Zealand. Now I am catching up on your podcast episodes. It was the first time to travel New Zealand, and it was difficult to pick up some words with a New Zealand accent since I am used to American Eglish. I enjoyed my travel although I went there with my little one who has been in the terrible twos.. I flew for over 11 hours on each flight with her. Literally, I had survival flights.

    Anyway, Japanese like similarity and to have like-minded opinions and schools often ask students for disciplines. Yet making differences are important in the States. When it comes to this kind of topic, I always remember Apple’s famous slogan “Think Different”.

    I teach English twice a month at the nursery school. I often hear another English teachers are bothered by homeroom teachers who are asking them “When you ask questions to kids, please ask everyone, not pick up only some pupils”, cuz they strictly want us to give equal opportunities to kids even though English lesson time is short. They also ask “Please make sure which hand or food start with when you teach dance along with an English song.

    There is another story in Japan. Every pupile plays protagonist in play when they have school arts festivals in some nursery schools, because shcool teachers afraid that some parents might complain why their kids take on roles of things such as trees, rocks and so on, why she or he is the one who only plays a main character, not my sons and daughters. You might know we call this kind of parents “Monster Parents”. Some schools have to deal with them recently, that’s why they have to choose every pupil as a protagonist. I think these stories tell us how much Japanese care about being the same and equality not differences.
    It’s just some parents think really extremely and too much careens.

    I think equality doesn’t mean be the same, I would say that it’s different from equivalent.
    Equality should equal to understand our differences and treat people based on our differences.

    Humm… it’s hard to say that “私は「平等」と〜” in English. How would you say?

    Thank you for very interesting topics as always. I do really enjoy them!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Anna’s mom,

      Welcome back from New Zealand. I’ve never been to New Zealand but it’s definitely a country I’d like to visit one of these days. I’ve had friends who have visited New Zealand and I’ve heard nothing but great things about it.

      Thank you for sharing your story! “Equality” is a word that’s been thrown around quite a bit these days (even in the US) but as you mentioned I feel that many people misunderstand the true meaning of “equality.” Every individual should be given an “equal” opportunity in school, work or anything that is presented to them, however, I don’t think that means everyone should be expected to do the same. Every person thinks differently, provides different perspective and excels in different areas and that is what makes every individual unique. If we are all expected to be “same” as others, we become nothing more than robots. All of the examples you have provided really validates these points.

      I would translate 「平等」as “Equal opportunity” As educators, we need provide every student with equal opportunity to excel in what they do, find what they are great at and bring out the best in them.

      You always bring up fantastic points! Thank you!

  3. ayu より:

    Dear Jun

    hi, I am interested in this topic: the difference of education between Jpn and the U.S.
    so, i want to completely ubderstand the conversation.
    but a part of Daniel couldnt understand.
    if you dont mind, id like to translate the part into Japanese.
    it is as follow.
    thank you.

    So that even uh corresponds to a lot of parents holding their children back in school now and it’s become a very…it’s become actually a huge fight uh even particularly in our area with the Irvine school system and parents saying “No I want my children to repeat kindergarten” and the school system saying “No, that’s not going to happen.”

    • Jun より:

      Hi Ayu,

      Thanks for your comment! If you send me your version of the translation above, and I’d be more than happy to look over it. Give it a try. I’m sure you understand the content more than you think. 🙂

  4. ayu より:

    Dear Jun

    I tried to translate.
    I’d like you to make them correct.
    thank you.

    So that even uh corresponds to a lot of parents holding their children back in school now and it’s become a very…it’s become actually a huge fight uh even particularly in our area with the Irvine school system and parents saying “No I want my children to repeat kindergarten” and the school system saying “No, that’s not going to happen.”


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