
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

Hapa Eikaiwa on FacebookHapa Eikaiwa on TwitterHapa Eikaiwa on YouTubeHapa 英会話 Instagram



Released: 2023.11.17





【Kimi】I guess you can shop on Instagram now.

【Robert】Oh really?

【Kimi】I like to use it for online shopping and also to see what my friends are up to. Yeah. Facebook I don’t use anymore but I know my parents do. (laughs) So, yeah. What about you?

【Robert】You know what’s funny, now that you say that? I think that was, like the definition—Instagram’s definition that you just put—was for Facebook almost, like ten years ago. “I just want to see what my friends up to—what they’re looking into.”

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】You know? And so Instagram’s become that new thing that people are going to…to check up on their—their loved ones. And I think that’s cool. That’s why I still use…I still use Facebook, the Messenger at least.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】And, like Instagram to, like keep up with—with my friends I haven’t seen in a long time because I lived in Germany for about a year and I—I also lived in Guatemala for a couple of months. And I—I have a lot of, like lifelong friends I made and they can only talk to me through social media because the phone service—you know, extra charges for text messaging and all that—it makes communication really difficult.

【Kimi】Mm hm.

【Robert】So they have to use, like Facebook, Instagram, Discord, Twitter even…


【Robert】…to—to communicate. So I think that’s, like perfectly fine if people just want to check in on their friends.

【Kimi】Yeah, that’s true. And I also—one more thing I use Facebook for is—I guess finding events that’s around your city.

【Robert】Oh, yeah. Same, same.


【Robert】Yeah, yeah.

【Kimi】Like, you’ll find events, like what’s happening this weekend or if there’s a concert going on or some kind of sale or a pop-up shop and that’s what I…I use Facebook for.

【Robert】Oh yeah.

【Kimi】And I get a lot of ads…

【Robert】Oh really?

【Kimi】…whenever I’m…I happen to be looking for a pan I’ll start getting ads of, like pans. And then it’s—honestly, it works.

【Robert】Oh yeah. I mean, that’s what AdSense is for.


【Robert】They really detect what you’re interested in and they start sending you what you want.

【Kimi】Yeah. See? AI is scary. (laughs) I’m just kidding.

【Robert】Oh, yeah! But that’s not—I think that’s, like basic. That’s just, like…that’s just—if you put in, like, “oh search ‘pots…’”


【Robert】…and they go, like, “oh, you searched ‘pots.’”


【Robert】We know a lot of pot places.

【Kimi】Yeah. (laughs)

【Robert】And then… (laughs) …I definitely agree with the—the events. It’s so helpful. Like 626 Night Market?


【Robert】So good. The food and then the—my friends are like, “Oh, let’s go some time.” And then they’ll put the event on and they’ll show me the Facebook event. And I’m like, “Oh, okay. Cool.” And I can remember.


【Robert】So yeah.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Robert still use Facebook?
  2. What two countries did Robert once live in outside of the United States?
  3. What’s one reason that Kimi uses Facebook?



  1. He still uses Facebook—at least the Messenger app—to keep in touch with his loved ones.
  2. He once lived in both Germany and Guatemala.
  3. She uses it to find local events like sales and pop-up shops.



Kimi and Robert continue their discussion of social media and how they both use it. Kimi doesn’t use Facebook as much as she used to and she says that her parents actually use it more than she does.

Robert still uses Facebook, though he mostly uses the Messenger app. His main reason for using it is to keep in touch with his friends and loved ones.

Robert made a lot of friends while he lived in Germany and Guatemala. Because it’s expensive to text internationally, the Facebook Messenger app is a good way for him to communicate with those friends abroad.

