
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.10.31




【Steve】What do you think is your responsibility as a teacher? What do you…not only information but what else?

【Dawnielle】Like I said I really think it is to motivate the student to achieve their very best, to do their very best, to help them see that they can be a success. And I think it’s important for the teacher to sense what they’re students would be best at…to see them flourish in that particular subject because I think we realize that not everybody is going to be great at math and not everyone is going to be great in reading and writing in English. Or not everyone is going to be great at science.
So we want to assess where our students will flourish and we want to lead them down those paths so they can…they can feel successful and um motivated and we want our students to feel good about themselves. We don’t want them to feel um suppressed or inferior. We want, we think…well I think that we are trained as teachers to know that when people feel positive and confident about themselves, they will achieve greatness. Did you see a difference in the Japanese setting in terms of that?

【Steve】My experience mostly was…was Japanese or the uh English classroom and seeing what the English teacher was teaching. Um often times they’re there to add additional information, subsidizing information that (might move the) textbook didn’t provide or expand upon it. Um you know I can’t really tell if there was a whole lot of you know motivation for uh you know any other thing of going you know “hey you’re really good at English. Maybe you should consider this as a career and move on with this.”
Um one thing I was surprised at, at the elementary school level was and this was a very rare…this is probably a very rare case but uh I did experience a teacher telling a student who was drawing a purple giraffe uh saying “no no no giraffes aren’t purple.”

【Dawnielle】Oh very interesting.

【Steve】And I thought…I was very surprised and I thought you know I wonder if this is you know something across the board. Is this something that…that is across Japan culturally um because I know America’s so um…they focus so much on creativity and individuality um we’ve been raised on that.


【Steve】Um and nobody you know if you draw a yellow and black giraffe in the elementary school it’s almost like well that’s not very creative you know. It doesn’t have any wings or anything you know. You’re not making it more interesting you’re not you know adding to it. Um this is an isolated incident you know I can’t anecdotally you know I can’t really say scientifically more about it but I was…I thought you know I wonder if this is something that you know culturally you know individuality and creativity are not as appreciated.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Dawnielle think her responsibility as a teacher is?
  2. What one incident surprised Steve?
  3. According to Steve, what areas do American schools focus on when educating kids?



  1. She thinks her responsibility as a teacher is to motivate students to achieve their best and help them realize what they are great at.
  2. The teacher told the elementary school student who was drawing a purple giraffe that giraffes aren’t purple.
  3. American schools focus on creativity and individuality.



Dawnielle thinks teachers in the U.S. are responsible for motivating the students to achieve their best and help them realize particular areas they are great at.

She believes that every student flourishes in a particular subject and it’s important to accurately assess each student to figure out which area they excel in.

Teachers must make sure students aren’t feeling suppressed or inferior. Teachers in the U.S. are taught that confidence and positivity leads to success.

Since Steve was an assistant English teacher in Japan, it is hard for him to say whether Japanese teachers share similar mindsets. However, he experienced a situation, in which a Japanese elementary school teacher told a student who was drawing a purple giraffe that giraffes are not supposed to be purple. Steve was taken by surprise.

U.S. education system focuses on creativity and individuality. Steve understands that this was an isolated incident but wondered whether this was common theme across Japan.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Help someone see (相手に気づかせる)

◎ 特に相手が理解していないことを話したり教えたりして気づかせるニュアンスがあります。

  • My responsibility is to help them see that they can be a success.(成功できると彼らに気づかせることが私の責任です)
  • I’m trying to help you see what’s going on.(実際に何が起こっているかを気づいて欲しいのです)
  • He helped me realize I was wrong.(私が間違っていた事を彼は気づかしてくれました)

2) Flourish(活躍する)


  • I see them flourish in a particular area.(得意分野で活躍するのを見守ります)
  • His business is flourishing.(彼の事業は繁栄しています)
  • She flourished while studying abroad.(彼女は留学中、成長しました)

3) See a difference(違いが分かる)

◎ 日常会話では「分かる」ことを「see」で表す事がよくあります。「Understand」でも間違いではありませんが「see」のほうがより口語的な言い方になります。
◎ 二つの物を比べて「AとBの違いが分かる」と表現する場合は「See the difference between A and B」になります。

  • Did you see a difference in Japan?(日本で違いはありましたか?)
  • Can you see the difference?(その違いが分かりますか?)
  • I can see the difference between the U.S. and Japan.(アメリカと日本の違いが分かります)

4) Rare(珍しい)

◎ めったにないこと、珍しい出来事を「Rare」と表します。ステーキの焼き加減を表す「Rare」と同じ単語です。

  • This is very rare.(これはめったに起こりません)
  • That’s a very rare clock.(珍しい時計ですね)
  • I rarely go to concerts.(めったにコンサートに行きません)

5) Across the board(全体にわたって/全体的に/全面的に)

