
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.06.07





【Joshua】And, you know, I grew up watching a lot of the educational stuff. So Sesame Street. I learned my numbers and English and Spanish from Sesame Street.


【Joshua】And I don’t know where…kids these days are learning—learning stuff. But uh, I’ve had a couple of cousins that were younger. Then I’d have to sit through things like Bob the Builder and, uh Dora the Explorer and things like that.
But uh, I feel like these days, cartoons um…have done a pretty good job of not just attracting, you know, the audience of, you know, children but also adults. So the prime example right now is The Incredibles 2. I’m probably going to go see that today. But um…who knows? I probably won’t be able to get a ticket because it’s just been so packed.
And you walk in there, um…you know, ten years ago, you go see, like the—the first Pokémon Movie. You walk in there, there’s a bunch of kids trying to get the limited edition Pokémon card. But these days, you walk into a movie theater of an animated film, and it’s like 70% adults, without kids, so that to me is just amazing. It shows that, kind of cartoons are, kind of changing.
And it just goes to show you that, uh, you know, cartoons can be for adults too. Um, one thing that I really think of when I think of cartoons for adults is, like South Park.

【Stephan】Mm hm.

【Joshua】Uh, I grew up in middle school watching South Park. And it was really vulgar. Kenny’s getting his head blown off every single episode. And I loved that show because it wasn’t just, you know, just raw entertainment. But you—it was political, social…you learn things. And then you learn bad words too, and that was probably one of the best parts of it, so.

【Stephan】Yeah, and before South Park came out, uh the only adult-themed cartoon there really was, was The Simpsons, which South Park got a lot of, uh inspiration from. Uh, now you have South Park, Family Guy, American Dad. You have all these cartoons, like uh…that are aimed primarily for adults and not children.

【Joshua】Right. Right, right.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What educational children’s show did Joshua watch growing up?
  2. What evidence does Joshua cite that cartoons and animated films are appealing more to adults now than in the past?
  3. What cartoon aimed at adult audiences preceded South Park?



  1. Joshua grew up watching Sesame Street, from which he learned some math, English, and Spanish.
  2. He cites the increased number of adults present in the audiences at animated film screenings.
  3. Stephan cites The Simpsons as a cartoon aimed at adults before South Park.



Joshua and Stephan continue their discussion of cartoons in this episode. This time, they focus more on cartoons aimed at adult rather than younger audiences.

Joshua grew up watching educational cartoons like Sesame Street, from which he learned some math, English, and Spanish. His younger cousins liked watching Bob the Builder and Dora the Explorer.

Joshua intended to go see The Incredibles 2, an animated film that appealed broadly to children and adults, but realized it might be sold out by the time he tries to purchase a ticket. This is in contrast to the days of the first Pokémon Movie, whose audience was more largely children.

Joshua and Stephan talk about South Park, a television cartoon series aimed at adults and known for social and political commentary and generally vulgar and obscene humor. Stephan mentions that before South Park, The Simpsons was a popular animated television show aimed at adults, also featuring satire and social commentary.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Sit through(最後まで見る・聞く)

Sit throughは何かが終わるまでずっと席についていることを表す口語表現です。長いミーティングや退屈な講義、面白くない映画や芝居など、長くて退屈に感じる時間を耐えて過ごすニュアンスがあります。

  • I had to sit through a three-hour meeting today. It was terrible.
  • I can’t believe you sat through the whole show.
  • The seminar was 5 hours long? Did you sit through the whole thing?

2) And things like that(〜など)

And things like thatは「〜など」に当たる表現で、すでに述べたことに関する別の例をあげる時に使われます。And so onやand so forthと意味は同じですが、より口語的な響きがあります。

  • I didn’t do much today. I cleaned the house, did the laundry and things like that.
  • I don’t really study English but I watch movies, TV shows and things like that.
  • In Osaka, I visited the Osaka Castle, went to Dotonbori, ate Takoyaki and things like that.