Kimi does still use Facebook to help her find local events, such as pop-up shops and sales. That said, she does admit that in using Facebook, she receives a lot of advertisements.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Shop(買い物をする)

shopを名詞で使う場合は「お店」ですが、動詞として使う場合は「買い物をする」を意味します。実際のお店に行って買い物する意味としても使えますし、ネットショッピングをする意味としても使えます。例えば、「私はショッピングモールに行ってお買い物をするのが好きです」は“I like to shop at the mall.”、「私は普段インスタグラムで買い物をします」は“I usually shop on Instagram.”と言います。

  • Let’s shop for new clothes today.
  • I need to shop for groceries after work.
  • I typically shop online on sites like Amazon or Rakuten.

2) Be up to(何かをしてる)

be up toはdoと似たような意味合いがあり、何かをしていることを意味します。一般的に、be up toは相手の予定を尋ねる時や近況を尋ねるときに使われます。例えば、友達に、「今週末の予定は?」と聞く場合は、“What are you up to this weekend?”、久しぶりに会った友達に近況を尋ねる場合は、“What have you been up?”のように言います。

ただし、“What are you up to this weekend?”と聞かれた時に、“I’m up to studying English.”のように表現することはできず、基本的に相手が何をしているのかを聞きたい時に使われます。

  • What are you up to tonight? Do you want to grab dinner or something?
  • I haven’t seen you in ages. What have you been up to?
  • Let’s text Peter and see what he’s up to today.

3) Check up on(〜を調べる、確認する)

check up onは何かや誰かについて調べたり、尋ねたりして、状態を確認することを意味します。例えば、体調があまり良くない祖母の家に行って、彼女の様子を確認する場合は、“I’m going to visit my grandma and check up on her.”(おばあちゃんの家に行って様子を見てきます)、ずっと同じ体勢で寝ている生後間もない赤ちゃんが心配になり様子を見に行く場合は、“I’m going to go and check up on the baby.”(赤ちゃんの様子を見てくるね)と言います。

  • Last weekend, I went to my uncle’s house and checked up on him.
  • I’ll check up on the progress of the project with the team tomorrow.
  • Let me check up on the status of our flight to make sure there’s no delay.

4) Check in on(確認する)

check in onは誰かが元気であるか、安全であるか、または援助が必要でないかを確認するために、その人を訪れたり、連絡をとったりすることを意味します。例えば、「時々、母は私の様子を確認するために電話をしてくれる」という場合は、“Every now and then, my mom calls and checks in on me.”と表現します。

先ほど紹介したcheck up onと同じような意味を持っているため、 “Every now and then, my mom calls and checks up on me.”と言っても間違いではありません。厳密に言えば、check in onの方がよりカジュアルな感じで連絡をしたり訪問するニュアンスがあります。しかし、実際の日常会話では、アメリカ人はcheck in onとcheck up onを同じ意味で使うことがよくあります。

  • I just called to check in on you. Are you feeling better?
  • I’m going to check in on my grandpa and see how he’s doing.
  • I do my best to check in on my friends regularly.

5) Same here(私も)

same hereは相手と同感だったり、同じ経験を共有する時に使われ、「私も」や「同じく」を意味します。me tooの代わりに使えるよりカジュアルで口語的な言い方です。例えば、友達が“I feel like eating okonomkiyaki tonight.(今夜はお好み焼きを食べたい気分だ)”と言ったときに、“Same here!(私も)”と返事をすることができます。


  • You played basketball in high school? Same here.
  • Same here. I prefer paper books over ebooks.
  • You don’t feel like going out tonight? Same. Let’s just stay in and watch a movie.



  • Lifelong friends・・・生涯の友人
  • Perfectly fine・・・ 至極当然のような
  • (It) works・・・効果ある
  • Detect・・・検知する


  • Now that you say that・・・そう言われると
  • Loved ones・・・親しい人たち
  • Keep up with・・・様子をチェックする
  • Happen to be・・・たまたま


今回のエピソードで登場している二人のスピーカーは、南ロサンゼルスのサウスベイ地区・トーランス市にある全クラス個人レッスン制の英会話スクール、BYB English Centerで活躍している講師です。BYB English Centerの詳細はこちらから。
BYB English Center

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