先週、オレンジカウンティーのハンティントン・ビーチで「Huntington Beach Marathon」が開催されました!カリフォルニアの青い空の下で、青い海を眺めながらPCH (Pacific Coast Highway)を走る素敵なコースです。フルマラソンとハーフマラソン、二つのコースに分かれます。私は当校のマラソンチームとみんなでハーフマラソンに挑戦しました!
An expo is held the day before the race on Saturday. This is where you pick up your packet which includes your bib, T-shirt and other miscellaneous items. “Expo” is short for “Exposition.”
Here is the entrance to the expo. As you can see, it’s an island theme! A perfect feel for a laid back beach like Huntington Beach. This is where you start getting excited…or nervous?
As soon as you enter, you will see tables on the right side. This is where you pick up your packet! Prior to the race, every participant is given a bib number. The tables are separated by bib numbers. Find the table with your number and pick it up! Peace, Love, Running 🙂
In the back you can buy cool running gear and outfits. They also give out a bunch of free samples (protein bars, energy drinks, supplements, etc)
Race day!! Over 18,000 runners from 34 countries participated this year!
Let’s get ready to rumble!
After the race is over, everyone goes straight to the beer garden! Two free beers to all runners. A beer after a long run is AMAZING!
Great run everyone! Cheers!
The Huntington Beach Marathon medal is the one on the right, the surfboard medal! It’s my favorite medal. If you conquer the Huntington Beach Marathon, OC Marathon and the Long Beach Marathon in consecutive order, you receive a Beach Cities Medal! (The big one in the middle)
This is my running team, “Team H.I.T.” HIT stands for “Hang In There” I am so proud of every member on this team! We have a first time half marathon finisher and a few people who set a PR (Person Record) Congrats!
私が所属しているランニングチーム、「Team H.I.T.」です。「H.I.T.」は「Hang In There(頑張れ、諦めるな)」の省略です。みんながレースを完走して本当に嬉しいです!今回は始めてハーフマラソンを完走した方、また、自己最高記録を達成した方が数人いました!おめでとうございます!
By the way, I also set a new PR. My time was 1 hour 48 minutes. My goal was to run it under 1 hour 50 minutes. It took me one year to accomplish this goal! I wouldn’t have been able to achieve it without my teammates who pushed me every week. Next goal? Under 1 hour 45 minutes. I wonder how many years this one is going to take. I will look to break that record in the OC marathon held in May!