3) Who knows?(ひょっとしたら)

Who knows?は本来、「誰にも分からないよ」や「何とも言えないね」、「そんなこと分からないよ」といった意味の表現です。しかし今日の会話のように、特に理由や根拠もなく何かを推測する状況で、「ひょっとしたら〜かも」という意味で使われることもあります。

  • In 10 years, I might be living in another country. Who knows?
  • Who knows? He might take over his father’s business.
  • Who knows? I guess time will only tell.

4) It just goes to show(〜ということがよく分かる)

この表現は、ある出来事や話が真実である、もしくは重要であることを表す時に使われます。例えば、TOEICのスコアは900を超えているけれど全く英語が話せない人に出会ったとします。そんな時に、「It just goes to show, TOEIC scores don’t always reflect one’s real speaking ability.(TOEICのスコアが必ずしも英会話力を反映するわけではないことがよく分かる)」と言うことができます。

  • It just goes to show that hard work and persistence pays off.
  • It just goes to show that no matter how much you plan and prepare, things can still go wrong.
  • It just goes to show money doesn’t buy happiness.

5) Blow off(吹き飛ばす)

Blow offは、「吹き飛ばす」の口語的な表現です。台風で屋根が吹き飛ばされたり、何かが爆発して物が吹き飛ばされる状況で使われます。

  • Oh no! My hat blew off.
  • The wind was so strong today that it blew off the clothes that was hanging outside.
  • The typhoon last week blew off parts of our roof.



  • Educational・・・教育
  • Cousin・・・いとこ
  • Attract・・・引き寄せる・魅了する
  • Packed・・・満員
  • Vulgar・・・下品な
  • Political・・・政治
  • Aim・・・〜向け


  • Prime example・・・典型的な例
  • A bunch of・・・たくさんの〜
  • Limited edition・・・限定版


  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. 湯通堂 仁大 より:

    240回のプレミアム版のダウンロードするための クリックするところがありません
    早急に改善 お願いいたします

    • Kiki より:

      湯通堂 仁大 様、


      Podcast Script for episode 240「大人向けアニメ」



  2. mitsu より:

    And things like thatについて質問です。
    I have visited Italy, France, Spain and things like that.

    • Jun より:


      いつもPodcastを聴いていただき、ありがとうございます。場所の場合は、places like thatと言います。

  3. Benny より:

    Thanks for providing us English learners with interesting and helpful podcast programs.
    I’m a director and a teacher of a small sized cram school and one of the subjects I teach my students is English.
    I have had a kind of dilemma in terns of teaching English. That’s there’re two types of English for Japanese students, English for tests or that confined to textbooks and classrooms, and English for real conversion. I’ve been trying hard to make them convertible but it’s very difficult.
    Anyway I enjoyed the episode this time because I liked The Simpsons very much and actually I learned a lot from it. And I was really surprised to know adults are more likely to occupy the seats of the anime theaters.
    In Japan,in my opinion, anime is divided
    into those for kids and those for adults. And both generations can enjoy them in their own way.

    I’m always looking forward to update of this podcast. Thanks again!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Benny

      I’m happy to hear you are finding my material useful. Many of my students at my language school are also dealing with the same issues you mentioned. They are really good test takers but conversational English presents a big challenge for them. As a matter of fact, that is one of the main reasons why I started the podcast. I wanted my students to learn unscripted real free flowing conversation. Thanks for listening to my podcast. Wishing you all the best in Japan!

  4. Ben より:

    I mean compatible, not convertible. Excuse me.

  5. SEIJI より:


    JUNさんが優勝候補について、Although the Warriors are heavy favorites
    と言われていますが、なぜ複数系の are/favorites なのでしょうか?



  6. Orange より:

    文中にあるraw entertainmentというのは、どういう意味でしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!ここで使われる、raw entertainmentは一般では、不適切とされる表現や発言などをそのまま提供することを表し、日本語の「露骨さ」に相当する表現です。

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