
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.03.31





【Jeffrey】All right, Drew. I was just wondering, uh how often do you…how often do you like to drink?

【Drew】Me personally, not very often. I’d say, maybe my average is twice…no, not even that. Once a month. Maybe even sometimes once every couple of months.


【Drew】My wife on the other hand—she’s from Akita—she likes to drink.

【Jeffrey】Is there a particular reason why you don’t feel like you wanna (want to) drink so often?

【Drew】(laughs) You know I remember, um…I remember when I was probably ten or eleven years old…


【Drew】…maybe twelve years old, we had a big family reunion and there was, you know, probably like a hundred people there. And my—one of my aunts, my cool aunt

【Jeffrey】Uh huh.

【Drew】…she gave me wine. And that’s the first time.

【Jeffrey】Everybody loves that “cool aunt.”

【Drew】Yeah, yeah.


【Drew】It was the first time I ever had alcohol, I think, um, and I, you know, I don’t think I had that much, but it was enough for my ten-year-old self that…


【Drew】I did not feel good. I felt…the whole night, I couldn’t sleep. I was sick to my stomach , and I just remember from that point on, I’m like, “Why do people drink this stuff? It’s like, it’s insane.”


【Drew】Um, and then…I don’t know if that influenced it, but from that point on, I just never really had a big desire to drink. But I guess it’s kind of helpful because alcohol’s expensive too.

【Jeffrey】Yeah, but, I mean, it’s also fun. (laughs)

【Drew】Yeah, how often do you drink?

【Jeffrey】I don’t know. I’m a little bit sporadic how I drink. I’ll, um…I’ll have moments where I’ll drink a lot, and then I’ll have moments of kind of a dry spell, where I’m not really…I guess almost literally a dry spell where I’m not, uh drinking, so.
Um, I had one…I had a bottle of wine a few days ago. Just bought another one. I plan on having it, uh…but you know, usually around the holidays, when I’m with my sisters’ family or something, it’s—it’s probably like an almost daily thing. It just depends who I’m with, what I’m doing, if it happens to be around or not.

【Drew】Do you think if, uh, if let’s say you lived in Japan, you would drink more?

【Jeffrey】So that’s a good question because I know that culturally, uh, you know they have their nomikai’s…

【Drew】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】…and a lot of times after work, uh you go with maybe your clients or with your coworkers and uh…so that’s a part of Japanese culture. I think I would, you know, I wouldn’t refuse that side of the culture if they invite me to nomikai and it happens once a week, or however long.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How often does Drew drink?
  2. How old was Drew when his aunt gave him his first glass of wine?
  3. During the holidays, when Jeffrey is with his family, how often does he drink?



  1. He doesn’t drink very often, sometimes once a month and sometimes once every couple of months.
  2. He was roughly ten to twelve years old.
  3. He says he drinks almost daily when he’s with family during the holidays.



In this episode, Drew and Jeffrey talked about their different drinking habits. Drew drinks only once a month, or sometimes once every few months. His wife however drinks more frequently.

Drew explained a story from his childhood about why he doesn’t drink more often. During a family reunion when he was roughly ten to twelve years old, one of his aunts offered him a glass of wine. After drinking it, he felt sick, and has since limited his drinking.

Jeffrey drinks more frequently, but drinks sporadically. Sometimes he goes a long time without drinking, and sometimes he drinks more often. For example, when he is with his family and especially on holidays, he drinks almost daily.

Jeffrey talked about the drinking culture in Japan as well. He admits he would not refuse an invitation to nomikai if offered one.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Family reunion(親族会)

Reunionは、ある一定の期間会わずにいた人たちが再会することを意味し、「同窓会」や「懇親会」といった形で久しぶりに集まる会のことを指します。 Family reunionは「親族会」、 high school reunionは「高校の同窓会」、 class reunionは「同期会(同窓会)」といった具合に、 reunionの前に具体的な単語を入れて、どんな集まりであるかを示すのが一般的です。

  • I had a family reunion last weekend at my parents’ house.(先週末、実家で親族会を開催しました。)
  • I went to my high school reunion and saw some friends I haven’t seen in a while.(高校の同窓会へ行き、しばらく会っていなかった友達に会いました。)
  • Let’s do a reunion soon! We haven’t seen each other in years!(近いうちに同窓会をやろうよ。もう何年も会ってないじゃん。)

2) Sick to one’s stomach(吐き気がする)

Sick to one’s stomachは2つの意味合いを持つフレーズです。1つ目は、体調不良で吐き気を催したり、胸がムカムカして気持ちが悪い状態を表します。2つ目は、イライラしたり非常に腹を立てたりしている状態を表します。吐き気がするほど頭にきている、というニュアンスです。「吐き気がする」は 「Be sick to my stomach」、または「Feel sick to my stomach」と言い、「〜に腹が立つ」は 「… makes me sick to my stomach」と表現します。

