
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.05.17





【Nathan】Okay Raya, so how would you describe your city to someone who’s never been there? Is there anything that’s, like surprising about the culture or anything like that that’s worth noting?

【Raya】I would say D.C. is very—it’s a nice blend of, like politics, culture, history, and diversity. Like…it’s very, very diverse. That’s what I love the most about D.C. and it might seem like it’s just, you know, only politicians and diplomats and all those other types of people. But you kind of get a mixture of everyone.

【Raya】So that’s kind of, like a surprise because usually it is a lot of businesspeople. I mean you are next to, like the White House, so—and the Capitol. So it happens. But there’s definitely a mixture and that’s what I love the most about D.C. (laughs) And what about you? For Texas?

【Nathan】 Yeah, well so—I’m—I live in Dallas specifically.


【Nathan】I think Dallas is—is really interesting. It’s…so in some ways, it feels just kind of, like a generic American city.

【Raya】(laughs) Okay.

【Nathan】So because—it, like—so I—I used to live in Chicago.


【Nathan】And I sort of described it like the—the Walmart brand version of Chicago.

【Raya】(laughs) Okay, okay.

【Nathan】That’s kind of what it feels like. A little less flavor, a little bit…you know. (laughs) A little less exciting. But…

【Raya】Okay, okay.

【Nathan】…as I’ve spent more time here, I’ve realized that there’s—you know, there’s a lot more going on than that. You know, Texas culture is definitely a thing.


【Nathan】And, like the longer I’ve been here, the more I’ve seen that. You see it more in other cities like Houston or San Antonio or something like that.


【Nathan】But even just like, you know—if you go, like 45 minutes west of Dallas—like, you’ll go to a town and they still do, like cattle shows and, like…

【Raya】I like that. (laughs)

【Nathan】Yeah, so—and, like you’ll see people, like at a nice restaurant and they’re dressed up in, like cowboy stuff. And stuff like that.


【Nathan】So it’s like—it’s a thing and it…so that’s one thing. The roads are another thing. Like, I don’t know.


【Nathan】So this is—this is coming from Chicago, where the road system is, like super logical. It’s on a grid.

【Raya】Mm hm.

【Nathan】Texas is not that way.


【Nathan】So in—in Houston, there’s a 16-lane highway which is just insane.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Raya describes Washington D.C. as a blend of four things. What are they?
  2. How did Nathan describe Dallas, TX?
  3. What kind of outfits do some people in Texas wear to nice restaurants, according to Nathan?



  1. She describes D.C. as a blend of culture, history, politics, and diversity.
  2. He described it initially as a generic American city, but also as a “Walmart brand of Chicago.”
  3. Nathan says you can find people in Texas going out to nice restaurants wearing cowboy gear.



Raya and Nathan share their thoughts on the two American cities they live in, those being Washington D.C. and Dallas, Texas, respectively. Raya begins by describing D.C. as a mixture of culture, history, politics, and diversity.

Raya appreciates this blend of elements the most about D.C. She likes the fact that even though it’s close to the seat of American government and that one will see businesspeople and politicians in D.C., there are many other types of people that live there as well.

Nathan initially described Dallas as what one might think of as a generic American city. Having lived in Chicago, Nathan also described Dallas as a “Walmart brand of Chicago,” in that it initially seemed like a less exciting version of that city.
ネイサンは最初、ダラスはよくある典型的なアメリカの都市だと感じたと話します。シカゴにも住んだことがある彼は、ダラスはシカゴから都会的な刺激を抜き取ったような街だとも感じ、 「シカゴのウォルマート版」と表現しました。

However, Nathan began to appreciate aspects of Dallas more the longer he lived there. The culture of Texas is strong in Dallas, with cattle shows a short drive away from the city and restaurant-goers arriving at nice restaurants in cowboy gear.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Worth noting(注目に値する)

“worth noting”は、他の人が注目すべきだと思う重要なことや興味深いことを強調するときに使う表現です。例えば、6月に日本を訪れる外国人の友達に、「日本の6月は梅雨の時期だから注意した方がいいよ」と伝える場合は、“It’s worth noting that June is the rainy season in Japan.”のように表現し、一般的には“It’s worth noting that ~.”の形で使われます。

  • It’s worth noting that the party tomorrow is a formal event.
  • When you visit that temple, it’s worth noting that you have to wear long pants.
  • It’s worth noting that many restaurants in LA only accept credit cards.

2) A blend of(融合した)

“a blend of”は異なるものの混合物や組み合わせを表し、「融合した」を意味します。 “a mix of”や“a combination of”の代わりに使える口語表現です。この表現は料理やジャンル、ファッションや文化など、様々な状況で使うことができます。例えば、今日の会話でラヤはワシントンD.C.を表す際に、“It’s a nice blend of politics, culture, history, and diversity.”と言いましたが、これは「政治、文化、歴史、そして多様な人々が見事に融合した街」を意味します。

  • This restaurant offers a blend of Mexican and Japanese cuisine.
  • I feel like Kanazawa is a blend of modern and traditional Japan.
  • Her music is kind of like a blend of J-pop and jazz.

3) Generic(一般的な、ノーブランドの)

“generic”は、「一般的な」「普遍的な」、あるいは「特定の種類やブランドに属さない」ことを意味します。特に、製品やサービス、概念などに関して、決まった種類やブランドに限定されないものを指す際に使われます。例えば、スーパーでパスタを買う時に、みんなが知っているブランドのパスタを買う代わりに、ノーブランドのパスタを買った場合、“I bought a generic pasta.”と言います。

  • I don’t know what brand this medicine is. I think it’s just a generic one.
  • I usually just wear a generic black shirt to work every day.
  • If I were you, I’d personalize this message. It sounds too generic.

4) A thing(人気のある、認識されている)

“a thing”は、多くの人に認識されているものや人気のあるものを表す意味として使われる口語的な表現です。特に特定の地域やグループ、トレンド、あるいはアイデアが一般的に認識されていて、存在するものであることを指します。例えば、今日の会話でネイサンは“Texas culture is definitely a thing.”と言いましたが、これは「テキサス文化は確かに存在する」を意味し、テキサス州独自の価値観、伝統、言語、料理、音楽などを指します。

  • Anime is definitely a thing in the U.S. It’s actually really popular.
  • Street art is a thing in this city. There are murals and graffiti everywhere.
  • Did you know that sushi burritos are a thing in LA?

5) Insane(あり得ない)

本来、「正気ではない」を意味するこの表現は、何か信じられない出来事があったときや信じられない話を聞いたときに、「すごい!」「あり得ない!」「やばい!」など、驚きの気持ちを表す時に日常会話で使われます。意味と使い方は“crazy”とほぼ同じで、どちらを使うかは人によります。何かあり得ない話を聞いた時に、“That’s insane.(あり得ない)”と言ったり、ロスのひどい渋滞にはまって、“The traffic in LA is insane.(ロスの渋滞はあり得ない)”のように表現します。

  • The crowded trains in Japan are insane.
  • A bowl of ramen in LA is 20 dollars? That’s insane.
  • I can’t believe you ran an ultra marathon. You’re insane.



  • Diversity・・・多様性
  • Diplomat・・・外交官
  • Logical・・・理にかなった
  • Grid・・・格子状


  • Sort of・・・~みたいな
  • Cattle show・・・牛の品評会
  • Dress up・・・おしゃれする、特別な服装をする





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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