◎「Across the board」は「全体的に」や「一律に」を意味するイディオムです。
◎ ビジネスの場で使われることが多く、会社の方針や進め方を全面的に変える時に使われるます。

  • Our company cut spending across the board.(会社全体が支出を引き下げました)
  • The company decided to boost salaries across the board.(会社は一律に給与を上げる事にしました)
  • Improvements need to be made across the board.(全体的に改善をする必要があります)



  • Responsible・・・責任
  • Assess・・・評価する
  • Suppress・・・(気持ちや考えを)抑える
  • Inferior・・・劣等感
  • Subsidize・・・補助する
  • Expand・・・展開する
  • Creativity・・・創造性
  • Individuality・・・個性
  • Wings・・・羽
  • Giraffe・・・キリン
  • Isolated incident・・・個別の事例
  • Anecdotally・・・逸話的には
  • Scientifically・・・科学的には


  • Like I said・・・前にも言ったように
  • Lead them down those paths・・・〜へと導く
  • In terms of・・・〜に関して
  • I can’t really tell・・・〜がどうか分からない
  • I wonder if・・・〜ではないかと思う
  • Adding to it・・・〜を加える
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. TAKA より:

    Jun-san, いつも楽しく拝見させて頂いております。先日私も会社のセミナーでロサンゼルスに行ってきました!暖かくてドライでとても気持ちが良かったです。I`m kinda California junky now! Miss parlm trees!
    これも自分なりに考えついた勉強方だと思っております。なぜなら、非常に為になる表現方法やイディオムを使われているからです。特にバタフライを食べる!? 笑 初耳でしたが辞書で調べて意味が分かりました。しかしbefore `EATS`seminner?

    I had an amazing time in Japan. I had butterflies in my stomach before eats semminer, but everyone who attend the semminer was forcused, attentive, and looked extreamly exited to be there.and just made my job that much easier. I would like to thank all of you that attend the seminner and turned out to be a bug sucsess, because of you.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Taka,

      ロサンゼルスに来ていたんですね!今はまた暖かくなり、冬の気配が全くありません(笑)何より”California junky”になったことが、個人的に嬉しく感じます。さて、英文は以下の通りです。

      “I had an amazing time in Japan. I had butterflies in my stomach before each seminar but everyone who attended the seminar was focused, attentive and looked extremely excited to be there and just made my job that much easier. I’d like to thank all of you who attended the seminar and it turned out to be a big success because of you!”

      “Eat”が”each”以外は、スペルミスが幾つかあっただけでほぼ完璧でした。Super job! 英文に書き出すことは非常に良いトレーニングになるので今後も是非続けてください。I hope you get a chance to come to L.A. again!

  2. Masami Styles より:

    Hi Jun!!
    It’s been a while. How have you been?
    I’ve been pretty good .

    What it like living in Tokyo?
    Do you enjoy living there? I hope so!

    When I speak English , I just can’t stop thinking of speaking English properly, correctly, even though I’ve known communication is the most important thing, however nowadays I’m getting used to it, thanks to you!
    I appreciate it!

    And I’d say Dawnielle hits the nail on the head for teachers in Japan as well.

    In my eyes, no wonder Americans seem to be straightforward.

    When I was in kindergarten, there was a drawing and painting time.
    And then I was drawing many sunflowers and painting various colors on it, such as ,pink, red, blue, orange and so forth.
    Because only yellow made me bored,
    however I was told that ” Are there so many colors like that?”

    As you expected, I was really shocked to hear that.
    So I can really understand that being told not to draw purple must’ve been disappointed to a elementary school student.

    I’m assuming that it’s defined cultural differences between America and Japan.

    I’m guessing the Japanese excel at indirect communication and sometimes we have to read between the lines.

    I think that’s an amazing system focusing on creativity and individuality in the U.S.

    What do you think of that?
    I’m looking forward to seeing you again in November.
    Have a good one!!

  3. ノンタン より:

    Jun さん、こんにちは。TAKAさんと同じように冒頭でお話されている会話を書き留めて音読しています。毎回楽しく聞いていますしとても勉強になります。今回、何度聞いてもわからない場所があるのでお時間があるときに教えてもらえると助かります。2分35秒くらいからの会話です。

    I was also through to see people connecting with one another”unforming” new friend ships. This is something that I’m discussing the seminar but”goes become” achievable when you get others involved.

    “goes become”どちらも「~になる」と使う単語ですが、繋がっているとまた違ったニュアンスが出てくるのでしょうか?強調するために使うんでしょうか。

    • Jun より:



  4. Mary より:


    "Um you know I can’t really tell if there was a whole lot of you know motivation for uh you know any other thing of going you know “hey you’re really good at English….."
    特に"any other thing of"の部分がよくわからないのですが。。


    • Jun より:



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