  • I’m under the weather. I feel sick to my stomach.(体調がよくありません。吐き気がします。)
  • I’m sick to my stomach. I think it was the hamburger I ate for lunch.(吐き気がする。お昼に食べたハンバーガーかも。)
  • I can’t believe he flat-out lied to our faces. That makes me sick to my stomach.(彼が面と向かって私たちにあからさまな嘘をついたなんて信じられない。本当に腹が立つ。)

3) It’s insane(信じられない・あり得ない)

Insaneは「狂気の」や「正気でない」という意味の形容詞ですが、 「It’s insane.」は、信じられない出来事を見聞きした時に、「すごい!」「あり得ない!」「やばい!」といった驚きのリアクションとして日常会話で使われます。日常会話ではcrazyも同じ意味合いで使われますが、感覚的には Insaneの方が凄さや驚きの度合いが高いように感じられます。

  • You have to watch his magic trick. It’s insane!(彼の手品を見てみな。マジですごいから!)
  • You ran a sub-three-hour marathon? That’s insane!(マラソンで3時間を切ったの?あり得ない!)
  • Tom is planning on hitch hiking throughout Japan. He’s insane.(トムは日本中をヒッチハイクする計画を立ててるんだって。すごいよね。)

4) Sporadic (散発的な)


  • There are sporadic protests happening in California.(カリフォルニアでは時折、抗議活動が行われています。)
  • It rains sporadically in this region.(この地域では断続的に雨が降ります。)
  • I’ll get sporadic translation job offers but I usually turn them down.(翻訳の依頼が時々ありますが、普段は断っています。)

5) Dry spell(したいことをできない期間)

Dry spellは本来、雨が全く降らない「乾期」を指す表現ですが、日常会話では「欲しいものが手に入らない期間」や「やりたいことができない期間」などの意味としても使われています。またビジネスでは、「商品があまり売れない時期」や「お客が少ない時期」などを意味し、商売の閑散期を表します。その他、「性的に枯れている期間」も意味しますので使い方には注意しましょう。一般的に「Have a dry spell」「Hit a dry spell」「Go through a dry spell」といった形で使います。

  • I went through a dry spell where I didn’t drink any alcohol for a few months.(数ヶ月間、お酒を飲まない時期がありました。)
  • Our business is going through a dry spell these past few months.(この数カ月間、ビジネスが上手くいっていません。)
  • That baseball player is having a dry spell. He hasn’t had a hit in the last 10 games.(あの野球選手は辛い時期を迎えています。この10試合、ヒットのない状態が続いています。)



  • On the other hand・・・逆に
  • Particular reason・・・特別な理由
  • Cool aunt・・・イケてる叔母


  • I was just wondering・・・〜かなと思ってて
  • Not even that・・・〜もない
  • From that point on・・・それ以来
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Masa より:

    Hello Jun san! How are you? If you will be around Roppongi, Mid town is my recommendation to do HANAMI. This is more low key place compared to other famous place like UENO park. I hope you will enjoy staying Japan. Please take care Its so cold nowadays.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masa!

      Thanks for the recommendation! I’m really enjoying my time in Japan right now. This season really is the best time to visit Japan. It’s so beautiful. I’ll check out the Mid-town area. I’m planning on doing Hanami this weekend but it looks like it’s going to rain this weekend. I hope the rain holds up! I still need to visit your restaurant! Maybe I’ll come by this trip!

  2. Kaoru より:

    I leave a message for the first time.
    I enjoy your podcat all the time.
    When are you gonna hold meeting in Japan?
    Have you told us yet?

    • Jun より:

      Hi Kaoru,

      Thanks for listening to my podcast! I’m glad you enjoy it. I haven’t announced the dates yet. I’ll make an announcement on the podcast so keep listening 🙂

  3. ともみ より:


    please fill in the check boxでいいのでしょうか?

    please wear your name tag.


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!1)の場合、”Please place/put a check mark next to your name.”が適切な言い方になります。2)はOKです!

  4. Shota より:


    • Jun より:



  5. Riokun より:

    今回の例文について質問があります。”I went through a dry spell where I didn’t drink any alcohol for a few months.” という文でのwhereの使われ方がよく分かりません。3つ目の例文も、もし2つの文を1つの文にするとしたら、whereでつなげるのでしょうか?

    Hapa英会話は、私が十数年間アメリカに住んでまさに知りたかった表現やニュアンスを説明してくれるので、見つけた時は”This is it!”という感じでした。それからはポッドキャスト楽しみに聴かせていただいています。ありがとうございます。い

    • Jun より:



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