
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.08.06





【Sam】What do you think?

【Vicki】Mm, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I feel like if it’s something that you know for the job you want to do—you need a degree—then yeah. Like, if you want to be a teacher, like—at, like a regular public school, you need a four-year degree.


【Vicki】You know, if you want to teach, you know, ESL, even, like in the States, you got to have a four-year degree to do that, at least in, like a school. Probably, like maybe just adults, you don’t need that. But for kids you need it. And for me, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do yet, honestly.
Like, so I did it—it just seemed natural to me, to do it because I—I did well in high school. I enjoyed learning. And I was like, “I know that I’m going to enjoy college. I feel like I’m going to learn a lot.” And I did. So for me, I don’t regret it. You know, not just the social aspect—you know, of course I made a lot of friends. I met a lot of people.
But, you know, for the JET program, I also needed to have the four-year degree. And I wasn’t doing college for that. But if I hadn’t done college, I wouldn’t have been able to do the JET program, and then I wouldn’t have been able to spend my, you know, five years in Japan, which was really great and I don’t regret it at all.
So for me, it was…yeah. It was useful. But, like for my brother—like, he’s doing his own thing. Like, he’s doing his own, like financial investing and—and he didn’t go to college. Like, he just learned on his own on the internet—on YouTube. And now he’s making more money than me. (laughs) So, you know, like he taught himself how to do all of that investing stuff. So, it really just depends what you’re interested in…


【Vicki】…and what kind of job you’re going for. So I—I’m glad I went, you know? I wish that I…if I could’ve saved up more money, or—I don’t know if I could’ve done any differently with the money, honestly. It’s kind of unavoidable. But…


【Vicki】…that’s the only thing is, gosh, being in so much debt. But, I—I guess it’s like, I don’t feel as bad knowing that a lot of other people are in the same boat, you know?


【Vicki】And they might cancel the debt for all we know. It’s possible. So I’m not holding out for it, but, you know…


【Vicki】…maybe someday. So for me, it was worth it, I would say.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Vicki say a person needs in order to teach high school or ESL in the United States?
  2. How many years did Vicki spend in Japan through the JET program?
  3. What did Vicki’s brother teach himself through the internet?



  1. Vicki says a person needs a four-year college degree to teach ESL or high school in the US.
  2. She spent 5 years.
  3. Vicki’s brother taught himself investing techniques through the internet.



Sam and Vicki continue their discussion of whether or not college is worth pursuing. Vicki says that many professions in education require a four-year college degree.

Vicki states that in order to teach high school or ESL in the United States, a four-year degree is typically required. However, if a person is teaching ESL to adults, this may not be necessary.

Vicki enjoyed her time in college for its social aspects and used her degree to join the JET program in Japan. She didn’t go to college specifically to do that, but was happy she did, and enjoyed her 5 years in Japan while in JET.

Vicki’s brother didn’t go to college and instead taught himself investing techniques through the internet. Vicki says her brother makes more money through his self-education than she is currently, and suggests college is not the only path to a good living.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) On one’s own(一人で〜)

on one’s ownは一人で何かをすることを表す表現です。「一人暮らしをする」はlive on one’s own、「独学で身に着ける」はlearn on one’s ownと表現し、on one’s ownの前に動詞を置きます。

  • I watched YouTube videos, listened to podcasts and learned English on my own.
  • I can’t do this on my own. I need your help.
  • I saved up money and bought a house on my own.

2) Gosh(うわっ)

goshは驚きや不快感などを表す時に使われるGodの婉曲表現です。Godは神様を意味することから、宗教を重んじる人に配慮した言い回しとしてgoshが使われます。“Oh my God.”の代わりに“Oh my gosh.”と言ったり、落胆や苛立ち、または嬉しいサプライズにびっくりするようなときにgoshが使われます。

  • Gosh, fruits are so expensive in Japan.
  • Oh my gosh. It’s so muggy today. I don’t feel like doing anything.
  • Gosh, you’re so lucky. I wish I could work from home too.

3) In the same boat(同じ立場にいる)

直訳で「同じ船に乗っている」となるこの表現は、みんなが同じ境遇にあることを意味します。ここでいう同じ境遇は、困難な状況やあまり好ましくない状況など、ネガティブな状況を指します。この表現は、「小さな船に乗って航海をする船客全員が同じリスクを背負い、同じ困難に立ち向かう」ことから由来した表現です。相手の苦労や困難に共感し「私も同じだよ」と伝える時は、“We’re in the same boat”と表現するといいでしょう。

  • I know what you mean. We’re in the same boat.
  • I’m in the same boat. I’ve been really busy with work this month.
  • We’re in the same boat, so stop complaining.

4) For all one knows(おそらく)

for all one knowsは「〜が知る限りでは」を意味し、日本語の「多分」や「おそらく」に相当する表現です。話していることが本当かどうか確実ではないときに使われる表現で、「実際どうかは分からないけど〜だよ」といった意味合いになります。一般的には、for all I knowまたはfor all we knowのように表します。

  • For all I know, he’s making a living as a YouTuber.
  • We don’t know what happened to her. She may still be in LA for all we know.
  • I have no idea where Tom lives now. He may have moved to Japan for all I know.

5) Hold out for(〜を期待して待つ)

hold out forは何かを期待して待つことを意味します。一般的にnot hold out forのように否定形で使われ、「起きる可能性が低いことに対して期待はしない」といった意味合いで使われます。

  • If I were you, I wouldn’t hold out for the prices to go down.
  • I’m not going to hold out for a better deal. I’m just going to buy it now.
  • I wouldn’t hold out for it. Everything is uncertain right now.



  • Degree・・・学位
  • Teach oneself・・・独学で
  • Unavoidable・・・避けられない


  • Social aspect・・・社交的な側面
  • (not) At all・・・全く〜ない
  • Do one’s own thing・・・一人で〜する
  • Save up・・・貯金する












  1. まあ より:


    ご友人のAndrewさんのお子さんに会えた際の感想を、xx moment(幸せな瞬間)とおっしゃっていると思うのですが、xxの部分が聞き取れず、教えていただけないでしょうか? 

    • Jun より:

      まあさん、ありがとうございます!!”Surreal moment”です。surreal は「非現実的な」を意味し、ここでは「夢のような瞬間でした」のような意味合いになります。

      • まあ より:


  2. まさ より:


    ナチュラルな速さや、相槌のフレーズの多さ(Like, you know,etc)がここまで多用されるのかと驚きました。私は自然なセンテンスの英語はだいたい聴きとることができるのですが、こうした友人同士の会話は本当に苦手です。


    • Jun より:


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