
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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1. 買い物三昧(0:06)

【Jun】So it sounds like you had a pretty big shopping day today. You went on a shopping spree or something?

【Akina】Yeah, because I never get time to go shopping anymore.


【Akina】So every time I do go shopping, it’s like a big thing and then I splurge on all these things.

【Jun】So what did you splurge on?

【Akina】Well, you know, I’ve been wanting to get those, like cloud shoes. It’s like the new running shoes. They’re supposed to be, like the next big running shoe.

【Jun】Like you’re running on clouds. Is that what those make you feel like?

【Akina】It’s supposed to be like foam technology on the bottom. But, like I didn’t want to believe in the hype, so I went to like, Dick’s.


【Akina】And then I wanted to, like try on different ones, but they have all these different kinds. So there is like the Cloudsurfer and then the Cloudmonster and then there is other one that I can’t remember, but they’re like all, like for different types of runners. There’s like ones for like city runners, for like run on the road, or like, I don’t know, like trail running.

【Jun】Gotcha. Yeah, I guess there are different types of runners out there. So which one did you go with?

【Akina】I ended up going with the Cloudmonster.

【Jun】The Cloudmonster. Not the Cloudsurfer.

【Akina】Yeah, not the Cloudsurfer. I don’t really know what the difference. Like, I was online and I was, like checking their website, but then, like if you don’t see the actual shoe and like try it on, I feel like you just, like,

【Jun】Never know.

【Akina】It’s so hard to decide.

【Jun】And that’s the thing about shoes is you can buy them online, but it’s like one of those things you’ve got to kind of go and try it on for yourself to see if it’s for you, you know, because of course, the ratings might be amazing, but sometimes you try them on and…

【Akina】It’s like the one you bought me for Christmas. No, because I chose them based off of the looks. But I never tried them on.

【Jun】I bought them for Christmas. She wore them once.

【Akina】No, I wore them for like a month. And I aggravated my plantar fasciitis.

【Jun】Gotcha. And she doesn’t want to wear them anymore, and she went shopping today, splurged on a pair of Cloudmonsters. And apparently, it lived up to the hype. And you’re going to be running much faster. I’m assuming for your next marathon, you’ll have a new PR.


2. フレーズの解説 (02:31)

1) Go on a shopping spree

「買い物三昧」や「爆買い」することを英語で“go on a shopping spree”と表現します。“spree”はパーっと何かをしたり、何かをしまくることを意味することから、“go on a shopping spree”は買い物をしまくることを意味します。

  • I went on a shopping spree today.
  • Let’s go on a shopping spree.
  • My wife went on a shopping spree and bought all kinds of stuff.

2) Splurge


ちなみに「〜で贅沢する」と言いたい場合は、“splurge on ~”と言います。

  • Come on. We’re on vacation. Let’s live it up and splurge a little.
  • Let’s splurge on a nice hotel.
  • It’s our wedding anniversary today, so let’s splurge on an expensive bottle of wine.
  • I went on a shopping spree and splurged on a Louis Vuitton bag today.


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