
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.09.04





【revel】Uh, have you missed anything during this—this period of being cut off from the outside world?

【Kame】Uh, yeah. So we were kind of talking about grocery shopping earlier.


【Kame】And one thing I realized I miss, which I would have never even thought of it, is I miss leisurely walking down the aisles


【Kame】…and choosing what I want and not being, uh…feeling anxious or panicked that, uh, “Am I taking too much food? Does somebody else need this or should I hurry up and just get out of here?” Um and I guess I’m—I’m really someone who likes going to the grocery store and I like looking at new things.
I really am not a list person. I’m more of like, “Let’s see what there is and let’s, uh discover new things and buy it and try it.” But um, yeah. With this whole thing I haven’t been able to go to Trader Joe’s and leisurely walk through the store. It’s really like get in, get out, go.

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】Like, as soon as you walk in the store, you have to get in the line and you have to put things in your cart as you’re walking.

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】Um, so I miss that. And then there’s one other thing that’s kind of, like weird that I noticed I missed—is when I walked down the street, I miss seeing people’s whole faces…

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】…instead of seeing, um…everyone has a—a mask and so I—I’m quite a people-watcher. I really like to just, you know—New York is awesome and crazy and so vibrant but it’s different when everyone has a mask. I feel like I don’t, uh…I don’t know to connect with people or see them and I—I do miss seeing people’s faces.
I think it’s, you know, not really important in the grand scheme of things. I think we need to worry about our health. But it’s just something I’ve noticed that is funny that I miss, which I would’ve never thought.

【revel】Mm hm, mm hm. Yeah and for me—well, actually the mask doesn’t bother me because I don’t approve of a lot of things my boss does. And uh, I tend to purse my lips like an old lady. And (laughs) with the mask on, nobody can see my lips pursed in disapproval.


【revel】And so, it—it protects me from, “Oh, oh revel’s got that pursed lip look again.”


【revel】Uh, and I miss just coming home and—and getting out of the car and—and hugging my dog, which I don’t do until I’ve showered.

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】And, uh changing out of the work clothes into the—the work at home clothes and—and not worrying about having to wash my hands every five minutes and—and, “Don’t touch your face,” and this kind of thing.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Kame usually like to shop?
  2. What has Kame been missing related to walking through New York?
  3. What is revel able to hide using his face mask?



  1. She likes to take her time and leisurely walk through a shop without a list, choosing items that look appealing to her in the moment without a preplanned route.
  2. She misses being able to see people’s entire faces, unobscured by face-masks.
  3. He has a habit of pursing his lips at things he disapproves of and his face mask hides this expression.



Kame and revel share the things about typical life that they have missed since the start of the quarantine. Kame opens by sharing what she misses about her shopping routine.

Kame normally likes leisurely browsing a store and choosing items that look good to her in the moment, rather than relying on a list. However, during the quarantine, she has had to worry about whether or not she is taking too much food for herself, and about the needs of her community.

Kame also misses being able to fully see people’s faces when walking through New York. She enjoys people-watching, but nowadays everyone is wearing face-masks that prevent her from seeing their full faces.

revel has a habit of pursing his lips whenever he sees or experiences something he disapproves of. He likes face-masks because they allow him to hide this expression of his. However, he does miss not having to worry about touching his face and rigorously washing his hands.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Cut off(切り離す)

Cut off は様々な意味を持つ表現ですが、「切り離す」、「断ち切る」、「中断する」といった意味合いがあり、社会から切り離されたり、友好関係を断ち切ったり、会話や通話を中断するような状況で使われます。また、人や車が横から割り込む、といった状況でも使える便利な表現です。

  • Apparently, he cut off ties with his family after that incident.
  • She has a bad habit of cutting people off in conversation.
  • Sorry about that. I got cut off. I have bad reception here.

2) Grocery(食料品)

Grocery は「食料品」を意味する単語です。「スーパー」は grocery store、「買い物袋」は grocery bag、「食料品の買い物」はgrocery shoppingと言います。ちなみに「スーパー」は grocery store と supermarket どちらを使ってもOKで、特に大きな違いはありません。

  • We need to buy some groceries. We’re running out of food.
  • What time should we go grocery shopping today?
  • I’m going to stop by the grocery store on my way home. Do you need anything?

3) Vibrant(活気ある)

Vibrant は「活気のある」や「活発な」というポジティブな意味の形容詞です。活気のある街や、明るい色彩、派手な服装、明るい性格などいずれもvibrantを使って表現できます。

  • Tokyo is a vibrant city with a lot of delicious food options.
  • She’s optimistic, vibrant and fun to be around.
  • Let’s use vibrant colors for our next advertisement.

4) In the grand scheme of things(長い目で見れば〜)

直訳すると「物事の大きな構想においては」ですが、これは「長い目で見たら」という意味の表現です。広い視野で全体像を把握するニュアンスがあります。例えば、仕事でミスをして落ち込んでいる同僚に「In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal.」と言えば、「長い目で見れば大したことないよ」という意味になります。

  • In the grand scheme of things, it’s really not that important.
  • Don’t worry about it. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a minor problem.
  • Don’t beat yourself up over little things like that. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not that big of a deal.

5) Change out of A into B(AからBに着替える)

今着ている服から他の服に着替えることをchange out of A into Bと表現することができます。例えば、「作業服から私服に着替える」は change out of my work clothes into my regular clothesと言います。

  • 日常会話では、change out of ____で「〜を脱ぐ」という意味でも使われます。
  • I’m going to change out of my work clothes into my pjs.
  • I change out of my suit as soon as I get home.
  • It’s a formal dinner. You should change out of your shirt and put on something more formal.



  • Leisurely・・・のんびり
  • Aisle・・・スーパーの通路
  • Anxious・・・心配する
  • Purse・・・結ぶ


  • Outside world・・・外の世界
  • Get out of here・・・(ここを)出る
  • List person・・・リストにしておくタイプ
  • Get in line・・・列に並ぶ
  • People-watcher・・・人間観察する人











  1. りょう より:


  2. kennel.com より:

    Now here’s the big question.
    But, the aphorism is short and sweet.
    Another aphorism that’s adapted is, Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.
    Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
    Like George Washington, Sandys believed that telling the truth is always the way to go.
    Interestingly enough, this saying was initially intended as a compliment.
    This quote came from Wales, first appearing in an 1866 publication.
    There must be a method to your madness.
    Truthfully, there aren’t huge differences between the three.
    Brevity is the key.
    Because let’s face it, perseverance is the key to success in life.
    Moris7l*all Michael Corleone from The Godfather II disagreed with that.
    Yup, you guessed it.
    Want a few more.
    The original saying was, Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.
    Build a storyline around that saying.

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